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Lord of Rebirth May 9th, 2010 20:26

AA-12 automatic shotgun?
Does anyone make an airsoft AA-12? Looks like a nice thing to play with but I don't believe civilians can own RS ones and even if you could a full-auto 12 gauge sounds like a great way to hurt someone by accident.

Shooting Addict May 9th, 2010 20:29

AFAIK no one makes a airsoft version of the AA-12
Also fully automatic guns require a prohibited weapons licence to buy/use/whatever which is next to impossible to get.

RacingManiac May 9th, 2010 20:29

Doubt it, though it'll be interesting to see how they make one. Easiest will be an AEG and just looks like one. The gas shell ejecting one will be difficult to make a full auto action works....I am not sure if anyone made a semi auto shottie yet...

R.I.T.Z May 9th, 2010 20:30

it would just be a regular aeg with a body kit
maybe with a tri-burst but that would prove to be difficult and flawed technically.

Shooting Addict May 9th, 2010 20:33


Originally Posted by RacingManiac (Post 1230182)
I am not sure if anyone made a semi auto shottie yet...

I think i read on some forum in the states were someone built their own M1014 with RS/custom parts, I'll try to get a link for you.

msdtyu1 May 9th, 2010 21:08

how it could work is like the tri shot shottys only instead of being spring powered they would have a custom gearbox

RacingManiac May 9th, 2010 21:46


Originally Posted by Shooting Addict (Post 1230185)
I think i read on some forum in the states were someone built their own M1014 with RS/custom parts, I'll try to get a link for you.

How are they getting the action to cycle on gas though, maybe CO2 will have enough power...

kullwarrior May 9th, 2010 21:55


Originally Posted by RacingManiac (Post 1230261)
How are they getting the action to cycle on gas though, maybe CO2 will have enough power...

The way I see it... HPA, turning the gas piston on max, reduce recoil spring strength...Maybe it will work.

squeenix May 9th, 2010 22:03

Maybe like an m203 except with multiple shells, fully automatic, and a shotgun? That would be as expensive as hell and impractical as hell though.

DarkAngel May 9th, 2010 22:18

Madbull CO2 Shotgun Shells?

If they can make a GBBR, I see no reason why they cant make an AA12

KoolAidMan May 9th, 2010 23:12

simple batery power the revolving part and use gas shells done

Drake May 9th, 2010 23:18

There are semi auto shotguns (the old Maruzen M1100s, shell fed, internal gas), though the semi mechanism was prone to going awry. The fact the gas was internal allowed for the mechanism to operate like a GBB.

As for full auto, I don't think any of the shells generate enough energy (recoil) to operate a mechanism, it would be like shooting flares out of a semi 12ga. Internal gas would be subject to massive cooldown, too. You'd need something that ran off CO2, and then you run into the problem of gas storage; while some people are okay with remote tanks, most airsofters are not and will point out they came to airsoft to get away from stuff like that.

You'd almost need a hybrid, like Madbull Co2 shells but a gun with an electrically driven action. Cost would be stupid, shells annoy a lot of people because you need to run a shell catcher... you'd almost be better off with an electric version of the ACM M500.

AngelusNex May 10th, 2010 06:55


Originally Posted by Shooting Addict (Post 1230181)
Also fully automatic guns require a prohibited weapons licence to buy/use/whatever which is next to impossible to get.

we don't live in Germany, Different rules here.

Semi auto shotty

Lord of Rebirth May 12th, 2010 01:29

I'd like to think of a way to make a "AEG vannilaed" version as in an internally simplified unit that works relatively similar to the RS counter part but it could be fun to come up with something more unique.

I have been considering how to build a Mk 19 actually and the one thing I thought of was to replace the gas block back function, that airsoft 40MM grenades lack, with a gear box that triggers with a minute delay and in one way fulfills that gas blow back action. All it really needs to do is pull the grenade shells back and down from the ready position above the breach then slides it forward into the breach for firing. Also as the gearbox pulls the fresh shell back and down it automatically forces the spent shell downwards and out of a spring gate.

I think overall the idea on the large Mk19 scale is NOT the most practical thing but it could be a lot of fun to toy with and to use here and there and it can add an extra dimension to games if you use it as a gun nest or on a jeep or buggy to have something of a light tank in game. Now I just need to figure out how to build an automatic cycle gear box with proper delay.... Electronics is the one field of design I'm not good at.

prepaidpwnage May 13th, 2010 17:17

I think it could be done with the shotgun shells that hold gas. You would probs need C02 and maybe even have some gas in the gun to help with the action. Maybe have the shells propel the bbs and the internal work the action.

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