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Wh1t3y November 17th, 2010 14:14

Airsoft spending regrets?
So today I decided that I was going to buy my honey an engagement ring, y'know - seal the deal. Anyway, I spent a couple of hours browsing around and found the perfect ring. It didn't take too long as she has the same taste as I. Upon finishing the order I learned that my Visa was over it's limit and the transaction didn't go through. Three days ago I completed an order for a new $80 Voodoo LBV and it just so happens that today my bank withdrew my outstanding interest. $80 is almost the exact difference in funds I need on my card ($71.47). I'm between jobs right now so I have no source of income so I feel like a big idiot right now. Anyways I told my girl and we both laughed, she says I look sexy in my new LBV anyway, but I still feel awful.

Anyway, I thought this was kind of a humorous little tale regarding the amount of spending airsoft requires.

Let me hear yours! :)

sarosh November 17th, 2010 14:22

i just always say i wont buy anything else, then i end up seeing something i want. use it for like a week, realise i dont need it or want it cause i dont like it and end up selling it haha, or i just dont use it and there goes my money

Spike November 17th, 2010 14:26

My AK>SVD conversion gun I bought which "needed a new hopup"....fuck.

Also, my first gun had a Dboys metal body and stock TM internals....fuck again.

Styrak November 17th, 2010 14:27

If $80 breaks the bank for you, you have other problems.

Wh1t3y November 17th, 2010 14:27

Yeah I hear that. Last month my "I won't spend anymore money on airsoft this month" Turned into a drop leg holster, some metal mags, a new battery, a sniper mesh, and of course a new pair of BDU pants. lol.

Wh1t3y November 17th, 2010 14:32

C'mon Styrak, you seriously can't understand why I can't afford a $450 engagement ring when I'm between jobs and have a maxed out Visa? I know you don't like to post anything positive, but any HUMAN BEING can determine that this is just silly situation that ANYONE could find themselves in.

Lighten up man, honestly - it's not like I don't have a job lined up or something. I'm simply BETWEEN jobs.

Schlyder November 17th, 2010 14:33

Visa won't go through when purchasing engagement ring.....
It's a sign.

Wh1t3y November 17th, 2010 14:36


Originally Posted by Schlyder (Post 1351867)
Visa won't go through when purchasing engagement ring.....
It's a sign.

Should I put the $450 towards a GBBR then?


Schlyder November 17th, 2010 14:44

hahahahaha no just, that #1, you should likely get a job first.
#2, save the money for the ring, you are already spending money you don't have, like a drunken sailor. #3 You should probably spend more than $450. on your engagement ring.... if you like sex. Traditionally, I believe it is the equivalent of 3 months wages.

Styrak November 17th, 2010 14:47


Originally Posted by Wh1t3y (Post 1351866)
C'mon Styrak, you seriously can't understand why I can't afford a $450 engagement ring when I'm between jobs and have a maxed out Visa? I know you don't like to post anything positive, but any HUMAN BEING can determine that this is just silly situation that ANYONE could find themselves in.

Lighten up man, honestly - it's not like I don't have a job lined up or something. I'm simply BETWEEN jobs.

I don't post only negative stuff, like you say.

It's just that this is the problem with the current generation/general public. Spending money they don't have, and using credit like cash. Not a good idea.

Wh1t3y November 17th, 2010 14:48

Haha great advice, but my girlfriend would probably stop putting out if I spent over $500, I had to tell her it was a $150 ring. She's so anti-materialistic it's not funny. lol.

Wh1t3y November 17th, 2010 14:52


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1351879)
I don't post only negative stuff, like you say.

It's just that this is the problem with the current generation/general public. Spending money they don't have, and using credit like cash. Not a good idea.

I consider you a highly insightful and intelligent person Styrak, and if you had of made this post originally instead of the much more demeaning/condescending one I wouldn't have had an issue with it in the least.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Schlyder November 17th, 2010 14:53

Chics = $$$ flying out your ass.

Brian McIlmoyle November 17th, 2010 14:53

tools for success

1. Job
2. pay off credit card
3. Save enough cash for 3 months of expenses
4. Save minimum 10% of all income forever
5. Save money for Ring-( not touching 3 and 4 above )
6. give ring to GF
7.Start saving for wedding
8.stop being a chump and buying shit you can't afford

AS Spending Regrets--- none yet... and I'm easily $25000 in

aZn_triXta07 November 17th, 2010 14:58

I regret buying something for resale that doesn't sell :P

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