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Huge August 11th, 2010 14:36

Chechen rebel
so i figured I'd post my photos here because the gear in itself is a lot more Russian/soviet than Insurgent etc.

So here is my first attempt at a Chechen rebel loadout. Nothing much distinguishes it from other insurgent looks but this will be soon enough and I need your input on my next attempt.

So here goes (please ignore the soviet flag behind me)

Conker August 11th, 2010 14:50

Nice to see someone trying something different!

First thing that jumps to my mind is to wear (weather) that AK :P

I'd add some piece of captured camo such as a russian cap or shirt. Good 'ol US Woodland and variants are also common prettymuch everywhere in the world, too.

Otherwise I'm in no way an expert on eastern bloc and/or insurgeant gear so I can't get more specific that that.

Huge August 11th, 2010 15:14

Yeah it definately needs to be weathered. I did sand the edges of the metal parts, but not nearly enough so I'll work on that. And yeah I'm looking at some old russian camo pants and an old Woodland coat that would go over the chest rig. Something like the guy with the flag on my signature

-Skeletor- August 11th, 2010 15:37

Aside from whats already been said there isn't to much else to add. Already got the beard which is good haha.

If you want to go for the Chechen in Afghanistan look can probably add in some Afghan clothing items.

Conker August 11th, 2010 15:40

From your pics I'm not sure what your chestrig is, but maybe checking for a russian or chinese rig? I just scored a Chicom for 22$ shipped (was a Best Offer) on eBay.... These are dirt cheap and the real deal.

Huge August 11th, 2010 15:56


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1294230)
From your pics I'm not sure what your chestrig is, but maybe checking for a russian or chinese rig? I just scored a Chicom for 22$ shipped (was a Best Offer) on eBay.... These are dirt cheap and the real deal.

Yeah but the Chechen rebels rigs were pretty much homemade so just abotu anything goes really. I might try to get some old russian rigs and pouches.

Conscript August 11th, 2010 16:08


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1294228)
If you want to go for the Chechen in Afghanistan look

What the bloody hell are you talking about? :confused:

-Skeletor- August 11th, 2010 17:29


Originally Posted by Conscript (Post 1294251)
What the bloody hell are you talking about? :confused:

Do some research... Chechens and other Muslims have gone to Afghanistan to fight. A good number of the Insurgents in Afghanistan are foreign fighters. My brother fought Chechens during Op Medusa in 2006, and when I was there in 2008 there was some Chechens.

News article from 07 on Canadians facing Chechens in Afghanistan

Conscript August 11th, 2010 17:33

Huge was going for a Chechen war look (From what I have gathered, against the Russians), and not a Chechen in Afghanistan look, which is why I questioned why you brought that up.

Nobody cares about rebels in Afghanistan today.

-Skeletor- August 11th, 2010 17:59


Originally Posted by Conscript (Post 1294306)
Huge was going for a Chechen war look (From what I have gathered, against the Russians)

Yea, I got that too, atleast from his signiture pic anyways. Just giving him another idea if he wanted to change his impression up


Originally Posted by Conscript (Post 1294306)
and not a Chechen in Afghanistan look, which is why I questioned why you brought that up.

The way you said it, kinda seemed like you were calling BS.


Originally Posted by Conscript (Post 1294306)
Nobody cares about rebels in Afghanistan today.

Talking about impression wise or the actual war? I'm pretty sure some people do care about doing it as an impression and lots care about the war.

Huge August 11th, 2010 21:06

Yeah I was aware of their presence in Afghanistan but I dont dig the 'arid' look much.

it is kind of tough to pout together a Chechen loadout since they dont have any distinctive traits really (apart from the mix of camos etc.) so I could look like a n00b who cant buy proper gear. So my idea was to write arab as much as I can (a lot of Chechens actually wrote arabic messages on their headbands etc.) and get me some Chechen flag patches and sew them on my kit (which would not be accurate per se, but would stand out a bit).

Any thoughts?

-Skeletor- August 11th, 2010 21:24

Just a guess, but I assume they are writting Arabic on their head bands, etc is because they are writting something out of the Koran which is written in Arabic.

Depending on how accurate you want to go, either go with or without the flag patches. Or just tell people the look you are going for if they say anything. Basically as long as you look kinda rag-tag with a mix match of military and civilian clothing you can pull off the impression.

Conker August 11th, 2010 21:29

If you didn't already, have a look in the photo section IIRC there's a Chechen war thread there. Should be helpful.

PS: If you write a message there, don't say you're an airsofter.

Huge August 11th, 2010 23:50


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1294481)
If you didn't already, have a look in the photo section IIRC there's a Chechen war thread there. Should be helpful.

PS: If you write a message there, don't say you're an airsofter.

Thanks for the link, they're really incredible.

I just found this :

which will definately be part of my loadout.

As for the pants/jacket, I figure a set of woodland pants would do as it was quite used. For the top, I can't really think of anything since they ALL wore different things. Shamil Basayev was often seen wearing this :

which looks to me like only woodland bdu plus some woodland coat (Parka?)
Although i did notice one thing from the videos and pictures i saw, a lot of them wore their jacket/coat OVER their chest rig so I guess my current setup plus a pair of woodland pants and some woodland or russian camo jacket/coat over the rig would be sound. Thoughts?

Huge August 13th, 2010 13:15

ok now this is my new attrempt which I think is a thousand times better than the last. What dyou guys think?
I'll post better pics soon, but just so you know the pants are actually woodland. (Please look at the first post for the pics!)

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