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SlyzzX July 9th, 2010 22:33

Does the "quality" of the airsoft gun really make a huge difference?
hey guys,

I'm a 15 year old from Ontario just wondering if the quality of the gun really makes a difference. I mean, i have shot airsoft guns before in the States and it was really fun but i didnt really get the idea that the higher quality guns shot a lot more accurately than the cheaper guns. Call me a dumb ass but i dnt really know the way the guns work so im just wondering... if you had a great quality gun, and a Cheap gun, would there be a massive impact on the actual affect of the guns (airsoft guns)?

PS: First post/Thread ever on ASC, sorry if it's a little long too :oops:

Rugger_can July 9th, 2010 22:40


Qlong July 9th, 2010 23:23

Same logic applies to prostitutes, I wouldn't cheap out, I don't want to be like, "WTF is this" in the end with parts prematurely falling off all over the place. Then BAM! Suddenly there's a ***** in your face!

So pay a bit more or you'll get more ***** then you initially expected.

Con Murder July 9th, 2010 23:28

The world of hobbies has a very nice saying, you get what you pay for. That is a good way to measure things you choose for your self. In your first car, your first pair of sunglasses, first house and grocery list;)

Ninja_En_Short July 9th, 2010 23:30

Just know that a high price doesn't mean high quality all the time.

If you go for VFC, well yes, it's worth your money.

ICS ? Errr... just the gearbox I have opened on my desk is an insult to the gods of Airsoft and gun doc. And you don't want to piss this guy.

China made ? Surprinsingly good for some, even extremely good sometime.
Just consult people before buying and you should be at ease.

SlyzzX July 9th, 2010 23:44

hey thanks a lot guys ahah im loving the connections really helping getting a picture in my mind LOL.

oh and i've done a bit of research and im just wondering on your guys own opinion if i could get in a few matches when I turn 16? Im guessing it would all depend on the host and what not?

Shrike July 10th, 2010 00:15


Originally Posted by SlyzzX (Post 1271129)
hey thanks a lot guys ahah im loving the connections really helping getting a picture in my mind LOL.

oh and i've done a bit of research and im just wondering on your guys own opinion if i could get in a few matches when I turn 16? Im guessing it would all depend on the host and what not?

Fill in your profile of where you live and we can help more.

SlyzzX July 10th, 2010 00:26


Originally Posted by Shrike (Post 1271153)
Fill in your profile of where you live and we can help more.

There you go man and thanks

Skruface July 10th, 2010 00:27

Well, put it this way.....

Quality always makes a difference. It doesn't matter if you're talking TV's, golf clubs, motorcycles, or airsoft guns.

You'll never get the same performance out of a cheap knockoff as you will out of a gun that was built for performance right from the factory. It's like deciding you want to get into road racing, and asking if you should spend top dollar to buy a Subaru WRX STi (a car designed for road racing), or if you could get by with a Renault Le Car (a car that should never have been built in the first place).

SlyzzX July 10th, 2010 00:31


Originally Posted by Skruface (Post 1271164)
Well, put it this way.....

Quality always makes a difference. It doesn't matter if you're talking TV's, golf clubs, motorcycles, or airsoft guns.

You'll never get the same performance out of a cheap knockoff as you will out of a gun that was built for performance right from the factory. It's like deciding you want to get into road racing, and asking if you should spend top dollar to buy a Subaru WRX STi (a car designed for road racing), or if you could get by with a Renault Le Car (a car that should never have been built in the first place).

thanks man, your right im just really new to the airsoft scene (coming from 5 years of paintball) and I like to really learn about something before i start so i like to ask a lot of questions :P

M4A1lover July 10th, 2010 03:11

wait till your 18 and can get AVed mate.there is a 18+ policy for giving out information on were to get guns and what not so until then sit back read a lot on this site and do research. believe me you can learn a lot just by looking around and reading the FAQs, for me November cant come fast enough.

Rugger_can July 10th, 2010 03:12


Originally Posted by SlyzzX (Post 1271165)
thanks man, your right im just really new to the airsoft scene (coming from 5 years of paintball) and I like to really learn about something before i start so i like to ask a lot of questions :P

There's one lesson that you can learn that money sadly can buy. Quality and Cost are not necessarily co-dependent.

SlyzzX July 10th, 2010 03:33


Originally Posted by M4A1lover (Post 1271239)
wait till your 18 and can get AVed mate.there is a 18+ policy for giving out information on were to get guns and what not so until then sit back read a lot on this site and do research. believe me you can learn a lot just by looking around and reading the FAQs, for me November cant come fast enough.

yah man i hear you i guess it's just learning and trips to the States and hopefully by the time im 18 il be ready... oh and you lucky S***! ahah. :tup:

SlyzzX July 10th, 2010 03:35


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1271241)
There's one lesson that you can learn that money sadly can buy. Quality and Cost are not necessarily co-dependent.

Thanks man thats actually a really immportant comment, but a depressing one at that... :banghead:

ThunderCactus July 11th, 2010 16:24

Well you have to be a good shot first to know the difference lol
Like, your going to learn how to drive soon. Drive a brand new dodge ram 1500, then go drive a base model hyundai accent, then go drive a volkswagen jetta highline.
Your going to think they all drive really really nice, but for someone who's been driving for 20 years, they all drive way differently.

Anyway, quality is really important. Especially when it comes to upgrading. Most cheaper guns are only 70% compatible with upgrade parts 50% of the time.
And the other really huge benefit to quality is durability. My G&P 249 is worth $600 more than a classic army 249. Because it's made of better steel, you can run trip and fall flat on the BOX MAG and it will not break.
You look at a STAR M249 the wrong way and it's front sight breaks off lol

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