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airsoftpro May 22nd, 2010 19:54

should i buy a sig 552 for $230 or a Velocity Arms V16a3 for $280 (
I am mostly play cqbs because i live in toronto. so i want your opinion on what i should get. m16a3-

sig 552-

thanks :)

squeenix May 22nd, 2010 20:06

*I think* The Sig552 is CYMA and the M16 is JG. It's really personal choice.

Gunny_McSmith May 22nd, 2010 20:06

why would you want a full lengh m16 to play cqb? -_-'

airsoftpro May 22nd, 2010 20:16


Originally Posted by squeenix (Post 1240720)
*I think* The Sig552 is CYMA and the M16 is JG. It's really personal choice.

no the sig 552 is JG and yhe m16 is velocity arms

airsoftpro May 22nd, 2010 20:17


Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith (Post 1240721)
why would you want a full lengh m16 to play cqb? -_-'

yeah your right

the thing is i just want precision accuaracy

Gunny_McSmith May 22nd, 2010 20:20

get a m4, high quality ammo (.28 bbbastards), and a tightbore barrel, and you'll be good to go...

BTW: that m16 is a JG too,
BBTW: stay away from that sig552, the lower body is crap, and the grip area is prone to crack and eventually could break, and also, the barrel is uber short, and the mags arent really common to find....

squeenix May 22nd, 2010 20:23


Originally Posted by airsoftpro (Post 1240729)
yeah your right

the thing is i just want precision accuaracy

Longer barrel length really doesn't matter at this level, especially in CQB. In CQB you want a high rate of fire. Airsoft isn't COD, maneuverability matters.


Originally Posted by airsoftpro (Post 1240728)
no the sig 552 is JG and yhe m16 is velocity arms

Google tells me you are right about the Sig552.
Velocity Arms isn't a brand, it rebrands (mostly) JG after putting a clear lower on them.

Boyso May 22nd, 2010 20:29

If you can "play", it should mean you're 18 right?

If so, get AV'd, and check the classifieds. There's a pimped Sig552 in there right now.

You won't regret it.

-Ace- May 22nd, 2010 21:18

I say get neither...both of them are not that great IMO. Save up your money and get something better.


L473ncy May 22nd, 2010 21:25

Precision and accuracy in a CQB environment...

I'd think that you'd want to be more maneuverable first.

Anyways, .25's are fine for CBQ, hell it's probably better to run .20's on a 1J spring.

OP: Keep in mind you'll need your rifle to shoot at 350 or below for CQB arenas (330 FPS recommended).

Aquamarine May 22nd, 2010 21:34

You're an 'airsoftpro' right? So you should know the answer before even asking. :)

cooney May 22nd, 2010 21:44


Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith (Post 1240721)
why would you want a full lengh m16 to play cqb? -_-'

Because you can be the only one running a long rifle :rolleyes:

airsoftpro May 22nd, 2010 22:24


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 1240782)
You're an 'airsoftpro' right? So you should know the answer before even asking. :)

I'm just want your opinions man
I'cqb obiously geting the sig for cqb but I'm not sure if I want to do cqb or woodland because I can't find any woodlands near my location

airsoftpro May 22nd, 2010 22:36

Thanks guys for your help. I'm getting the sig 552. Very maneuverable. Good fps. Very good spread when firing at someone. Looks awesome. Really good for cqb and ok in woodland

Drake May 22nd, 2010 22:36


Originally Posted by squeenix (Post 1240734)
In CQB you want a high rate of fire.



Originally Posted by airsoftpro (Post 1240804)
I'cqb obiously geting the sig for cqb but I'm not sure if I want to do cqb or woodland because I can't find any woodlands near my location

And where exactly do you plan on playing anyway?

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