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Headsniper October 24th, 2010 12:16

Sniper Alley now has airsoft on Tuesdays
Sniper Alley is now having airsoft on tuesdays. Only $24.99 plus tax for 3 hours of field time. Located in St Catharines at 514 Queenston Street Unit 11
Check us out at or call us at 905-685-8885 for further details.

Styrak October 24th, 2010 13:07

Reported for advertising.

Daiviet October 24th, 2010 13:32

lol, come on now styrak, its not like he's trying to sell cellphones or laptops. They're just trying to promote their field as being welcoming to airsofters. The least we could do is show a little grattitude

Cobrajr122 October 24th, 2010 13:42

oh well, rules are rules. If people get their posts deleted for promoting airsoft gear, why should this pass.

And $25+ tax (plus gas, plus BBs) for 3 hours is RIDICULES.... imo

cooney October 24th, 2010 23:14


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 1337597)
And $25+ tax (plus gas, plus BBs) for 3 hours is RIDICULES.... imo

I would pay max 150$ if my game was hosted in an amazing place. But if Sniper Alley is a fun quality field with good owners, then it might be worth the 25$ for 3 hours. It's not about the price, it's about quality.

sushicake October 24th, 2010 23:31


Originally Posted by Cooney (Post 1337888)
I would pay max 150$ if my game was hosted in an amazing place. But if Sniper Alley is a fun quality field with good owners, then it might be worth the 25$ for 3 hours. It's not about the price, it's about quality.

But if you have quality and price then it's win win. IE. London or FR

FACE October 24th, 2010 23:39


Originally Posted by Cooney (Post 1337888)
I would pay max 150$ if my game was hosted in an amazing place. But if Sniper Alley is a fun quality field with good owners, then it might be worth the 25$ for 3 hours. It's not about the price, it's about quality.

Sorry Cooney, I'll have to disagree with you on this one. This field, after checking out the website, is definitely not worth $25. I'd pay max $10 dollars for 3 hours and that's because I'd be spending 3 hours after just cleaning all the sand and dirt out of my gun. Not to mention it's a small place and you probably won't be able to use your AEG there. There MAX fps for paintball is 260 to 280.

The only plus is that it's indoors.

pusangani October 24th, 2010 23:49

Lol think of it as $10 an hour and buy 2 get the 3rd half off

MrEvolution October 25th, 2010 00:25

From what I was told from local players, You can have a max of 3v3 inside, PLUS cleaning all the sand out of your stuff.

Thenooblord October 25th, 2010 01:18

any1 find it ironic that this apperently really small venue is called "sniper alley"

Headsniper October 25th, 2010 11:09

Hey guys wow quite the responses sorry that some of you may feel that the price is too high but we did run airsoft last winter and there were no complaints from the players regarding price. As for the comment about the field size the field is 14000 sq feet with 2 levels to it so as for small im sorry i beg to differ with you. I merely posted it on this website mainly because winter is coming and i have had alot of interest from players in the area to play airsoft at this field just figured some of the players here would be of interest. Also as for the quote about the sand basicly all you would have to do is keep your gun out of the sand pretty common sense i would think. With knowing how to maintain your gun properly this would not be an issue either. As for the players here that had posted positive respones i hope to see you in the future.

cooney October 25th, 2010 11:20

What about goggles? Do we require only paintball goggles and face mask?

Is it also true only 3 on 3 max players at the field?

VooDooPeteK October 25th, 2010 11:22

I would play at any field, but I will say the price is a bit much for this area. You have to remember that we are used to a $10 fee at the local field.

Yea we might not get a lot of play time right now but on most days we get 3 hours of play.

I understand there is overhead and bills but for 24.99 +hst I assume alot of guy will just pack a van or 2 up and hit up the Tdot area for indoor

L473ncy October 25th, 2010 11:29


Originally Posted by Headsniper (Post 1338094)
Hey guys wow quite the responses sorry that some of you may feel that the price is too high but we did run airsoft last winter and there were no complaints from the players regarding price.

Who are we to knock you if you get players flocking to your field. You run your business however you want and either no one will go because of too high prices or you'll get players willing to pay to play. It's as simple as that. I'm sure you've stumbled across supply demand curves so simply set a price, see how much demand there is and profit accordingly. We're not trying to play free (although that would be cool) but we understand you have a business to run and need to make a profit too.

Maybe you should post the rules? ie. since it's an indoor field I assume 330 FPS on .20's (1 Joule) will be the velocity limits. What about paintball goggles (full mask or just ASTM goggles?) or mesh or ballistic goggles? What exactly does your insurance stipulate?

Headsniper October 25th, 2010 11:30

Yes you have to wear googles or mask either airsoft or paintball as for 3 on 3 no this facilty holds over 50 players.


Originally Posted by Cooney (Post 1338102)
What about goggles? Do we require only paintball goggles and face mask?

Is it also true only 3 on 3 max players at the field?

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