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Aedan798 May 10th, 2011 08:14

Stargate Airsoft Game ?
Hey everyone !

I had a awesome idea (which has already been probably disscused but anyway) I know there is people who know how to build stargate (O.O they are the Ancients haha joke but they are awesome :P) and I was probing the idea of a 24hours stargate sim and would like to know if there was a complete working system (as there is for any LARP (GN en français)) how would you get the idea of that

there would be Wraith or Goa' uld/Jafa as the enemy ( we need to shoot them because we love to :D )

there would be mission with spesific time frame before the complete galaxy die from someone (what ? we all loveto save the galaxy)

there would be a good scenario which would be all explain later (if it happen to be running)

if you have more question on this feel free to post or PM for anything

PS: I speak both English and French so if you need any translation feel free to ask

ToRN May 10th, 2011 08:42

SnowDragons put on a game at FR in Ontario ....4? years ago, and there are some guys in Quebec who have a pretty good SG gear setup.

Talk to ZeonPrime if you're serious about it, he's a huge nerd. :P

L473ncy May 10th, 2011 08:47

My suggestion, get some games under your belt first, then some game marshall/admin experience THEN you can start to make more elaborate scenarios. Go under the wing of an established organizer and discuss it.

I know it's been done before. I think they constructed the gate out of wood in like 4 quarter sections or something then put it together and wired it up with blue christmas lights to emulate the gate activating.

Aedan798 May 10th, 2011 10:59

Well I didnt said that I would do it like this year but it is just to get the idea of how many people would like to and how they see it more or less

Hades May 10th, 2011 13:10

Buzzrexx May 10th, 2011 22:09

I hope to be putting one together for later on this summer. Let me know if you had any detailed objectives/ scenario ideas. I'd like to make a good closeout on my Atlantis trilogy.

Aedan798 May 11th, 2011 11:35

Well I do have some ideas depend on what timeframe you want that how complicated and what resources you have at your disposal

Zeonprime May 11th, 2011 13:00


Originally Posted by ToRN (Post 1463276)
SnowDragons put on a game at FR in Ontario ....4? years ago, and there are some guys in Quebec who have a pretty good SG gear setup.

Talk to ZeonPrime if you're serious about it, he's a huge nerd. :P

6 years ago.

we had 120ish players if I recall.

Coma May 11th, 2011 13:03

Zeon's first Stargate game was actually the first I ever went to. There were some problems involving using the Gate and other scenario issues, but the game was hella fun. So I echo the earlier advice to send a PM to Zeon Prime.

There is another Ontario team who have an SG1 theme, you might want to look them up too.

Derpystronk May 11th, 2011 20:44

I kind of wish I wasn't such a nerd, as I'd avoid such games. Sadly, I am now anticipating this.

I want in, badly. BuzzRexx, make it happen.

ToRN May 12th, 2011 13:03

I spent quite a bit of time building that gate, haha... Almost cried when it broke putting it up.

Edit: Does anyone still have pictures/video from that?

Covax July 12th, 2011 07:09

I know for a fact that if I ever get my film team up to Ottawa for a game they'd come dressed in thier Stargate: Hades costumes.

Zeonprime July 12th, 2011 10:24


Originally Posted by ToRN (Post 1464552)
I spent quite a bit of time building that gate, haha... Almost cried when it broke putting it up.

Edit: Does anyone still have pictures/video from that?

I came across the photos the other day...want me to email them to you?

ToRN July 12th, 2011 16:44

Yeah, if you can Z I had the computer that had them all stolen 3 years ago, haha

Red62 July 15th, 2011 17:16

Come on Buzz, we're waiting for that Atlantis game to come online!

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