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FLIP May 10th, 2010 00:47

3 M4 on my mind

So I've been looking around for an airsoft for quite some time (started looking years ago), but now the price has come down on some models.

I'm looking for only Canadian legal airsoft, as long as the plastic is tinted/smoke that is ok with me.

Main purpose is to be kept solely indoors for plinking in my basement, not really going to be used for games, although I do have a few friends that attend games, I may join one time just for fun.

I found 3 from the sponsors on this site. All are very reasonably price.
Any personal experience with any of the following? I did some youtube searches for reviews, but most of them where the higher end model.

From toronto airsoft
VA Indoor edition, $239
Special Features:
- Full Metal outer barrel
- Full Metal Flash hider
- Full Metal Triangle front sight
- Metal Gearbox
- Functional Charging Handle
- Removable Carry Handle
- 6 Position sliding stock

Bottom two from 007airsoft
Next is the SRC M933, $260 (w/ batt, charger)
- Glass fiber upper receiver and detachable carrying handle
- Tinted clear glass fiber reinforced C8 lower receiver conforming to Canadian regulations
- ABS pistol grip, handguards, 6 positions collapsible stock
- 14mm- threaded metal outer barrel, adjustable front and rear sights
- POM bushings, aluminum cylinder, regular gear set, 300rd high capacity magazine
- Metal Parts: front/rear sights, outer/inner barrels, trigger, bolt stop, fire selector, ejection port cover, trigger guard, magazine, front/rear sling mounts, forward assist knob, charging handle, locking body pins

Lastly the CAS Version G&G M4 Carbine REC, $260
- This is a G&G Combat Machine AEG
- Metal Parts: Front/rear sights, outer/inner barrels, 20mm rail on upper receiver, trigger, bolt stop, fire selector, ejection port cover, trigger guard, magazine, front/rear sling mounts, forward assist knob
- Plastic upper receiver and detachable carrying handle, smoked clear lower receiver
- 14mm- threaded metal outer barrel fixed front sight, adjustable rear sight, collapsible stock
- Metal gears, brass bushings, nylon fiber piston and piston head set
- Package: Airsoft gun, Magazine, Manual, 9.6V 1400mA Battery, Wall Charger, Shooting Glasses.

TokyoSeven May 10th, 2010 01:00

Strike the SRC and pick from either G&G or VA. I believe that SRC at 007 is an earlier model SRC.

At least since you choose to go with translucent lowers both companies have easily acquirable replacement lowers should you require one. I think I saw a couple of reviews on some VA guns and a few on some G&G M4s, you may wanna poke around with the search function and see what you can find as I cant remember anything specific right now.

DarkAngel May 10th, 2010 01:07

Is there a reason your looking for "Canadian Legal Guns"?

You do know that "Canadian Legal" is just a marketing term right? It is not illegal to own full black/metal guns. Its just "Legal" for the retailers to import. What that means is that it makes no difference legally to the buyer for you to own a "Clear lower" or a FMU gun such as Classic Army.

ie. For the Buyer, telling them that a gun is "canadian legal" is total BS and misinformation.

The Saint May 10th, 2010 01:33


Originally Posted by DarkAngel (Post 1230410)
You do know that "Canadian Legal" is just a marketing term right? It is not illegal to own full black/metal guns. Its just "Legal" for the retailers to import. What that means is that it makes no difference legally to the buyer for you to own a "Clear lower" or a FMU gun such as Classic Army.

ie. For the Buyer, telling them that a gun is "canadian legal" is total BS and misinformation.

Actually, Canadian legal is not just a marketing term. Selling prohibited devices is quite illegal (falls under trafficking arms in the Criminal Code), and buying them is not that stellar either (explicitly prohibited in the Firearms Act). Ownership is indeed legal, but acquiring is not.

Of course, individually are very unlikely to be prosecuted for buying airsoft guns that are classified as prohibited devices, but it's a very real danger for businesses to sell them (or be mistakened for selling them). Making a honesty and clear distinction is therefore a legitimate move by the businesses involved, whether one likes the term or not.

pusangani May 10th, 2010 01:40

Do we need to get into this legal argument every time that term comes up? I know I'm guilty of starting it in a few threads myself but this shit is old now guys, people will learn themselves without their threads going off topic.

The Saint May 10th, 2010 01:48

Maybe it'll be wise to prune the thread back to T7's post and get it back to talking about guns.

DarkAngel May 10th, 2010 02:05


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 1230420)
Making a honesty and clear distinction is therefore a legitimate move by the businesses involved, whether one likes the term or not.

Dude, I get it from a Retailer's perspective. I really do.
But this whole new "Canadian Legal" "Culture" is what sets me off. Know what it reminds me of? "Mac-tards."

The EXACT same Marketing strategy is used by Mac, and while they are free to market their products in whatever ways they wish, IMO its underhanded and sneaky to brainwash new people who dont know better to scare em off FMU or Full Black guns.

The tone in which the op says "I'm looking for only Canadian legal airsoft", to me sounds like the Cansoft Marketing machine got to him first and I have doubts that the price isnt the main reason hes turned off FMU or Full Black Guns.

Its ultimately the buyer's decision on what he wants to get. I just want to be sure the people make these descisions using the proper info and not some cleverly designed marketing strategy made to pull people away. Cansoft is just ONE niche of the Market. It is not the ONLY option.

Mac does this for uninformed users, and enough of them have sprung up going around bashing "PC's" using misinformation or even know what the hell they are talking about. That being said, I have no problem with Macs, just like I have no problem with Cansoft Guns. But ill be Damned If i let the whole "Im a Mac, I dont get Viruses" Bullshit happen here.

Edit : Prune it if you wish, but you cant deny where Im comming from and the point being made. And I know while many of you are keeping quiet, I know in your gut you feel the same damn feeling I am towards this type of marketing. Pus, you may accuse me of stirring the pot and you may be right, but as far as Im concerned, ive seen more than my share of people who had no idea that black guns and FMU guns are not illegal to own. "Canadian Legal" is a horrible, misleading term and its like a slap in the face everytime I hear it being used in the wrong way.

Think about it. You join the sport, know nothing about airsoft but all you see is "Canadian Legal" banners flashing all over your face. The first thing they think is "Oh, Black guns and FMU guns are Illegal" I better go by a Cansoft "Canadian Legal" gun.

Take it for what it is, but at least keep the lines black and white so that new users dont get confused.

Richand May 10th, 2010 02:45

The G&G and VA are good guns. I have more experience with the VA gun though. The VA indoor is a good starter gun, more than enough for just plinking. Its also sub 350 fps so you can game indoors, thats an advantage for new players since you can use indoor guns almost anywhere. Its a good stock gun and you should be able to game with it with little or no problems. Comes with batt and charger i think, its ok for playing around. And i think its free shipping cause its over $200, plus theres the plastic lower of the VA guns, its pretty tough. That and BB's should get you started no problems.

Thats just me though. I have 2 VA JG m4's no problems with them yet. I also keep hearing that CAS makes their guns cheaper by using cheaper parts, not saying its any worse.

Hope this helps alittle

FLIP May 10th, 2010 04:32

Not to continue the flame on legal/illegal. 1) Having something resembling the real steel in all forms is not what I am looking for, as I already have the real thing, which is also why I want to get something that anyone can easily distinguish the difference.
*I'm in for finding good deals, so clear or not, wtver*

Back to airsoft.

Translucent receivers seem to be cheaper, so that's +1 in my books.

Right now, I am going to scrap the SRC M933. The overall length is short, not the look I am going for.

So its the VA vs the G&G and torontoairsoft is out of the model right now.

TokyoSeven May 10th, 2010 04:53

If VA still does free shipping thats kinda another bonus. Its not really a plus to the AEG but its still a bonus none the less.

VooDooPeteK May 10th, 2010 04:55

So you want to plink in your basement....

How big is your basement?

You might be better off getting a pistol to plink with as the M4's might be a bit big to plink in a basement with. Don't get me wrong I shoot mine in the basement all the time just saying if this is going to be its main use a pistol might be more of a challenge depending on the size of your basement


Back on track though lol

I have a G&G M4 (gr16 I think they call it) and its a good gun for the price (mine is a cansoft version), if I am not mistaken the VA's from toronto airsoft are rebranded Jg's so you can compare the VA to a JG

squeenix May 10th, 2010 07:38


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 1230406)
Strike the SRC and pick from either G&G or VA. I believe that SRC at 007 is an earlier model SRC.

At least since you choose to go with translucent lowers both companies have easily acquirable replacement lowers should you require one. I think I saw a couple of reviews on some VA guns and a few on some G&G M4s, you may wanna poke around with the search function and see what you can find as I cant remember anything specific right now.

I believe Ken said that the internals were the same on the M933, but I'm too lazy to dig up the post.

moz_boz May 10th, 2010 07:44

Well you guys all argue about legalities, I am going to mention my M4. has some G&G stuff in all black now. I got the M4-CQB/R and I am in love with it. My buddy has an older KWA M4, and when I played with it I found it to be very barrel heavy (which gets painful after a long game). Well my G&G is a little lighter over all, they put the batter in the stock and this distributes the weight evenly, making a very nice gun to handle.

Hope this helps!

FLIP May 10th, 2010 16:52


Originally Posted by VooDooPeteK (Post 1230456)
So you want to plink in your basement....

How big is your basement?

You might be better off getting a pistol to plink with as the M4's might be a bit big to plink in a basement with.

I already have a sig p228 (spring). I'd just like to get something full arms on.

On another note... I have to admit, I have MP5 fever ever since rainbow six back in the 90's. I did buy an airsoft off a guy here but it was 75% of the real size. I got rid of it right after as I wanted a full sized one. has some good prices on it, especially blowback.

MP5 Tactical 205
G&G PMP5 Blowback 245

I guess if torontoairsoft has free shipping, the VA model they have would fit the bill. Now I'm just going to check up on some MP5's.

Omnivorous May 10th, 2010 17:44


Originally Posted by FLIP (Post 1230403)
Bottom two from 007airsoft
Next is the SRC M933, $260 (w/ batt, charger)
- Glass fiber upper receiver and detachable carrying handle
- Tinted clear glass fiber reinforced C8 lower receiver conforming to Canadian regulations
- ABS pistol grip, handguards, 6 positions collapsible stock
- 14mm- threaded metal outer barrel, adjustable front and rear sights
- POM bushings, aluminum cylinder, regular gear set, 300rd high capacity magazine
- Metal Parts: front/rear sights, outer/inner barrels, trigger, bolt stop, fire selector, ejection port cover, trigger guard, magazine, front/rear sling mounts, forward assist knob, charging handle, locking body pins


This gun is actually $210 and not $260 at 007 airsoft.

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