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Disco_Dante May 4th, 2011 17:38

The "Got Wood?" Thread
This is a thread for all those guys who like to keep it old school. No fancy polymers here, just steel and wood. You absolutely cannot post a picture in here unless a tree died to make that photo possible. No fake orange plastic wood either. I want to see some ecological damage.

I'll start us off:

Mitchell12 May 4th, 2011 17:45

I like that railed gas tube, Do you have any info on that or where you got it?

Might post up my AKM in a bit.

Disco_Dante May 4th, 2011 17:47

Came with my cyma AIMS PMC. It's a copy of the Ultimak gas tube rail

Strelok May 4th, 2011 17:50

Is that the Mad max shotgun? Always been interested in getting one. Are the shells compatable with madbull or do you have to get theirs?

Great stuff either way!

DaRkCoMmAnDo May 4th, 2011 17:51

I just wanted to say I was a little nervous opening this thread. :D

Mitchell12 May 4th, 2011 17:54

The ones I found online say it's for AK74's , I'd kinda like to put it on my 47 instead though, I don't know what the differences are in airsoft though :S

Also just so your shotty doesn't feel left out, it's sexy as hell too.

Disco_Dante May 4th, 2011 17:56


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1459777)
Is that the Mad max shotgun? Always been interested in getting one. Are the shells compatable with madbull or do you have to get theirs?

Great stuff either way!

It is the KJW/HWA SAN/Mad Max shotgun. I have no idea if its madbull shell compatible... I've spent 10 hours between today and yesterday trying to seal these bloody shells and three of them still leak out of the base. The fact that I have seven that hold gas is apparantly a miracle according to a variety of reviews I've read. I'll have to test a madbull shell. Anyone in the GTA have any?


Originally Posted by Mitchell12 (Post 1459784)
The ones I found online say it's for AK74's , I'd kinda like to put it on my 47 instead though, I don't know what the differences are in airsoft though :S

Also just so your shotty doesn't feel left out, it's sexy as hell too.

The AIMS is a 47 front end, and it came with it installed, so I believe it should fit your AK. My AK is a VFC copy though, so watch out! I'm not sure if it will fit a TM front end.


Originally Posted by DaRkCoMmAnDo (Post 1459779)
I just wanted to say I was a little nervous opening this thread. :D

That's entirely understandable.


Andres May 4th, 2011 20:41

Mitchell12 May 4th, 2011 21:00

Thanks for the Heads Up Disco!

I'll probably get one anyways they aren't very much. Hopefully it fits if not someone with a 74 will get a good deal :P

Very nice Andres!

Disco_Dante May 4th, 2011 21:03

If it doesn't fit, you will easily be able to make it fit. People mod real gas tubes onto airsoft AKs all the time, so a little work with a dremel should set you straight!

Andres that is hot, the pattern on the wood looks great. What wood kit is that?

MASAKO May 4th, 2011 22:30

This thread for showing off your wood, so stop bubbling but more pics :D

Here is mine, start off with Tokyo Marui MEU and upgrade to Full Metal KIMBER LAPD SWAT Custom II, the grip got from a buddy of mine who doesn't need anymore.

Andres May 5th, 2011 20:42


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 1459948)

Andres that is hot, the pattern on the wood looks great. What wood kit is that?

Some Chinese oak kit I got a long time ago. Though great looking, it's needing some refinishing at the moment and it's not really Marui friendly. Some things will need to be carved to fit properly... still haven't done that.

Unless you have the CYMA M1A1 then it's an easier fit I believe.

megabeers May 5th, 2011 20:59

Real Sword SVD

scurvythepirate May 5th, 2011 21:54

I still feel bad for your flash hider...
Somewhat ruined a great RS SVD.

Snakebite1967 May 5th, 2011 22:06

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