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Debrief February 9th, 2012 21:17

Ak5 AEG Magazines?
Does anyone know if something similar exists to the magazine found on the Ak5C?

They're basically translucent waffle STANAGs, if that makes any sense...

JLiang February 9th, 2012 22:46

I've seen AK Waffle Mags, STANAG Waffle Mags, and Translucent STANAG-compatible mags, But never a combo of all three. I'd say just go with AUG mags, as they are STANAG-compatible. (At least, the magwells are.)

Styrak February 9th, 2012 23:04


Originally Posted by JLiang (Post 1603347)
I'd say just go with AUG mags, as they are STANAG-compatible. (At least, the magwells are.)

NO, they aren't.

JLiang February 9th, 2012 23:19

The magwells are...

Styrak February 9th, 2012 23:54


Originally Posted by JLiang (Post 1603365)
The magwells are...

What are you getting at? AUG mags are not M4/M16/AR/STANAG mags, and neither are the magwells.

JLiang February 10th, 2012 00:01

Are they not modifiable to take STANAG magazines? I was told somewhere that they could.

I stand corrected, though, if otherwise.

Junky February 10th, 2012 00:28

Those mags resemble the Magpul AKM mags.

Debrief February 10th, 2012 00:35

I don't believe those Magpul AKM mags are STANAG though. I looks like I might just have to go with Thermolds.

Forever_kaos February 10th, 2012 00:44


Originally Posted by JLiang (Post 1603383)
Are they not modifiable to take STANAG magazines? I was told somewhere that they could.

I stand corrected, though, if otherwise.

Sure, anything is possible with the right tools and possibly crazy amount of time! :D

Some people have modified STANAG/M4 mags into a Famas, believe that's about it.

R.I.T.Z February 10th, 2012 01:04


Originally Posted by Forever_kaos (Post 1603399)
Sure, anything is possible with the right tools and possibly crazy amount of time! :D

Some people have modified STANAG/M4 mags into a Famas, believe that's about it.

yeah but thats a rather simple mod, file down tab until it fits into place. done.


making a m4 mag fit into a aug... or and aug mag fit into a m4...
different shapes, and sizes.....


Originally Posted by Debrief (Post 1603398)
I don't believe those Magpul AKM mags are STANAG though. I looks like I might just have to go with Thermolds.

the closest mags that I could find that resemble the one you posted are the
tango down style or the thermolds

Kos-Mos February 10th, 2012 01:14

I did tried to fit STANAGs into an AUG....

Does not fit without extensive and destructive modifications to both the mag and gun.

Don't mix both.

Styrak February 10th, 2012 02:04


Originally Posted by JLiang (Post 1603383)
Are they not modifiable to take STANAG magazines? I was told somewhere that they could.

I stand corrected, though, if otherwise.


L473ncy February 10th, 2012 02:06

I've seen a player use mags like that on his M4 before (they were semi translucent mid caps). Let me see if I can find the brand they were. I'll ask him next time I see him.

Debrief February 10th, 2012 02:53

That would be super helpful! An Ak5 wouldn't be complete without these magazines :)

Disco_Dante February 10th, 2012 08:18

You could try Lancer Magazines

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