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Revolution March 26th, 2010 17:12

AS Suppliers, Brands

Rugger_can March 26th, 2010 17:32


Its always nice for physical locations to show interest in our sport. If you start carrying these products I suggest you try to limit the sale to 18 +

but thats your business.

As for suppliers. I suggest you get a hold of Mach 1 Airsoft

as well as bb bastard and a few others.

I suggest you check out the newbie tank and its stickies for info on the sport in general. and go FAQ yourself.

Amos March 26th, 2010 17:42

The airsoft business is very unforgiving... It's almost mandatory that you know what the hell you're talking about otherwise your reputation will not be good... and news travels VERY quickly in the airsoft community.

Before you start carrying things like airsoft guns, BB's and gear... I'd suggest actually getting into the sport and knowing what it's all about.

A negative move on your part dealing with airsoft could effect the rest of your business reputation as well.

Drake March 26th, 2010 18:01

+1 what Amos said

Also, history has shown us the mere suggestion you might be selling to minors will result in huge backlash from the community.

Strongly suggested you become involved in the airsoft scene before you try selling it.

TokyoSeven March 26th, 2010 18:19

Airsoft guns are not necessarily the most profitable item to stock, as it stand Saskatoon currently has private retailer who carries an large assortment of items at this time already.

When you look out your shop window do you see a KFC? If so I believe I may have made a few purchases from your store in the past.

I hope you take into consideration the comments stated above, if you have any other questions please feel free to ask.

Revolution March 26th, 2010 19:53


Drake March 26th, 2010 20:01


Originally Posted by Kronin (Post 1196123)
Yes there is a KFC out my window, how did you know?


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 1196047)
When you look out your shop window do you see a KFC? If so I believe I may have made a few purchases from your store in the past.

Seems he's one of your customers ;)

T7 is very knowledgeable about airsoft as well as a member of the forum staff, perhaps you could arrange to have a talk with him sometime; it would likely provide a lot more answers faster than can be done on the forum and he can probably point you to some games and such if you want to check stuff out for yourself!

Cushak March 26th, 2010 21:11


Originally Posted by Kronin (Post 1196123)
Yes there is a KFC out my window, how did you know?

Thanks for all the feedback, I completely understand the sentiment and I agree... as with many other hobbies that we provide to the public, you really have to know what is what.

I would love to get involved in some AS action locally, I think it is right up my alley. The only problem is time. In my business I am already involved in a half-dozen hardcore hobbies, work 6 days per week and have a family of 5... :)

In any case I would certainly not intend to sell AS to anyone under 18 years of age.

We've got two local locations we've been playing at a lot, games vary from weekly to bi-weekly as the season picks up; as well as travelling to Regina several times a year for larger milsims.

Now that we've got some local places to play time isn't as much of an issue anymore, it's easy to just do a couple games for 2-3 hours. Used to be our only real option was going to Regina for the day; up at 5-6AM depending on the start time, get home anywhere from 10-12PM.

Oh, BTW, you've got some good salespeople. Friendly, knowledgeable, almost got me going on a new hobby as well as airsoft. (which would have sucked a LOT of my airsoft money away lol)

Cheesevillage March 26th, 2010 21:52

I'm concerned about having a good supply of airsoft guns deep in the West side.

Airsoft doesn't really need more coverage...this venture won't go well if its just about the bottom line. I suspect it is, I mean lets be honest, you're a businessman!

I agree with the above posters. Buy a nice gun, get involved, make some heavily educated (business) choices. Good luck! If you're interested in gaming once the snow melts, PM a Saskatonian in this thread.

Styrak March 26th, 2010 21:55

I sent him a PM guys. We'll see how this goes!

Revolution March 26th, 2010 22:17


Revolution March 26th, 2010 22:18

get to the chopper.

TokyoSeven March 26th, 2010 22:24

If time permits I would love to drop by sometime during business hours if your not to busy to answer any questions you may have. However in the mean time my offer to answer any questions you may have in general still stands.


Originally Posted by Kronin (Post 1196123)
Yes there is a KFC out my window, how did you know?

I cheated, I'm a staff member I checked your IP address and from that I was able to see what city you were from. From there it a simple guess since your shop is the largest in town.


There's a sex shop up the street from your store, I used to run it. That was years ago though.

Cheesevillage March 26th, 2010 22:25


Originally Posted by Kronin (Post 1196260)
oh, he (my Calgary friend) also told me how everyone seems to do Arnie imitations... this is good. I do a mean get to the chopper.

WTF How does he know this? Did he tell you we're all about "Don't you know the building is on fire!!!!!? GET AUUUGHHT!"

Who is this guy...:D?

TokyoSeven March 26th, 2010 22:26


Originally Posted by Cheesevillage (Post 1196234)
I'm concerned about having a good supply of airsoft guns deep in the West side.

There are dumb people in the east and north side who shouldn't have them either.

It snot a tooomah!

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