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Armyissue July 6th, 2011 01:35

Mack Bolan AirSoft
So a few years ago I put some asg's to good use. They were rented by a Co. for novel cover pics for Mack Bolan. If you are not familiar with Mack he's James bond meets GI Joe. But no one really knows who he works for. I'll dig around some more and see if there are some more covers but this was a fun project. Glad some made it to print, doesn't look toooo cheesey.
yeah thats my p90 with 9mm shells falling out....:(

oh busted...on set....

Ozone06 July 6th, 2011 01:37

Nice! Airsoft occasionally pays!!

THe_Silencer July 6th, 2011 01:57

Are these books any good?

Disco_Dante July 6th, 2011 08:35


Originally Posted by THe_Silencer (Post 1495964)
Are these books any good?

I'm going to venture out on a limb here and say probably not.

ShelledPants July 6th, 2011 09:03

"Terrorists plot to poison America's food supply"

I want to read it to find out how the author proposed to make their food less healthy.

Coma July 6th, 2011 09:13


Originally Posted by THe_Silencer (Post 1495964)
Are these books any good?

As far as I know the series has been running since the Eighties. I read a few and they are pretty terrible. Goodwill usually has a few for about fifty cents if you are really curious.

Skladfin July 6th, 2011 09:21


Disco_Dante July 6th, 2011 09:34


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1496034)
"Terrorists plot to poison America's food supply"

I want to read it to find out how the author proposed to make their food less healthy.

50% off sale at Burger King

shiftsup July 6th, 2011 09:41

I read a few when I was a kid when the A Team and Mike Hammer were television shows, First Blood was in the theatres and GI Joe was a cartoon with a massive action figure lineup.

As pulp fiction they were ok. I was too young then to catch all the embedded satire. Not sure if the satire can be found in the current Mack Bolan novels. The one man war against the Mafia storyline was fairly entertaining.

Occasionally I still read the odd novel that is written in this style. George Robert Elford's The Devil's Guard is a good read (which made me read Spencer Chapman's The Jungle is Neutral; which is excellent and not written in this style).

However, I do prefer the painted covers from the 70's and 80's Bolan paperbacks.

Tankdude July 6th, 2011 09:55


Originally Posted by THe_Silencer (Post 1495964)
Are these books any good?

If you are 10 years old they are great.

I read quite a few when I was young.

Almost makes me want to buy a 93r and an automag.

Aegiis July 6th, 2011 10:08


Originally Posted by Tankdude (Post 1496057)
If you are 10 years old they are great.

I read quite a few when I was young.

Almost makes me want to buy a 93r and an automag.

Yep, quite like the fast food of books, aimed at teenagers. The original Mafia Wars covers were amazing for a kid

From :


Mack Bolan, alias The Executioner, is a fictional character who has been serialized in over six hundred novels with sales of more than 200 million, according to Created by Don Pendleton, Bolan made his first appearance on the printed page in 1969's War Against the Mafia. Pendleton wrote thirty-seven other novels featuring Bolan, often referred to as the "Mafia Wars". In 1980, Pendleton sold his rights to the character to Gold Eagle who hired a number of ghostwriters to continue publishing Bolan monthly to keep up with reader demand worldwide. Don Pendleton remained credited as the sole author and supervised these new adventures which traveled the Bolan character all over the world fighting terrorism. This new series of books featured Bolan as a principled warrior fighting larger than life adversaries in the spirit of a tougher American version of James Bond. The demand for the books continued and Gold Eagle began releasing as many as fifteen titles annually. In addition, Bolan was "spun off" into several new adventure book series which also carried the Mack Bolan/Don Pendleton names and sold extremely well. As of 2009, there are more than twelve Mack Bolan novels published every year worldwide by Gold Eagle Books, a division of Harlequin Books

Armyissue July 6th, 2011 10:29

Mack Bolan novels published every year worldwide by Gold Eagle Books, a division of Harlequin Books
as in Harlequin Romance novels for boys

m102404 July 6th, 2011 10:34

Anyone who slags the Executioner is a mouth breathing retard...

....or had missed out on a great childhood...

* as a written story...they're crap
* as a written story about some hard ass blowing the shit out of bad guys...they're...still pretty crappy
* as a story about some hard ass blowing the shit out of bad's just fine for material to flag on the crapper

Basic-Wedge July 6th, 2011 10:38

I do like the looks of that Elcan on a G36.

BloodSport July 6th, 2011 21:13

They started sometime in the early 80's the earlier novels started off in Vietnam and then back in the USA where Mack fought against organized crime (aka the Mob) kind of like a rogue Punisher character, then he progressed into a Special Operative working for the government as primarily a Lone wolf operator. The series expanded to add additional teams for spin off series with overlapping story lines. Each novel is actually based on a timeline following the previous novel and sometimes has events stretching over 3 or 4 novels.

Not a bad series, Don Pendleton's a great writer and some of his other works have been made into TV series.

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