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Huge May 2nd, 2010 01:49

Fielding a pistol as primary
I've been told by a friend that fielding a pistol as a primary is nothing weird in capable hands. I told him its a load of bullcrap but am now reconsidering my opinion. do you think a GBB pistol is skirmishable in an outdoors game as a primary weapon?

The Saint May 2nd, 2010 01:51

There are people who find 100' to be perfectly acceptable pistol range.

pusangani May 2nd, 2010 01:52

depends on your play style, if you are a camper and tend to hang back and take shots you might become frustrated by the lack of range, but if you are the type to push up then you can be just as competitive as a rifleman

VooDooPeteK May 2nd, 2010 02:02

I think you will get frustrated fast with a pistol only

outdoor CQB ok thats fine but in a woodland setting you might find yourself dead and waiting more then shooting at someone

Thanks MO anyway

pipefitter316 May 2nd, 2010 08:17

ive used my pistol as primary but i had to run all over the place, if your agressive you can use a pistol but i wouls sooner use a smaller version of an m4.

kalnaren May 2nd, 2010 08:26

Honestly, I think it depends on a few factors. Your play style, your pistol, what you shoot through it, and how good you are.

I'll tell you this. I used to have a TM Mk23, and shooting 28's it was more accurate than my G36. With the supressor, it was also a lot more quiet.

Able1 May 2nd, 2010 08:29

Pistols give you 100% mobility points ammo and range are your only constrictions really, there are some pistols that have that ridiculous range, but you have to learn to take the fight too your opposition get in real close. There's a player who played at defcon, not gona mention any names but he shot wings off flies with a pistol that's all he needed, but than again he knew when to move and when not to.

CDN_Stalker May 2nd, 2010 09:58

I love running a pistol as a primary outdoors (such as getting a gun hit, or having my MP5 goes down mechanically). When I run my sniper rifle and leave my MP5 at base, my pistol is my primary.

Use heavy BBs and learn to shoot well (like out to 100ft and farther), then when guys hear you using a GBB they will likely assume you are an easy target and get careless. You can also shoot a pistol from cover much easier than with an AEG, largely because you don't have to expose as much of your body to get rounds off (only need your hand and one eye exposed as a minimum, with an AEG you expose your arm and more of your head). GBBs also have the benefit of instantly firing the shot after trigger pull, where an AEG tends to wind up before that first round leaves the barrel.

HeadlessChicken May 2nd, 2010 10:16

Running pistols only is actually a lot of fun and challenging. If your a cautious player, it may not be for you as you have to be quite aggressive. In a wooded area with lots of cover, its very possible.

FOX_111 May 2nd, 2010 10:37

In general, a pistol is not a good primary for infantry role. You need to be able to put out a large volume of fire and be mobile.

If you run 5-10 pistol mags and you pistol is well tuned, you could be able to follow the standard, but you are on a dissaventage.

When I'm sniping and I switch back to my pistol, It's because I did something wrong somewhere and I feel naked with a pistol vs full auto AEGs.

Even if my MK23 is silent and precise with 0.30g bbs, If I miss and I'm seen, I don't have the firepower to match my opponent.

Dirty Deeds May 2nd, 2010 12:03


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1224799)
I love running a pistol as a primary outdoors (such as getting a gun hit, or having my MP5 goes down mechanically). When I run my sniper rifle and leave my MP5 at base, my pistol is my primary.

Use heavy BBs and learn to shoot well (like out to 100ft and farther), then when guys hear you using a GBB they will likely assume you are an easy target and get careless. You can also shoot a pistol from cover much easier than with an AEG, largely because you don't have to expose as much of your body to get rounds off (only need your hand and one eye exposed as a minimum, with an AEG you expose your arm and more of your head). GBBs also have the benefit of instantly firing the shot after trigger pull, where an AEG tends to wind up before that first round leaves the barrel.

Quoted for truth.

I agree with and support this statement fully.

CDN_Stalker May 2nd, 2010 16:22


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1224818)
When I'm sniping and I switch back to my pistol, It's because I did something wrong somewhere and I feel naked with a pistol vs full auto AEGs.

Even if my MK23 is silent and precise with 0.30g bbs, If I miss and I'm seen, I don't have the firepower to match my opponent.

You shouldn't see things that way, you have to learn that your pistol is your primary. Follow my mantra, when doing the sniper role, what weapon do you use to return fire when you suddenly walk into an ambush. The correct answer is your pistol, it's your primary and your rifle is only a special purpose (when you can get away with using it) weapon. You rock the MK23 NBB, so therefore it is a sub-extension of your rifle. Me, my preferred gun is the G19, too bad both of mine are down so have to settle for my MK23 and C11, but I never feel outgunned by AEGs, as long as I have and use cover properly. GBBs often will outrun AEGs if you learn to use them right, and apply that confidence when things go wrong.


Originally Posted by Dirty Deeds (Post 1224859)
Quoted for truth.

I agree with and support this statement fully.

Two thumbs up! :D

Volko May 2nd, 2010 17:23

I wouldn't recommend going with a pistol as your primary unless you are very familiar with the area. I have to agree with pipefitter316, use a smaller version of an m4.

Rugger_can May 2nd, 2010 17:44

If your an experienced player with considerable patience and the ability to creep through bush effectively then I say absolutely any airsoft weapon of good quality is sufficient.

A good quality pistol with heavy weight ammo will fire a good distance with fairly good accuracy.

A wise man once said, upgrade the player not the weapon. Thus if you practice and take your time with it, you can be effective with anything. I have in my time fielded everything from spring pistols, gbb pistols, m11, spring shotguns, to stock tm aegs and heavily upgraded aeg's. and frankly I was perfectly capable of getting enjoyment and playing "effectively".

Thus said, don't expect to bunker down with one, your going to need to remain mobile and unseen, which will depend on the chosen field and your abilities.


FOX_111 May 2nd, 2010 19:16


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1225005)
You shouldn't see things that way, you have to learn that your pistol is your primary. Follow my mantra, when doing the sniper role, what weapon do you use to return fire when you suddenly walk into an ambush. The correct answer is your pistol, it's your primary and your rifle is only a special purpose (when you can get away with using it) weapon. You rock the MK23 NBB, so therefore it is a sub-extension of your rifle. Me, my preferred gun is the G19, too bad both of mine are down so have to settle for my MK23 and C11, but I never feel outgunned by AEGs, as long as I have and use cover properly. GBBs often will outrun AEGs if you learn to use them right, and apply that confidence when things go wrong.

We work on 2 different SOP, you and I.

When I'm falling in an ambush as a sniper, I GTFO, sometime not even returning fire, as my priority is getting to safety to regroup and take apripriate action. I won't do an Australian retreat with my pistol. :D

But I understand your SOP and it's a valid one.

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