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teriases June 29th, 2010 21:37

Airsoft Addiction Anonymous
Anonymous, yes.... Sureeeeeeee......

So I spend almost all day(even at work) browsing and surfing just looking at airsofts, especially Hi-Capas, and checking ASC on my iPhone... Thinking about what kind of builds are possible, trying to put things together in my mind...

I get home, first thing I do - log onto ASC and check out Classifieds... again, looking at airsoft pictures again..........

Before I sleep. Check ASC one last time, see any new posts etc... Still thinking about Hi-Capa mods etc, while finally tugging myself in with my M4 in hand... (this last part was a joke)

Soooooooooooo yea... I THINK I'm kinda addicted to Airsoft??? I have like at least 3 guns on order right now, missing them each day... When will my babies come? This is a good thing, the wait. Because if there was a store where I can just walk-in and buy what I want, I would be sleeping on the streets by now - hugging my M4.... ;) (again, this last part... I am jk)

So who else has experience this?... ;p

cooney June 29th, 2010 21:39

I need help. I'm glued to ASC and my AEGs r stuck to my body.

toadhound June 29th, 2010 21:48

Yup same here. I really need therapy but can't afford it because I spend whatever the mortgage doesn't eat on airsoft.

Short Round June 29th, 2010 21:49

Looks like I'll join the party too

Kid June 29th, 2010 21:51

Write reviews/guides and post pics of builds.

Put something out there for us to read and gaze at.

pusangani June 29th, 2010 21:51

I know a guy that puts on all his gear to surf ASC at night, I swear it's not me tho, honest!

lonesniper June 29th, 2010 21:56

I dont even have a job and I spend all my money on airsoft. Every Anniversary present from my Girlfriend has been airsoft related. Like teriases said, every free moment I have Im looking at pictures of airsoft guns, loadouts, RS pics. Its a problem.

Short Round June 29th, 2010 21:57


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1264629)
I know a guy that puts on all his gear to surf ASC at night, I swear it's not me tho, honest!

Is it wrong to wear your gear all day, even when you shower? I don't think so

Side story, So I went to a local Chinese convenience store today to get a snack (ended up geing cherry mentos, best things ever) and I spot on the wall 3 double eagle aegs (G36c, M4, and Ak) just out in the open, almost like a shrine. My eyes almost dropped as I'm surprised a tard Univer. student hasn't picked them up yet. I laughed even harder when I asked the guy for pricing and he said like $377.99 for each. Got to love my fellow chinese ripping the city's citizens.

coach June 29th, 2010 22:06


Originally Posted by teriases (Post 1264608)
and checking ASC on my iPhone...


If you don't have it, get it. (The paid version)

It has it's glitches, but it is the best forum browser app out there.

Scarecrow June 29th, 2010 22:08

Hi, my name is Scarecrow, and I'm a airsoftaholic.
Hi Scarecrow.
Its been 2 days since I last fondled my collection.
I'm looking for a sponsor. I get these urges to buy guns and gear and I can't overcome it. Last week I spent the milk money on a new PDI120 spring. The wife made me sleep on the couch and isn't speaking to me.

Eeyore June 29th, 2010 22:20

I swear to god one of these thread pops up every few month lol. I think the last one was started by Brian.

Kid June 29th, 2010 22:22


Originally Posted by Najohn (Post 1264636)
Is it wrong to wear your gear all day, even when you shower? I don't think so

Side story, So I went to a local Chinese convenience store today to get a snack (ended up geing cherry mentos, best things ever) and I spot on the wall 3 double eagle aegs (G36c, M4, and Ak) just out in the open, almost like a shrine. My eyes almost dropped as I'm surprised a tard Univer. student hasn't picked them up yet. I laughed even harder when I asked the guy for pricing and he said like $377.99 for each.Got to love my fellow chinese ripping the city's citizens.


pusangani June 29th, 2010 22:27

at least it's out of the financial reach of the average idiot that just wants to fuck around, that is unless you have rich idiots on the loose out there.

Scarecrow June 29th, 2010 22:33


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1264661)
at least it's out of the financial reach of the average idiot that just wants to fuck around, that is unless you have rich idiots on the loose out there.

You forgot idiots with large credit limits and no common financial sense. On that basis I qualify.

Deadpool June 29th, 2010 22:35


Originally Posted by Scarecrow (Post 1264644)
Hi, my name is Scarecrow, and I'm a airsoftaholic.
Hi Scarecrow.
Its been 2 days since I last fondled my collection.
I'm looking for a sponsor. I get these urges to buy guns and gear and I can't overcome it. Last week I spent the milk money on a new PDI120 spring. The wife made me sleep on the couch and isn't speaking to me.

I'm not sure your on the right website to find a sponsor. A sponsor is someone who is winning the battle against addiction, not an addict that doesn't want to quit. ;) (And I certainly don't want to quit)

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