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BearJew February 27th, 2011 21:03

trigger conectors
the trigger conector in my gun wont stop bending out of place is there a good way to fix or just go ahead and buy a new one.

Styrak February 27th, 2011 21:58

You should post in the gundoctor section.
Also, could you explain a bit more? Not sure what you mean exactly.

BearJew February 27th, 2011 22:10

well i took my gun apart and bent the trigger conector back and the mortor was spinning and as soon as i put the gun back the conector bent out of place so the gun does not fire when i pull the trigger

HKGhost February 27th, 2011 22:20

If you're talking about the contacts in the trigger assembly, they're suppose to "spring" back to position after the trigger is pulled. If it doesn't, even after bending it together, then they might be toast. It would help if you can take some pics of it's current state.

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