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L473ncy November 4th, 2010 10:06

ACM Magpul hoodies
I don't know if this belongs here or in Off Topic but I hope this is the right section.

I thought this was pretty funny when I saw it:

I kind of want one... Then again if there's an LV or Goyard hoodie/bunnyhug with their respective monograms all over it I'd be sold on that too (as one of those hipster ironic things.... I'n totally not metrosexual or anything.... although I don't know why but I've been enjoying lattes a lot lately for some reason.... and kind of want a macbook pro too.....).

Drake November 4th, 2010 10:09

Looks too gangsta...

R.I.T.Z November 4th, 2010 10:17
any links to an actual store?

pugs144 November 4th, 2010 10:18

Even Elton John thinks those hoodies are ghey.

Crunchmeister November 4th, 2010 10:19


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1343680)
Looks too gangsta...

Totally second that. I can see the thugs in the ghetto wearing this shit proudly.

Able1 November 4th, 2010 10:29

with AFGs mounted on their glock 17s lol.

Coresair November 4th, 2010 10:40

I'd buy a Magpul hoodie, if they we're plain black/OD/whatever with a discreet logo on it but this... Fugly IMO.

L473ncy November 4th, 2010 11:03


Originally Posted by Able1 (Post 1343693)
with AFGs mounted on their glock 17s lol.

Wouldn't that totally just rip your thumb off? Lol. If they adopted AFG's on their Glock 17's I could see a lot of emergency room cases (twisted wrists because you just gotta hold it sideways and hold the AFG sideways like that too and secondly ripped thumbs) and a sharp decrease in drive by's and gang shootings.

I kind of find it funny that there's no shit that these Chinese companies won't make. I can understand things like North Face, Adidas, Nike, Puma, Converse and all that but a Magpul hoodie like this is just getting a bit crazy. But you never know, maybe there's some Airsofter in China/HK or wherever that will actually buy that stuff.

PS: I rep da ACM 4 lyf3 y0!

grantmac November 4th, 2010 12:32

Actual Magpul clothing is already pretty reasonable and looks good, I don't see how they will succeed with this junk.

Gerkraz November 4th, 2010 12:45

is that a twinkie on the hoodie?

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