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Love August 1st, 2010 18:21

Pretty nice sneaking suit idea
So, I was thinking of a pretty cool sneaking suit idea. I know, I know. Black isnt the best for nighttime, as not everything is completely black, but screw it. I like this idea.

Goggles (Standard Black ones.)
Balaklava (Standard Black)
Mouth Gaurd
Metal Gear Solid 4 Costume *The vest is TINY. I hate it. I'd get a new vest.*
Black Gloves
Vibram Five Fingers in Black

Vibram Five Fingers:

MGS Costume (With the icky vest):


Lookin kinda sexy eh? ahahahhaha.

Just my idea of somethin fun.

Weapon of choice? Magpul FPG.

Assault Pioneer August 1st, 2010 18:29

what are you sneaking on?

cause that's a huge deal to what you should wear actually, the FPG9 is supposed to be subtle, if your gonna be wearing that it's going to be blatently obvious that your up to no good so you may aswell just bring an m4 cause you won't be fooling anybody...

Fun fact: Ninja's never actually wore all black getups, they dressed like farmer's/civilians. the black suit came about a hundred years after the ninja in theatrical play's because stage workers wore them to blend in with the background so they could move stuff without interrupting the play too much, spectators just ignored them, when they made ninja play's they dressed as the stage worker's so they could spring out grab someone and bounce back into the back of the stage (can't remember actuall term, it's been awhile since I did any drama stuff) where it was dark thus surprising the audience because they were so used to ignoring the blacked out figure in the background. black suit's are prettymuch universal for "he's only here to cause shit"

and those toe booties are ghey, I can make zero noise while walking with Swat boots, or any boot for that matter, just learn how to walk quietly.

Love August 1st, 2010 18:31

Lol, I mean in like airsoft. At a place like C-Q-B Indoor. (Its like all black inside. Little bits of light. Pretty fun place.)

And if I was to just sneak around outside, I would NEVER bring an airsoft gun. lol

And I like the five fingers. :( </3 (Theyre very light, comfy, allows feet to breath, etc)

sarosh August 1st, 2010 18:31

black isnt actually the best for night, id say a dark blue or something, but then again depending on where your playing.

Love August 1st, 2010 18:33

Yea, I like dark blue better. Its just, I cant get the bodysuit in dark blue. :(

Assault Pioneer August 1st, 2010 18:35

use a camo that work's there in the day, it will even be more effective at night when stuff blend's together. and could help when someone shine's a flashlight on you.


Originally Posted by Love (Post 1287621)
Yea, I like dark blue better. Its just, I cant get the bodysuit in dark blue. :(

there's plenty, seals have them, SAS use the nomex flight suit, heck you can even find mechanic's wearing them in shop's, there's plenty dark blue flight suit's out there.

but if your persistant on looking like a fag, the closest thing you could get to the MGS's outfit there in blue would be a diver's suit

Love August 1st, 2010 18:45

haha. I mean I cant get THAT same suit in blue.

I see wher eyou're all coming from. I wouldnt buy this suit, as I have no cash. lol. I just thought it'd be cool, in my head.

Loathing August 1st, 2010 19:01

Wearing those Vibram shoe's would pretty much be a death sentence if you wanted to play outside. I know a couple of people that have them for running because they like them, but the problem is that there literally is NO ankle support.

In a sport/hobby where your running or creeping around constantly over rough terrain, whether it's outdoors or indoors you need a decent type of boot. You'd easily roll or sprain an ankle with those Vibram things on, or better yet get stabbed by something. Might as well wear sandals, hell they'd be cooler on your foot.

Usually when I play I like to do the whole stealthy sniper thing (or at least try to!) and the best way I've found to do it is with a good set of camo, a light belt rig, good boots and hand protection and it's worked well for me so far.

The right set of camo will make you blend in perfectly if you know how to use it right.

thpethalK August 1st, 2010 19:03

Could you imagine getting shot in the foot with say a gas shotgun wearing those things? lol

Loathing August 1st, 2010 19:07

I'm trying not too. >.<

GBear August 1st, 2010 19:08

Suit looks extremely tight in the crotch region.

The Chad August 1st, 2010 20:24

Needs a cape :D

FOX_111 August 1st, 2010 20:30

Just use a ghillie suit. You can adapt it to any environement. You can even make a "ghillie" for urban ops.

TechSeller August 1st, 2010 21:12

Does that mean you need socks like these? :confused:

Nope.. those toe booties are a deal breaker.

PaddMadd August 1st, 2010 21:20

You'd need a CIRAS, gray mustache, and a gray bandana.

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