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Korunos February 21st, 2011 18:42

Swat Vest
Searched the forums for a Canadian retailer and either can't find anyone with them in stock, or I completely missed it. I managed to find this on RedwolfAirsoft

I would rather support a Canadian Airsoft retailer instead of sending my money overseas. I don't want used from the classifieds, I am looking for new. So if anyone has any information, it would be appreciated.

sarcastro February 21st, 2011 19:38

I have it, bought it from ASC mart, haven't checked if they still have it though.

It's by far the best quality vest of this type I have seen, definitely worth the extra bucks over the cheaper ones out there.

FOX_111 February 21st, 2011 19:39

That's very oldschool.
If it's not a particular look you are trying to replicate, I suggest you look into more modern kit.

Those vest turn up often in the classified too.

scurvythepirate February 21st, 2011 19:54

I would also agree with what Fox said, molle is much better than velcro.

HeadlessChicken February 21st, 2011 20:59

I have it, only used it once for gaming (now reserved more as a Halloween costume), not crazy about the pouches that comes with. Its quite big and bulky even without all the pouches on so not bad for staying warm but sucks if your playing indoor CQB. I agree with Fox, I find my molle vests are more useful and I can vary my loadouts.

Korunos February 22nd, 2011 17:21

Thanks for the info

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