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Short Round August 4th, 2010 23:22

P90 Problems, UPDATE upgrading???
This problem has been solved below. ALL THOSE WHO HELPED SOLVE THESE PROBLEMS I greatly appreciate!!!

PLEASE see my latest/most recent post in this thread

Well after finally getting my P90's battery charged up fully with my new charger i just got today, I decided to finally do a full system test on how the gun performed. Well after a few shots bb's only occassionally poped out of the barrel while most went flying in every direction, or rolled out of the barrel.

SO I opened up my gun (using a youtube How to do video) on taking apart my gun and fixed some little problems (the reverse stopper was off as was the guarder was not against the plug ontop of the gear) so I fixed all those little problems, greased it up, and put it all together.

When I test fire the gun, it doesn't do anything. So I open it back up and my dad (was giving me a hand since he is pretty good with fixing anything) noticed that the Fuse had been shot (the wire was severed in 2 pieces)

So my question is can I get a regular fuse (the same type/model) that they sell at a local computer parts store or is there some "airsoft" specialty fuse I need to get for my gun?

ebfud August 4th, 2010 23:25

i would say as long as its the same size and same amp rating it should do the job

CDN_Stalker August 4th, 2010 23:28

Canadian Tire, standard 1 1/4" fuse, likely you'll only find the 20A ones, it'll still work. Or, you could do what the bulk of us do, forget about the useless fuse and hook the wires together.

Short Round August 4th, 2010 23:34


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1289681)
Canadian Tire, standard 1 1/4" fuse, likely you'll only find the 20A ones, it'll still work. Or, you could do what the bulk of us do, forget about the useless fuse and hook the wires together.

F25Amps 250Volts was the fuse type. If that helps

How is the Fuse useless?

DarkAngel August 4th, 2010 23:35

Most of us P90 users have lopped off the fuse to put the J Batt mod in.

Dont fuck up your gun, and use common sense, and you wont need the fuse.

about 70% of my AEG's dont have fuses.

Short Round August 4th, 2010 23:38


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1289681)
Canadian Tire, standard 1 1/4" fuse, likely you'll only find the 20A ones, it'll still work. Or, you could do what the bulk of us do, forget about the useless fuse and hook the wires together.


Originally Posted by DarkAngel (Post 1289691)
Most of us P90 users have lopped off the fuse to put the J Batt mod in.

Dont fuck up your gun, and use common sense, and you wont need the fuse.

about 70% of my AEG's dont have fuses.

If you could a picture would be helpful on what your trying to suggest for me to do.

How would I loop them off?

And I'm using a custom L-shape 9.6v 1600mAh battery

Styrak August 4th, 2010 23:53

If your fuse blew, there's obviously something wrong with your gun.

Get someone with experience to look at it.

Short Round August 4th, 2010 23:55


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1289704)
If your fuse blew, there's obviously something wrong with your gun.

Get someone with experience to look at it.

I was using it with a very low battery. And today was the first time I have used the gun with a fully charged battery in like a month now

Styrak August 5th, 2010 00:08 it firing? Did you bypass the fuse?

Short Round August 5th, 2010 00:11


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1289710) it firing? Did you bypass the fuse?

No idea how to loop or bypass the fuse.

M.Garcia August 5th, 2010 00:43

Najohn, you cut the fuse off, re-attach the wire before and after the fuse.

Azathoth August 5th, 2010 12:47

Here is some pictures of my stock TM gearbox that may help:

BEFORE in its stock configuration

The lazy way to bypass the fuse

Make sure you still use the fuse box to cover up the connectors. Some people put some solder onto the fuse connectors to ensure that they hold but that's still being lazy.

If you want to do it right I would suggest replacing that section of wire completely and while you're at it switch to Dean's connectors. I'm lazy and never had a problem so aside from tossing all the Torx screws on the box and replacing with hex screws the box is completely stock.

J batteries??? Lipo. 7.4 on my stock gearbox (and nothing higher) and 11.1 in the upgraded.

DarkAngel August 5th, 2010 12:57


Originally Posted by Azathoth (Post 1289962)
J batteries??? Lipo. 7.4 on my stock gearbox (and nothing higher) and 11.1 in the upgraded.

I did my P90 up in the days before Lipo becomming big in airsoft. Jbatts were the only option at the time other than crappy minis.

Short Round August 5th, 2010 20:17

WEll went out and bought new fuses anyways, worked perfectly till my gun started to barely shoot out the bbs (I'm thinking it was a mag problem but not 100% sure, was using low caps as well). Then the gears started to make a weird sound and now i'm back to were I started.

Did that happen to anyone else?

Anyone live in the KW region that can quickly look at what's wrong with my gun. The motor is fine but I have a feeling its the gears themselves or the hopup.

Short Round August 6th, 2010 00:06

Scrap all previous for now. After a very theral investigation of the Gearbox, I found out that the piston had been worn down to nothing!!!! which explains all the problems I encountered.

Atleast now I can fully take apart and rebuild my gearbox within minutes.

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