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Frozen Tex January 7th, 2011 17:44

The Shiny New SMG/Machine Pistol Thread
While there's a thread dedicated to the P90, and a PDW thread that seems to focus almost exclusively on KAC PDWs and MP7s, and one or two manufacturer related threads (i.e. H&K), there's nothing out there for all the other sug-guns that fall through the cracks. So, while I'm no expert or huge collector myself, I know you're out there... Uzis, Ingrams, MP9s, and other various types...
I'll get the ball rolling with my recently aquired, as-yet-to-be-gamed, KWA MP9!

(And if you're wondering why the muzzle is cleverly concealed in both shots, it's because I've not yet had the opportunity to fix the evil orange.)

Now get going and show us your submachine guns and machine pistols!

Ballcancer January 8th, 2011 16:24

3 Attachment(s)
Just picked it up today! My god is this thing loud! Sorry Tex but I had to put mine in there as well :D

HeadlessChicken January 8th, 2011 16:58

I know, still got the orange on it but this is an old pic.

Frozen Tex January 8th, 2011 23:15


Originally Posted by Ballcancer (Post 1383210)
Just picked it up today! My god is this thing loud! Sorry Tex but I had to put mine in there as well :D

Well, this is the place for it now...

And yeah, I love the sound it makes... :D

Ballcancer January 8th, 2011 23:28

I have to say though that after firing this beast for the first time, I had a smile on my face that didnt go away for a while, that and I had to change my shorts too lol

spartan117 January 8th, 2011 23:48

Qlong January 9th, 2011 00:48

Ballcancer January 9th, 2011 01:07

I was wondering when I was going to see that again lol

Ballcancer January 10th, 2011 00:08

Common people let's see some eye candy !!

Ballcancer January 12th, 2011 14:15

So after about 15 or so mags through my MP9 there are two flaws that develope. Basically the bolt does not cycle forward enough to alow part #153 to be disengaged and allow the Hammer to function and return to battery ( in guessing this acts as a drop safety of some sorts). A quick solutions is to just push the exposed portion of the bolt forwad which in turn pulls part 153 all the way forward, but we all know this would be problematic in a fire fight. I went through the KWA forums and spoke with alizard.. Who is greatto deal with.. the spring that is connected to part 153 (part 162) is a tad to strong.. So I stuck a screw driver in the spring and stretched it a little bit (a noticeable gap was produced ) and the problem was fixed and the part still functions as it's supposed to.

A second flaw was found with the bolt catch. The end part of the bolt catch which is actually in contact with the bolt at all times is stamped steel ( info taken from the kwa forums). The corner of the end piece are sharp and constantly grind against the bolt and slowly cuts into it. I ground the corners down and noticed that the old ridges were not being cut into any more ( after about 5 mags on full auto). The bolt catch still functions perfecty.

Thought anyone who purchase this fantastic gun (other than those two quick problems I am not being sarcastic) may have these problems arise, and this would help.

TokyoSeven January 12th, 2011 14:21

Is an oldie but always a goodie.

Ballcancer January 12th, 2011 14:33

And how long is that silencer again??

cooney January 12th, 2011 17:29]


TokyoSeven January 12th, 2011 17:30


Originally Posted by Ballcancer (Post 1385905)
And how long is that silencer again??

I think it was around 14 inches.
About the same length as a stock TM M4 inner barrel.

Ballcancer January 12th, 2011 18:41

Haha front heavy and you cab touch someone before they shoot lol hmmm.... Safer way of mercy maybe lol

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