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Bravo One-Six March 20th, 2005 19:45

Vietnam FAQ
Jebus.. a whole new section huh?

The Vietnam War, and in a broader sense, the entire Indochina War gives the average player lots of different nationalities and specialties to choose from when looking at selecting an impression. The French, Australians, Koreans, and neighbouring countries such as Cambodia and Laos all had troops involved in combat in and around Vietnam. This of course, doesn't mention the U.S. and Vietnamese (PAVN and ARVN) forces involved in the conflict.

From these, you can chose a whole host of unit types for your recreation. Some examples would be:
- Pilots
- Sailors
- Marines
- Regular Army
- Special Forces / Rangers
- Logistical Troops (REMF's)
- Civilians

Within each type, there are various specialties. Special Forces for example, encompass troops from SOG, LRRP, SEALs, Intelligence, Rangers, and Anti-Recon troops. A little research into any particular section will greatly expand your knowledge and give you an idea of what to have for clothing and equipment. Research is important, because the amount of change between eqiupment and clothing early on in the Vietnam war (up to 1965 or 66) can be drastically different than that of mid or late war.

And yes, while a simple pair of Tiger stripes or modern OD uniform might give you that Vietnam look.. nothing can compete with a well researched and appropriately equipped impression. If you really value your authenticity and want to make an impact with the recreation, there is no substitute for documents and photographs.

But.. perhaps most importantly.. you are attempting to recreate the uniform of individuals who fought and died. It is important for their sake that you do a good job and to do them justice. Whether or not you agree with whichever side you end up portraying, respect their decision to do what they did and assemble your impression appropriately.



Sometimes despite all the choice, some recreations end up being more popular than others. If you're not simply going to throw on a pair of Canadian Olive Drab fatigues and some ALICE kit, then this section might help you figure out what you should be choosing. The majority of people who are interested can probably find photos and articles to further detail the equipment listed here in its various configurations, however this is a good starting point for any impression.

US Army Infantry - Line Units
Although the uniform and basic equipment is rather strictly regulated, combinations of different items and how to wear / use them was not. A basic equipment load for the Grunt can be seen below.

- 1st through 3rd Pattern Olive Drab Jungle Fatigues
- Jungle Boots (Vibram or Panama Sole)
- Olive Drab Boonie Hat, or M1 Steel Pot w/ Mitchell Cover
- 1 set M56 (canvas) or M67 (nylon) webgear including:
--- Pistol Belt
--- Suspenders
--- 2 x Ammunition Pouches (universal small arms)
--- Canteen and Cover
--- First Aid/Compass Pouch
- Weapon (M16A1, XM177/CAR15, M79, M60 *M14 for Early Impressions*)
- Additional Equipment is distributed by the platoon through the squad. It may include:
--- Belts of 7.62mm Ammunition
--- Grenades
--- Radios
--- M72 LAWs
--- Heavy Weapons (recoilless rifles, mortars)

US Army - Long Range Recon Patrol
One of the varieties of special units deployed during the Vietnam war, LRRP's were attached to divisions for use as scouting/intelligence patrols. Freedom in the equipment as well as clothing was more lax and left up to the team. In virtually all photos of LRRP units in operations, they are heavily loaded down with ammo and grenades as well as radios and rucksacks.

- Camouflage Fatigues (non-modern Tigerstripe, ERDL)
- Jungle Boots, Delta Footwear
- Camouflaged boonie or muslin bandage
- 1 set M56 (canvas) or M67 (nylon) webgear including:
--- Web Belt
--- Suspenders or Stabo Rig
--- At least 2 + Ammunition Pouches OR
--- At least 2 + Canteen and Cover (Ammo and Water)
--- First Aid/Compass Pouches
- Various existence items (rope, dehydrated food, medical supplies)
- Rucksack (ARVN, Tropical, Lightweight, Indigineous, PAVN)
- Various Grenades

ILLusion March 20th, 2005 19:48

I heard there's this cool Vietnam-based airsoft site called "In Country" or something like that. Care to expand?

Bravo One-Six March 20th, 2005 19:55

Not quite sure about that one Brian... I hear rumours from the VC prisoners we keep bringing in. But for some reason they always seem to 'fall' out of the helicopter before we can get much more info from them!

Kokanee March 20th, 2005 20:55

I used to party with some lifers from MACV down in Bien Hoa, and anytime some sweet little mihn oi would come around they start spoutin shit, trying to impress her.

In Country aint real man, it's BS Arvin invents so he can get some boom boom from his girlsan...

Saryet March 20th, 2005 22:32

ILLusion wrote:


I heard there's this cool Vietnam-based airsoft site called "In Country" or something like that. Care to expand?
Hey man ,what happens in the bush, stays in the bush.

Anyone here remember Quang Loc Tay?

Of course not. 'CAUSE YOU WEREN'T THERE!!!

-Saryet, out!-

SF March 21st, 2005 03:11


Originally Posted by Meat
. I hear rumours from the VC prisoners we keep bringing in. But for some reason they always seem to 'fall' out of the helicopter

Those must be Uncle Ho's elite Sky Soldiers.

Porkchop March 21st, 2005 22:15

Aw, bugger off, mate. Those Seppos got their chatterboxes on again. It draws incoming.

Deftonius March 22nd, 2005 11:30


Originally Posted by Saryet

Anyone here remember Quang Loc Tay?

We're all trying to forget...

The new guy we put on point took it that day. He was a good kid...

z31a April 10th, 2005 20:52

LOL, I usually play as VC when we're playing 'Nam-style. Got the 'chopper pilot helmet, aviator glasses, black PJs and of course the AK.

Wouldn't be too bad except for the fact that I'm actually taller than all of my buddies!

Pip May 26th, 2005 18:55

I luuuuv the Nam style gear, in awe of the sexy M-16Nam, and want an Ak to make my LRRP kit complete and looking oh so cool...

CIA Rick May 24th, 2006 13:11


Originally Posted by Pip
I luuuuv the Nam style gear, in awe of the sexy M-16Nam, and want an Ak to make my LRRP kit complete and looking oh so cool...

Ok ..great.But are you signed up for the Nam game in your town???

Don.McClain April 18th, 2013 09:08

If my memory serves me, alot of grunts as well as marines didn't trade in their m14's like they were supposed to, something to do with not liking the m16s all plastic apperance

5kull April 18th, 2013 12:46

How did I miss this thread!

I started hosting Vietnam games last year, first game 80 US/VC-NVA/Civilians on the field. I grew up with this war and wanted people to experience a little bit of it.

Early on I had to make a decision, be very demanding with uniforms or give people a chance to try it and see if they like it. They liked it so much that we have very little pictures of the actual combat. I had about a dozen people give me the same line "Man, I was so immersed I forgot to take pictures, sorry" :)

The result was that we had 80's Canadian helmets and Austrian M1 and canadian od pants and M4's with carry handles but players loved it and this year I see a lot of units forming up and people are buying the right stuff, M16's, Prc-77, ERDL and camo. Unit badge and flak jackets etc.

We will have Tropic Lightning and MACV-SOG and 26th Marine "The professionnals", Lrrp's etc.

We will still have Canadian OD and M4's and AK74's on the field, but when you see that VC come out of the jungle you know your in Nam:)

Here's some pictures, hope you like them and make positive comments. It's all in french but you can just imagine it's Vietnamese

Dinky dau:)

Vietnam Airsoft, Pont Rouge 2012 - YouTube


Vietnam Pont Rouge (Airsoft) : 11 aout 2012 (Quebec) - YouTube

cooney April 18th, 2013 12:50

In Ontario, the floods of Atacs, muiltcam and other gucci gear. I see no chance of what you guys have in Quebec.

5kull April 18th, 2013 13:02


Originally Posted by cooney (Post 1785825)
In Ontario, the floods of Atacs, muiltcam and other gucci gear. I see no chance of what you guys have in Quebec.

It's the same here, I blame video games lol.

For the first game I taught we would have 20 players on the field, we ended up with 80:) We had some players come down all the way from Ottawa. I will gladly give you a hand if you decide to start something. You already have good players there that have their kits and host events. IMHO, all you have to do is make rules that allow players to play with you without spending to many dongs.


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