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mcsambuca June 22nd, 2010 16:49

Buying Good Goggles in Montreal
Here is the issue. The last games i've played were a nightmare because of the fogging. Yeah airsoft is awesome but when you go right into a wall because you can't see nothing well erm.. it sucks. I have a scenario on Saturday and was wondering if anyone knows where to buy (Awesome) good tactical glasses. The thing also is that I dont want to spend 12412 $ on em because I am recieving my new Ess Turbo Fan next week.

Thank you.

Conker June 22nd, 2010 16:54

Buy Fogtech and pay for express shipping, that should to the job ;)

TechSeller June 22nd, 2010 16:54

We carry goggles .. some Bolle and G&P or for a cheaper solution get some Fogtech which you can use until your ESS arrives.

Click HERE for Fogtech or on the link in my signature to see the goggles! :)

mcsambuca June 22nd, 2010 16:57

fogtech really works that much ? and how long for shipment and Recieval? I'd order right now!

TechSeller June 22nd, 2010 16:59

Order today.. goes out tomorrow Expedited or if you are really anxious, Xpresspost. All the options are presented to you on our site before you checkout .. with delivery dates.

mcsambuca June 22nd, 2010 17:00

Alright thanks!

Sportco June 22nd, 2010 17:32

Before I got my Ess Xt...

I was using a pair of carrera safety goggles in which I inserted and taped a 10 inch piece of transparent 1/3 inch tubing (to get enought flow) to the left side under the elastic into the goggle....

Cut the other side at 45deg, 2 inches from the end (tape the two parts together after a 180deg rotation) result looks like a fish hook (or a snokel)

Breathe.. dont blow throught the tube... ((sounds like dark vader))

It's looks like something Red Green made... but it works quite well specially WITH fogtech in...

(( tube available at Canadian tire... plumbing section))



mcsambuca June 22nd, 2010 17:54

So how are the ESS ? I dont know if you got the one that has the fans on it but I only read good review. I bought my ess Turbofan Profile for 98 $ because my friend works at R. Nicholls the Police / Military Surplus Contractor. I cant wait.

Boyso June 22nd, 2010 20:52

If you want, you can borrow my ESS Land Ops. I rub a bit of shaving cream in them before each game. Never had fog.

mcsambuca June 22nd, 2010 21:09

I sweat like a fat pig. I bet passing goggles isnt the best thing to do :p thanks anyway neighboor.

anyway bought a pair of g&p goggle + fogtech express shipping. did not cost that much so I dont care :p

Boyso June 22nd, 2010 21:11

Hehe, try the shaving cream trick anyway, just start running around the neighborhood with your goggles, you'll see if it works for you :P

SHaKaL June 22nd, 2010 21:11

I know that Prefair in beloeil has somes goggles and ballistic glasses but the prices are high.

MrBond June 22nd, 2010 21:51

Cheap option that works :

Drake June 23rd, 2010 12:43


Originally Posted by MrBond (Post 1259808)

You can also get those for about half the price from EB

But keep in mind that while the lens on these is polycarb they are NOT safety rated (ANSI, MIL-STD, etc). I recommend sticking to real, safety-rated goggles/glasses. Your eyes aren't something you want to take a risk on.

TokyoSeven June 23rd, 2010 12:50 can also buy the real deal for 12.95USD!

Ive found them on other websites in the area between 19-24USD as well.

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