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marty-demo October 29th, 2013 22:12

Photoshop gun concept mock ups
Recently I've been looking into painting my guns. But before I went and dumped a whole bunch of time and money . I wanted to get a better idea of what would look the best. So I developed a method in photoshop To create some concept mock ups. Enjoyed working on them , so I made some more for guns I don't own as well . They're fairly simple to make and could be done by someone with a basic understanding of photoshop.
Could possibly make a tutorial if there's some demand.

marty-demo October 29th, 2013 22:13

marty-demo October 29th, 2013 22:13

Cortex October 29th, 2013 22:28


Are you just dropping a camo palette over the guns, masking the areas you want the camo to apply to, and using one of the overlay modes? That's how I've done it in the past but it didn't give results quite as good as yours.

bigbuzz666 October 29th, 2013 22:29


Originally Posted by Cortex (Post 1845324)


Wilkie October 29th, 2013 22:51


Originally Posted by marty-demo (Post 1845321)

That's very atractive. Almost makes me want a pdr-c :D

K3vX October 29th, 2013 23:35

Should be basic, but I'm curious as well. The camos look really good on those images.

marty-demo October 30th, 2013 12:26


Are you just dropping a camo palette over the guns, masking the areas you want the camo to apply to, and using one of the overlay modes? That's how I've done it in the past but it didn't give results quite as good as yours.
its simpler then that . no need to mask
will post tutorial tonight


That's very atractive. Almost makes me want a pdr-c
ty i got a real bad itch to buy one as well while making it

marty-demo October 30th, 2013 23:14

Step one
Get an image of your gun or one you want . Use google images and search for the make and model of your gun. Find an image that has a good side view and it also must contain a white background . Look for one that has a decent image size. You can also take a picture of your gun , but make sure that it is on a light background . Now find some Camo patterns, very easy to find on google ,look for your favorite pattern.Also you can import accessories from other images by cutting them out with a polygonal lasso tool. Again , must be a side shot

Step two
open your images in photoshop
go to
image>image size
And set the resolution to 300 , the images you get from Google are 72 dpi .300 Gives you more to work with.
Now cut and paste the accessories you want to use into your main image .
Use polygonal or magnetic lasso.
For this image I used the scope from a G&P viper
After you are done with the accessories
Merge all layers into one
step 3
After you have merged your layer into one image
Right click layer in layer window > Duplicate it 3 times ,
Leave one copy in the background untouched and hide from visablity , this will be your back up
Step 4
Paste Camo on top of the gun, cover the whole gun , you can duplicate the Camo or scale the camo depending on the pattern frequency you desire
Now merge the Camo layers together if you need to
and move the camo layer underneath your second gun copy layer
step 5
Now hide your top gun layer.
Then select the second gun copy .
Go to image>adjustment>desaturate
To remove the color from the layer.

Now the magic part
In the layer window go to the blending mode drop down menu . And pick hard light .
This should impose the Camo pattern on your gun , make sure the gun layer 2 has the blending mode and not the camo
Depending on the brightness and contrast of your original gun and camo images
You may not get the desired effect.
To fix this
Select your gun layer with the blending mode and then
Go to image>adjustments>levels
Use the sliders to change the brightness,
a lighter camo like a desert camo , is going to require you to make a lighter hard light blend. Play with the sliders in the levels widow to get the desired result ,
Do the same for the Camo layer , and see if you get a better look
Step 6
Now make the top gun layer visible and select it
Grab the eraser tool and set the brush to a softer stroke
Start erasing the parts of the gun you want Camo .
This will reveal the layer underneath with the blending mode
Do that till you're happy with the results

Duplicated you back up image layer and try different scheme option
And swap in other camo patterns , and experiment

marty-demo October 30th, 2013 23:25

post your results

FirestormX October 30th, 2013 23:27

Wow, these look really good. Nice job, and thanks for the tutorial!

Apathy October 31st, 2013 00:07

this is sweet. I know what I'm doing after my midterm tomorrow

R.I.T.Z October 31st, 2013 00:14

now if only it where that easy to actually paint those camos onto the guns

cailes October 31st, 2013 08:37


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1845568)
now if only it where that easy to actually paint those camos onto the guns

It is, look up Hydro dipping, or water transfer paint.

Apathy October 31st, 2013 21:25

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