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Krandon October 11th, 2010 23:35

Thought on Aftermath products?
Title says it all lol. The reason I say is because Cabela's has their Aftermath products on sale..and the Aftermath Knight CQB AEG looks really nice.


surebet October 11th, 2010 23:42


there is much better stuff out there, even at close prices

Krandon October 11th, 2010 23:43


MegaFacepalm October 11th, 2010 23:46


I bought that exact rifle once, from a Cabela's too.

It broke on my second day of owning it. Your experience with it might be better, but I still wouldn't recommend it.

I brought it back to Cabela's and they were nice enough to give me a full refund. I spent an extra 50 dollars and got a G&G M4.

surebet October 11th, 2010 23:47


Originally Posted by Krandon (Post 1330876)

Well, pretty damn near everything. Google it, check the link in my sig, make up your mind.

Statua October 11th, 2010 23:55


Originally Posted by surebet (Post 1330875)

there is much better stuff out there, even at close prices

Oh yeah? I've had the aftermath kraken for well over a year now with approximately 3000 rounds (didn't do much in the summer unfortunately) and I have had no problems what so ever. Just take care of it, don't throw it around like a toy, clean it after each game, charge the batteries correctly, put silicone grease after 10,000 rounds, etc.

As for performance, it's pretty damn accurate up to at least 200 feet and it's strong enough to have drawn blood on my elbow and neck (yeah I didn't have a lot of protection but it was pretty hot out). I even sniped my friends forehead through some trees that were like less than 2 inches apart and was 15m away. Ironsights and standing.

The other guns are pretty damn good too so don't lay down the junk bomb right off the bat...

doc_pathfinders October 12th, 2010 02:05


Originally Posted by Statua (Post 1330887)
The other guns are pretty damn good too so don't lay down the junk bomb right off the bat...

no offense but what might have worked for you for 3000 bb's (which isn't exactly a good sample size, like saying you've done 30 thousand miles in a new car without a problem.. good but not exactly 'wow') won't work for everyone else. will you guarantee that the AEG he picks up won't die in the first magazine? no, you won't..

the reason people lay the 'junk' bomb down is because, after using AEG's from companies with a proven long-term track record, they are by comparision, junk.

they are cheap, they can serve a purpose (getting people into the sport) but at the end of the day they are inferior to many other brands in terms of general long-term reliability due to the lack of quality components and Quality control.

just my 2 (euro)cents

Grudge October 12th, 2010 02:11

I picked up an Aftermath Broxa and have put thousands (10 -15k) of rounds through it over the last three years and haven't had a problem. It allowed me to get into the sport but now I have upgraded to a TM M14. Some aftermath guns are good and some are not. It's a crap shoot, if yo are willing to give it a good, then realize if it breaks down no one will have any sympathy for you here!

Always try to buy the best yo can afford. Understand that if you get age verified you can pick up some killer guns from the classified section for not a lot more than a new Aftermath from Cabellas.

L473ncy October 12th, 2010 03:04

Meh. It's nothing special. There seems to be a high lemon rate but if you can get past that (ie. not get a lemon) they're decent for what you're paying for. Otherwise it's just a moneypit.

Also, they're popular for people who want to basically build a gun from the ground up or aspiring gundocs. Reason being is that it's basically a $150 "3D instruction manual" and you'll get pretty good repairing/upgrading the internals.

tehmedic October 12th, 2010 03:10


Originally Posted by doc_pathfinders (Post 1330933)
no offense but what might have worked for you for 3000 bb's (which isn't exactly a good sample size, like saying you've done 30 thousand miles in a new car without a problem.. good but not exactly 'wow') won't work for everyone else. will you guarantee that the AEG he picks up won't die in the first magazine? no, you won't..

the reason people lay the 'junk' bomb down is because, after using AEG's from companies with a proven long-term track record, they are by comparision, junk.

they are cheap, they can serve a purpose (getting people into the sport) but at the end of the day they are inferior to many other brands in terms of general long-term reliability due to the lack of quality components and Quality control.

just my 2 (euro)cents

even if the customer gets a lemon cabela's is a pretty good company and is usually willing to compensate for the said lemon.

also my friend's been rocking his kraken ak for about 4 years now and hasn't had any problems with it. also He's got a 3000 round drum mag that he usually empties every time he uses it and we usually try to go every weekend. my whole team loves the kraken and 5 of us now have it. i dunno maybe my whole team got yummy oranges instead of lemons

Statua November 16th, 2010 21:07

Reached my 10,000 mark and have no problems but I'm going to put in some silicone grease like the manual says. Any other suggestions to keep it in good shape? I clean out the barrel after each game.

Amos November 16th, 2010 21:11

It's a Kraken, best thing to do unless you're experience in how an airsoft gun works is to just keep using it until it dies, then send it off to a qualified guntech.

Statua November 16th, 2010 21:15


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1351479)
It's a Kraken, best thing to do unless you're experience in how an airsoft gun works is to just keep using it until it dies, then send it off to a qualified guntech.

Well the manual specifically says in the maintenance section:

1: Drop a few drops of silicone oil or Teflon oil from the bullet entrance. (picture shows the bb feed) Insert BB bullets into the magazine and fire bullets equivalent to one or 2 magazines (I hope they mean mid caps and not high caps...)

2: To complete the cleaning, use the cleaning rod(with cotton)as shown below, to remove excess oil.

A review online said its a good idea to do this every 10,000 rounds.

Amos November 16th, 2010 21:20

I wouldn't recommend oiling your hop-up rubber. I'd recommend replacing it instead.

putting oil in it and cleaning it with cotton wont have anywhere near the effect of getting everything cleaned and properly re greased by a professional will.

Lets just say that Kraken gear boxes most likely (not exaggerating at all here) are greased with a tea spoon and Vaseline.

TheMightyOb November 16th, 2010 21:29

I bought the Aftermath M4 knight cqb. I am currently in the process of replacing the hop up on it - its brutal, there might as well have been no hop up on this thing.

Hopefully once its done it shoots better...which I think it will, but thats an extra 50 bucks I had to drop on it.

I have the Kraken and love it, works dreamy, has a very slight wobble but for 99 bucks, you cant go wrong really. Shoots fast far and straight.

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