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vega force sopmod vs kwa
i am trying to make an extreeeeeeeeeeemly tough decision right now and im wondering if you guys can be of some assistance. i am in for a new rifle and i have my eye on two companies in particular. vega force m4 sopmod has tickled my fancy since i saw it. the same goes for the kwa m16 br and the kwa sr12. im jsut wondering how these two companies can compare to each other seeing as they are such high end companies. i know the kwa internals are different from vega force and have proven themself all over the world. i have also herd wonderful things about evega force. im looking to place my order this week so any realistic comparision anyone can do from experience would help alot. thanks guys and thanks asc!
From my own experience VFC wins hands down ive never had any luck with KWA and in no way would i consider them equal to VFC, my Sopmod has been a reliable rifle for over a year now never missed a beat running an 11.1 lipo
I have a VFC M4 SOPMOD - excellent gun, you cannot go wrong by getting one
The external finish of the VFC M4's is very, very nice. The mechboxes depend on what "line" you're getting from what retailer. The original batches that landed here were the "sportline" mechboxes. Basically entry grade, but decent, internal parts. As you probably know...internals are easy to get, and cheaper to replace vs. externals.
If this one is one of the ones with their "bolt release"...it's much like the KA fake bolt release where the "bolt" is just a little tin plate that snaps forward when you push the bolt release button. Kind of neat, but after a dozen tries you'll probably tire of using it. I'm of mixed opinion on the KWA rifles. They are well built external/internal. They cycle well...and shoot well. However, there were (don't know if it's still this way) issues that from the factory they were not loctite'ing the aluminum piston head. It would separate from the piston and wreak all sorts of havok on the internals. Also...while there are pros and cons to this...they use a 2 piece hopup system (a la TM M4). Over the years I've seen lots and lots of broken TM upper hopups (mostly from guys closing the rifle up improperly, but also a couple of times from when guys blew the front of their mechboxes). Guarder makes a TM replacement....but IMO it doesn't seal well at all. The KWA nozzle has a rib along the top to guide/align it with their upper hopup (which the TM one doesn't). Good idea or not, it makes the options for getting replacement pieces limited (typically you can just order them direct from KWA though). And...don't know if this has changed....the KWA asthetics have always been so-so. The receiver/etc looks almost painted black...somewhat glossy black. It may not be...just looks that way. That's a personal preference sort of thing. So...if I had to pick between the two...I would take the VFC. Nice externals, decent build...doing up the internals is easy and quick (I'd just buy a drop in G&P or KA mechbox). Standard internals/externals to work with. |
just a little curious your saying to drop in a g&p mech box isent the vega force one better. i honestly dont know myself as ive never payed attention to vega forceuntil now and i had noidea how nice they really were. also i was plannign on grabbing the m4 sopmof from vfc from mach1 airsoft and from what reviews i could find it doesent seeem to be an e series but a d series. now im going off what everyone else is going off and thats their website which only lists the sopmod under the d series. just some clarification would help if theres any to be had at all lol. thanks alot guys.
Don't mistake me...it's not that I think the VFC mechboxes are sub-par or prone to failure. They function quite well. My comment that I'd simply drop in a mechbox was more along the lines of...if/when the stock mechbox goes down I wouldn't bother fixing it up piece by piece, but rather would just buy a complete mechbox and drop it in.
And with the VFC...you have that option of just buying a complete mechbox and dropping it in....whereas with the KWA you don't. I've built/worked on/tuned/upgraded plenty of mechboxes...but I'm at a point now where I just wouldn't bother for my own gun. :) |
Ive bought many airsoft rifles and brands and the only ones that have been trouble free and well worth the price ( my experience only ) are VFC and Real Sword oh and ICS M4's in their starter line up.
Not trying to diss any other brands or users of those brands my VFC Sopmod has been bullet proof in all conditions well worth the investment to me |
I've got a Socom Gear M4, which comes with Madbull Noveske/DD RIS, KX3 flash hider, engraved body, and VFC E-Series gearbox. Best of all it's cheaper than a VFC.
well from the looks of things im going with the vfc sopmod. i still realyl wnat an m16 but that can wait because i want a reliable brain basher first adn thats gonna be my sopmod. thanks for the help guys now anyone can recommend a good m16 lol? i know nothing about airsoft m16's just m14s andm4 although m4s may be very similar they are fundamentally different in their roles. i hope you guys dont think im trying to be hand fed ivedone plenty of research on these guns its jsut i can never decide. they all have something i want. my mind is made up on the vfc but now on to the future lol. can just sit with one gun:D
Good choice.
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