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ak74 May 28th, 2013 05:10

Cool fiberglass resin masks for airsoft
Hi guys,

I would like to introduce these cool airsoft masks to you. :)

As a Trend, airsoft game players are more and more personalized. For example, some players are the fans of Iron Man, they use the Iron Man airsoft masks; some players are more like AVP, they prefer to wear the Predator airsoft masks; some other players worship templar knights, they would like to take the Templar Knights Airsoft Masks etc.

coach May 28th, 2013 07:15

Zero peripheral vision. Poor option for airsoft.

ak74 May 28th, 2013 07:58


Originally Posted by coach (Post 1799887)
Zero peripheral vision. Poor option for airsoft.

What about the Knight Templar Mask? it is good for the sight view, look at this picture.

Zack The Ripper May 28th, 2013 08:47

Stay away from these. Most are mesh based eye pro, meaning anything at close range could be catastrophic. Also, being mesh means low visibility in low light and poor peripherals. They look "cool", That's about it. Also, have fun trying to aim down your rifle sight using one of these.

moz_boz May 28th, 2013 09:30

Don't Bio's have a really nasty habit of turning to shrapnel on these?

NANA May 28th, 2013 09:35

Are their any fields that allow mesh anymore? Every thing I have seen states no mesh period. Why do people insist in risking their eyes cause they want a "cool looking" mask. They get in the way more then they help, you cant sight up with it on. Everyone I know that wasted their money on a mask like that always ended up putting it on a shelf at home and buying some real goggles and a mesh lower.

That said the templar one is kinda sick. I might get one for the shelf at home. But it will never see a game.

PrIeSt May 28th, 2013 09:53

I've yet to read a report on here of a blinded person, sure are a lot of mesh mask's out there....

I've worn the templar. It's AWESOME if you can wear glasses under it your even better.
The Iron man is useless. and the predator mask is banned most places. If I wear it on my big melon I can actually look out the side/see light to the side.
zero protection from side shots. would not recommend ever wearing that one!

Magnaroth May 29th, 2013 12:50


Originally Posted by moz_boz (Post 1799918)
Don't Bio's have a really nasty habit of turning to shrapnel on these?

I had a bio go through my lower face mesh and cut up my chin.

I only know of one Field; Finch's Field, that still allows mesh. However; they state "strictly NO BIO BBs" in all their game posts.

lanepratt May 29th, 2013 13:16

Its not just bio's, evike did a video on there you tube page, diff bb's, diff weights, diff aegs, and diff velocities, all seemed in some way to leave shards of bbs though the mask

ThunderCactus May 29th, 2013 13:27

xtreme tactics here in winnipeg uses ONLY mesh masks for rental, and it's ALL close quarters, from 2-50ft
Depends more on the BBs than the mask. Wouldn't risk it outdoors cause who knows what people are using

redzaku May 29th, 2013 13:50

in my honest opinion, don't even bother with a mesh mask, i'd rather risk my eyes with a surplus police riot helmets, most of the mesh mask i see, the mesh are just glued in. that said, unless they make it with a full mesh covering the whole mask, just stick to Onimaru face mask

Curo May 29th, 2013 14:38


Originally Posted by lanepratt (Post 1800426)
Its not just bio's, evike did a video on there you tube page, diff bb's, diff weights, diff aegs, and diff velocities, all seemed in some way to leave shards of bbs though the mask

Even better BB Bastard did a video. Don't wear mesh

-Trooper- May 29th, 2013 15:09

Looks cool.

Wouldn't use it for airsoft, but as a prop or something.

Magnaroth May 30th, 2013 15:06

What it comes down to is: you only have one pair of eyes ('till science cathes up with optical implants at least, but who knows when that'll be). So it's better to wear something goofy lookin' but effective, than something that may look nifty, but not save your eyes.

ThunderCactus May 30th, 2013 15:34

aint that the truth.
I'm amazed how many people buy chinese shop glasses for airsoft because it says Z87.1+ on the lens

Firstly, you don't KNOW it's Z87.1+, there's no documentation, and no company to stand behind them, there's no proof they're safety rated
Secondly, the Chinese are not above putting labels on things to make them sell. Like the CSA and IEC tags. If anyone's seen the princess auto gas welder goggles, you'll see they say Z87.1 and S5 (shade) on them. Well they have a pair with clear lenses too, which also say S5 because they used the same mold.
And third, if they DO break, you're fucked. There's nobody to pass blame to.

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