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Frozen Tex July 9th, 2010 16:55

Why You Don't Play In The Backyard, Part 3,052
Hat tip to Gunscythe...


Victoria, B.C. - An afternoon of backyard target practice with a replica rifle landed a Saanich man in jail on Wednesday.

Saanich police responded to a caller who saw men firing off rounds from what appeared to be an assault rifle at about 4 p.m.

When they arrived to the house in 4000-block of Gerard Pl., near Mackenzie Avenue and Glanford Avenue, officers saw the man with the weapon, which looked real, Saanich police spokesman Sgt. Dean Jantzen said today.

The gun’s metallic body, sight and light gave it the appearance of the police’s own Heckler and Koch G-36 assault rifle. Even the clear magazine casing was full of fake brass bullets.

“Those might be some of the things I would look for if I were to try and make the instantaneous decision whether this is real or not,” Jantzen said.

“Quite rightly, our officers approached with caution and with their firearms, their real firearms, drawn,” he added.

Read more:

EDIT: If a moderator wants to move this to the Newbie Tank, maybe some of the kiddies will see it...

TechSeller July 9th, 2010 17:06

Wow! There's some press we don't need.

Acid_Snake July 9th, 2010 17:14

"The gun’s metallic body, sight and light gave it the appearance of the police’s own Heckler and Koch G-36 assault rifle."

Ummmmmm... what?

KND July 9th, 2010 18:51


Originally Posted by Acid_Snake (Post 1270897)
"The gun’s metallic body, sight and light gave it the appearance of the police’s own Heckler and Koch G-36 assault rifle."

Ummmmmm... what?

That's mostly the usual habit of reporter who always want to blow thing up.

HeadlessChicken July 9th, 2010 19:00

Oh Oh Oh, I want a metal G36!

Zilgorn_Zeypher July 9th, 2010 19:10

Yea reporters are morons because also the man wasn't brought to Jail I was working the shift when the call came in he will be charged later I'm sure but the matter is still under investigation.
The origional media release is here

Not the first time and unlikely the last since I've worked at the Saanich PD

Now I know which of those two is the real one can anyone else tell just by looking?

M.Garcia July 9th, 2010 19:38


Originally Posted by Zilgorn_Zeypher (Post 1270976)
Yea reporters are morons because also the man wasn't brought to Jail I was working the shift when the call came in he will be charged later I'm sure but the matter is still under investigation.
The origional media release is here

Not the first time and unlikely the last since I've worked at the Saanich PD

Now I know which of those two is the real one can anyone else tell just by looking?

The top one is real.

zollen July 9th, 2010 19:59

What police force would use H&K G36?

KNIVEZS July 9th, 2010 20:07


Originally Posted by M.Garcia (Post 1270996)
The top one is real.

top one has the airsoft warning sticky on the side

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw July 9th, 2010 20:11

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark here and venture a guess here, now you can call me crazy but I think the Saanich PD Tactical Squad does. Just a hunch from a bird in the tree.

Also you people getting your panties in a twist about the reporter calling a G36 metal, you misread it. She was saying the gun from the subject had a "metallic appearance" and looked almost identical to the H&K G36 used by the Saanich PD. (S)he's not saying the gun was metal, just appeared metal. Does it really make a difference to those of us who are "in the know" about guns? Of course not, but the sensationalism shown here and in ANY anti spewing whatever they can to sell papers. A recent article in the Toronto Sun was talking about someone who was arrested in relation to the G20 Summit, this person had firearms and ammunition which were seized. The writer made a point to single out his 7.62 ammunition and saying "...just so you know an AK47 fires 7.62 caliber ammunition." Again is this accurate or differential? Not in the slightest but to the layman reading it whos not into guns sees it as "whoa! thats a bad guys gun!"

HGI July 9th, 2010 20:16

That guy has some shitty neighbors.

Rugger_can July 9th, 2010 20:20

The bottom one is the real one. Its the law enforcement E model with Single shot select fire only fyi.

FOX_111 July 9th, 2010 22:42

And they put the real magazine with the fake rifle....

Cortexburn July 9th, 2010 22:52

Someone's police force has too much money.....

MeatStick July 9th, 2010 22:53


Originally Posted by KNIVEZS (Post 1271018)
top one has the airsoft warning sticky on the side

Top gun also has the motor ajustment screw visable in the pistol grip.

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