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shaharov April 27th, 2010 18:59

Canada Safety Council pushing replica registration
I read this CBC Article and really in some ways kinda agreeing. I guess We'll wait and see but basically the Canada Safety Council has starting looking at having Replica Firearms as a registered weapon (I guess the illegal outright thing really hasn't worked well) I'm not sure of what that would mean for airsoft.. but thought I'd ask peoples opinions.

pugs144 April 27th, 2010 19:02

I highly doubt this'll be taken seriously. It's bad enough when the cost of the (real steel) gun registry is in the billions and now the CSC want us to register toys? Good luck.

The Saint April 27th, 2010 19:06


Let me sum it up: the people calling for this have no idea what they're talking about or how Canadian law works.

Lakonian April 27th, 2010 19:06


Originally Posted by shaharov (Post 1221363)
I read this CBC Article and really in some ways kinda agreeing. I guess We'll wait and see but basically the Canada Safety Council has starting looking at having Replica Firearms as a registered weapon (I guess the illegal outright thing really hasn't worked well) I'm not sure of what that would mean for airsoft.. but thought I'd ask peoples opinions.

Registration means control. There's no need to register them. If you care so much about safety, why not issue a license?

I don't want anyone being able to know what I have by typing my name into some national airsoft gun registry (;)) ... It didn't really work for real guns... Just allowed criminals a shopping list....

Eeyore April 27th, 2010 19:15

Besides the registery part, isn't this what most of us want? I remember many thread with people suggesting that airsoft guns and replica firearms be made "firearms". So that with a Pal one could legally purchase and import them.

The Saint April 27th, 2010 19:24

What people want is for airsoft to be legal. The current law's interpretation and implementation now supports that, well, maybe except for pistols.

To introduce licensing for airsoft would dramatically change the legality of airsoft, paintball and airguns in Canada, and it will unlikely change for the better. The law would require major rewriting to support licensing and registration of airguns, to the point that it'd be easier to put a ban in place.

Look at it this way, has progressively more complex licensing cemented gun ownership in Canada? Hell no.

shaharov April 27th, 2010 19:24


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1221383)
Besides the registery part, isn't this what most of us want? I remember many thread with people suggesting that airsoft guns and replica firearms be made "firearms". So that with a Pal one could legally purchase and import them.

Thats my thought.. Besides the registery not working well and being highly expensive. If we just needed a PAL to get airsoft guns I'd do my firearms licencing in a heartbeat

13Fido13 April 27th, 2010 19:32

OH NO! The sky is falling!


L473ncy April 27th, 2010 19:44

<Insert generic yearly "the sky is falling airsoft is no more" post here>

Seriously this pops up every year at least 2 or 3 times it's not going anywhere and airsoft is pretty much here to stay unless we instill some sort of Big Brother Orwellian society with the liberals (far left authoritarian liberal I mean, I consider myself a left of centre liberal with a libertarian tilt) being Big Brother.

jamuke April 27th, 2010 20:17


Jeff Chen April 27th, 2010 21:11

Hmm... so airsoft guns are legal? I thought it's always prohibited, expecially the replicas like the KSC ones from Japan?

Thenooblord April 27th, 2010 21:13


Originally Posted by Jeff Chen (Post 1221521)
Hmm... so airsoft guns are legal? I thought it's always prohibited, expecially the replicas like the KSC ones from Japan?

you can own them, you just cant import them or buy them or sell them

shaharov April 27th, 2010 21:23


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1221527)
you can own them, you just cant import them or buy them or sell them

I don't believe it's legal to posses them either (If I'm wrong a correction is welcome) but as it's close to impossible to prove that they wern't aquired after Jan 1 1999 (and likewise impossible to prove that it is.. I mean, who keeps recipts for an AEG 11 years) so that possesion is just overlooked and shoved away. Law enforcement has just focused on the aquisition of replicas

kullwarrior April 27th, 2010 22:20

For those who think this is beneficial... you're dead wrong.
These guys are trying to make registeration for the current legal definition of uncontrolled firearms. Basically they want to control the uncontrolled.

Replica will still be band, the exception will be registered.
You think it will be legalize? Wendy Cukier of Coalition for Gun Control is part of IANSA (International Network on Small Arms) led by Rebecca Peters. For those who don't know IANSA is a recognized UN Organization that moves to remove firearms from the people (replicas included, see Youtube vid of Replica into firearms by Mothers Against guns a group supported by IANSA. These guys are not the ones to be friend with, in fact they will take away your rights to get it done. They're trying to do that using UN treaty to override UN Consitution. They did it with Britain, now they're trying to ban airsoft.

Rugger_can April 27th, 2010 22:21


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1221417)
<Insert generic yearly "the sky is falling airsoft is no more" post here>

Seriously this pops up every year at least 2 or 3 times it's not going anywhere and airsoft is pretty much here to stay unless we instill some sort of Big Brother Orwellian society with the liberals (far left authoritarian liberal I mean, I consider myself a left of centre liberal with a libertarian tilt) being Big Brother.

[cue airsoft messiah entrance..... waiting....]

Seriously, its gotten substantially easier to get Airsoft in Canada, sadly some retailers still cling to the notion that 300% markups are justified (it's their right to sell for whatever they want) but with an increase of retailers selling for as low as a 50% price disparity with HK the future is looking bright.

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