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Conker May 13th, 2010 12:39

WTF... now there's "Youth Editions"
Just saw this... I am blown away by how counterproductive this idea is.

Youth fucking edition.


G&G PM4 Light - Youth Edition Red
Suitable for Youth Ages 14+ WITH ADULT SUPERVISION ONLY- Neglectful parenting or supervision could lead to criminal charges, lawsuits, or death of your child from acting law enforcement or a frightened citizen.

The G&G M4 line of Electric Rifles have the highest standards for their non-metal parts. Same as on a real M4, the hand guards, grip, and stock are not typically made of metal, but rather a fiberglass/nylon composite. G&G has adapted this same principle in making these portions with some of the same materials.

G&G has the most solid and visually appeasing fiberglass/nylon parts in the air soft industry. These guns come stock with metal bushings and a customized black gearbox for the Canadian market.

Clear Upper Receiver, Silver Gearbox, And Orange Barrel Tip For Added 'Not-Real' Appearance.
Reduced Velocity Tolerable By Ages 14+ (Approx. 280 FPS with .20 Gram G&G Precision BB's)

Wow. Just wow.

Tech posted this on page 3:


Originally Posted by Tech (Post 1233748)
I looked quickly through the thread and I didn't see the fact that they mention they also include a black hand guard so the kids don't even have to paint it.

Whats in the Box?

* 1 x G&G PM4 Light
* 1 x 450 Round Hi-Cap Mag
* 1 x Battery (9.6V 1400 mah)
* 1 x Black Hand Guard
* 1 x Red Hand Guard

* 1 x 2-color LED Charger Included
* 1 x Polycarbonate "shatter proof" safety glasses Included
* 1 x 3000 Sample BB's

It totally defeats the purpose (even if it's easy enough to paint anyways)

Spawn28 May 13th, 2010 12:43

So he is advertising that he sells to minors and encourages underagers to buy from him this will not end well. I thought it was illeagal to sell to minors even the clearsoft shit?

ex May 13th, 2010 12:45

chaosnemesis May 13th, 2010 12:47

That is wow! At least the "boys" version is physically smaller and shoots at something like 40fps. This thing is a 1 to 1 and at adult stock TM velocity? I'm pretty sure you don't need a parent to buy a can of spray paint.

Strelok May 13th, 2010 12:50

I can hear the high pitched squeals of joy already.

KND May 13th, 2010 12:50

They should use the pink color and then call it Barbie Edition for mature player.

Daiviet May 13th, 2010 12:52

nah, cuz then it'd be sold on that chixairsoft website.

L473ncy May 13th, 2010 13:01


Originally Posted by Spawn28 (Post 1233502)
So he is advertising that he sells to minors and encourages underagers to buy from him this will not end well. I thought it was illeagal to sell to minors even the clearsoft shit?

Not illegal just not too ethical (except in Ontario where there is a law that says 18+ (my search for that law was fruitless but was only a precursory thumbing through, I'm sure you can find where it says that if you looked deeper into one of the government sites)). In fact my brother (ok maybe bad example cause he turned 18 a few days ago) could have walked into a store a week ago and bought one. There is no law preventing this, only most stores have a "policy" not to sell to minors (note that policy =/= law) and in most cases is just "wishful thinking" (ie. Aboriginal/Indian policy vs Aboriginal/Indian law).

Jimski May 13th, 2010 13:06

a white lower would do, instead of clear :)

Hairu May 13th, 2010 15:10

this is so full of fail its not even funny

Crunchmeister May 13th, 2010 15:16

Actually, I tend to agree with this disclaimer:

Suitable for Youth Ages 14+ WITH ADULT SUPERVISION ONLY- Neglectful parenting or supervision could lead to criminal charges, lawsuits, or death of your child from acting law enforcement or a frightened citizen.
Now, that being said, the reality of it is that most parents buying one for their kid won't pay any attention to this. Beyond placing the order online and signing for the package as it arrives, Mom & Dad will buy this for Jr and send him on his merry to play. And then when Jr gets into trouble with his new "toy", Mom & Dad will somehow find a way blame the dealer / importer / Cdn law / society, etc for not having parented their child better for them.

Skladfin May 13th, 2010 15:20

cabella's sells this as well.

DanoftheDead May 13th, 2010 15:25

That is the single dumbest thing I've seen all week. Disclaimer or not, this is like the old Camel ciggarettes ad. Joe camel the cartoon smoking camel says not too smoke, while is smoking and holding another smoke downward as if hes handing it to a kid.

Crunchmeister May 13th, 2010 15:27

Well, if parents actually followed the disclaimer (which they won't), there wouldn't be a problem. But it's obvious that disclaimer is just a CYA statement so that they're not held liable for when Jr does a drive-by on his bike and hoses down a bunch of kids in the park.

pusangani May 13th, 2010 15:28

This dont make a lick of difference

Buyairsoft sells to kids anyway, any and everything on their site is "youth edition" so what's the big deal?

The fact that it says "suitable for 14yrs" so fucking what, these whiny good for nothing kidiot monkeys are gonna get their hands on guns anyway so what difference does it make if the handguard is red and the site says its ok for 14yrs?

The only thing I see coming out of this is now the kidiots will link to that site when we tell them no guns for -18, and we will just tell them to FUCK OFF as we normally do

I can imagine we will be getting a ton of requests for "how to make my youth edition shoot 400fps" in the future, see end of the last sentence for what to tell them.

Anyone asking for assistance with this gun should be banned/infracted instantly as well, just a suggestion :)

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