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dutch13 September 10th, 2010 17:50

Xtreme Tactics Swap Meet!!!!
1 Attachment(s)
Hey there folks,
If you're in the Winnipeg area come Sept. 19 and interested in getting rid of some of those dusty parts, old gear and even guns, come down to the Xtreme Tactics Swap Meet!
Will be held at 551 Ferry Rd. to the rear of the building!
If you need more info, take a look at the flyer below or call (204)774-4303.

theshaneler September 10th, 2010 18:03

i know im in! :)

dutch13 September 13th, 2010 20:12

Less then a week away!!!!!!!
If anyone is interested in displaying their items, tables can be rented. Contact XT for info at (204)774-4303.

steven403 September 13th, 2010 20:15

i will be there to check out some parts

dutch13 September 15th, 2010 21:15

Hopefully we have a lot of Manitobans coming down for this event!!!! Only one of the year to my knowledge!!!!

cjboi September 15th, 2010 22:37

are you selling cansoft crap or full metal guns?

Death March September 15th, 2010 22:40

It's a "Swap Meet" So I'm thinking anything goes!

cjboi September 15th, 2010 22:42

haha whenever I go there I end up playing instead of window shopping. I find the price a bit too much.

Amos September 15th, 2010 22:42


Originally Posted by cjboi (Post 1316166)
are you selling cansoft crap or full metal guns?

If I've got anything left I'll be bringing some full metals :)

cjboi September 15th, 2010 22:53


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1316173)
If I've got anything left I'll be bringing some full metals :)

oh my... lol it better be nice guns amos and internally made by you. By the way I need to ask you about KJW M4 mags. Where do you get them for cheap in Canada, as you mentioned here in the forum. Oh ya, are they better than WE M4's I just bought one myself that's why.

Amos September 15th, 2010 23:38

I wont have any upgraded guns for sale, but I'll have some examples of my work.


Skruface September 16th, 2010 20:06

I will have 2 lightly-used G&P metal bodies there. Amos, you should just pre-build some mechboxes and bring them - I'm certain there's a market for that....

Amos September 16th, 2010 20:30

Lol I don't have the parts on hand to pre-build 2 mechboxes...

All these swap meets and shows and all that come up when I'm at the tail end of my stock so I don't have as much as I normally would :(

dutch13 September 18th, 2010 12:11

Hey guys! The meet is tomorrow so I hope everyone is still coming out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skruface September 18th, 2010 17:00

Gordon told me today that set up will start around 1100h. Anyone want to go halfers on a table with me? I only have a couple of metal bodies and a few other small things and don't want to pay for a 3/4 empty table for just my half-dozen things....

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