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zollen March 28th, 2010 21:51

Question about Payload for a CQB round
I am thinking of participating an upcoming CQB. Would two mid-cap 100rd magazines enough for a CQB round? How long would each round of CQB usually last?

Con Murder March 28th, 2010 21:57

No I don't think two mid-caps will do it, post up in the games board that you wanna attend but need some extra mags. People here are very kind.

-Trooper- March 28th, 2010 22:09

Two 100 round midcaps would be enough for me. I don't usually use more than 2 low caps per round. I say that you should test it out and if you feel like you need more, either ask someone if they could lend you a mag or buy more after

R.I.T.Z March 28th, 2010 22:11

Pending size of the field, amount of players, length of each match, and playing style your cqb layout may change a little. personally i run about 5 mags 90rounds each for 15 minute games.

wildcard March 28th, 2010 22:34

my typical CQB load out for my FAL are :

15 x 45 rnds mags
9 x 204 40mm nades
6 x 15 rnds Glock 19 mags

if I ran my Galil:
9 x 68 rnds mags
8 x 15 rnds Glock 19 mags

For door knocking an 6mm bukake
30 rnds of 108 40 mm nades for the CAW revolver

your 2 mags will last about a 1 engagement if you are really picking your shots, but a typical loadout would be around 6 to 10 mags at least.

TokyoSeven March 29th, 2010 04:36

Depends on your playing style, how heavy you are on your trigger and a few other variables like length of time or number of opponents.

For CQB I usually just carry my M9 + 3 or 4 mags with 15 rounds a piece and rubber knife.

Ballcancer March 29th, 2010 04:49

For CQB:

If I am using my MP5 i carry 4 95 round mags..(I am lucky if I go through 2 of them) and usp with 2 twenty round mags and a Tornado

If I go strictly Pistol I only carry 4 X 20 round mags (soon to be 5) and a Tornado

For CQB I travel very light.. usually a leg/belt combo.. leg holster on right leg.. leg panel with small pouch and pistol mag pouchs on my left leg and 3 mag shingle for my MP5 and dump pouch on my belt.. thats it, because really if you think about, an average CQB game will run maybe? 15 - 20 min...

Styrak March 29th, 2010 05:26

Depends if the game is full auto or semi auto only.

zeshil March 29th, 2010 06:09

It varies, i've gone to games where I can run my 5X70 round mags out in a round or I can go every other game without having to fill up mags, mind you I do use about 1-2 mags

but it all varies really

m102404 March 29th, 2010 06:21

I'll load every mag I've got 8-12 and just dump the empties in my gear box after a set...cuts out the reloading altogether. Usually use 1-4 low caps per set.

A lot of CQB games are semi only (around here), some are full auto/short burst.

Ghostnote March 30th, 2010 02:18

do real caps take into account the bbs that dont get used and fall out? (from the top of the mag to just before it gets fed into the hop up) Am I going to have to flip the gun upside down to get a full 30 rounds?

TokyoSeven March 30th, 2010 02:27


Originally Posted by Ghostnote (Post 1198495)
do real caps take into account the bbs that dont get used and fall out? (from the top of the mag to just before it gets fed into the hop up) Am I going to have to flip the gun upside down to get a full 30 rounds?

That is a fantastic question and honestly I have never run into the issue myself.
However it would be safe to presume that a real cap would suffer the same issues as any low or midcap would.

If anyone runs real caps it would be appreciated if you could toss in your 2cents right now on the topic.

ShelledPants March 30th, 2010 02:44


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 1198503)
That is a fantastic question and honestly I have never run into the issue myself.
However it would be safe to presume that a real cap would suffer the same issues as any low or midcap would.

If anyone runs real caps it would be appreciated if you could toss in your 2cents right now on the topic.

Star 30rnd m4/ak realcaps DO NOT take into account the 3-4 bb's dropped from the mag on release. Which means you get 27ish shots per mag.

Even using the newer hopup's with the rubber retainer... those 3-4 bb's will be in the NEXT magazine.

A good "trick" to simulating real loads is to use a low cap, and count the BB's going in. Most speed loaders push 4-6 BB's every time the plunger is depressed: 35 divided by 5 = 7. Seven plunger pushes and you've got yourself a "real cap".

Obviously this is something each person will do differently, and if a game requires real cap only... then it's an honor system for each person to load his or her mags appropriately.

My .02

MADDOG March 30th, 2010 12:02

As much as I can carry, I do not go anywhere without at least 13 mags, for good luck :rolleyes: (1300 rounds at any given time) indoor or outdoor.
I never use more than 2-3 mags usually per game, if it is a long game, but they are there if the shit hits the fan.

Solomance March 30th, 2010 13:24

Im a fan of real cap for CQB. Mind you im a P90 nut so real cap = 50/mag * 8 mags= 400 total.

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