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Mitchell12 February 24th, 2010 00:53

Boot recomendation.
Hey, I was just looking at multiple types of combat boots available and I was wondering if somebody could give me some insight. I'd like to wear these for airsoft AND hiking if possible and having a high-top boot is important too me. I've been wearing Canadian combat boots for a while and I just know there's got to be better.

When I refer to Hiking I mean like 4-5 day journeys with alot of weight and with any weather a possiblity, So that makes me worry about some of the "breathable" boots not being suitable if it were to rain and get sloppy out.

So a recap of what I'm looking for :

Lighter then CF boots
Equal (or more) ankle protection
Atleast waterproof enough to not worry about having wet feet for 4 days.

Chingyul February 24th, 2010 01:01

I use my Merrel Sawtooth's for both. However, they are a breathable boot, so I did lots of puddle avoiding on the West Coast Trail.

The rest of the group used GoreTex boots, and had no issues with water at all.
Most decent hiking boots should be good enough for both activities. You'll have to balance breathability and water resistance to your location.

I like the 6" height myself.

Sully February 24th, 2010 01:11

I've been wearing the Merrell Avalanche's for the last few months. They are are a mid height boot but I find they still have plenty of ankle support for airsoft and hiking.

JEEPEE February 24th, 2010 01:14

I think you might found this model from 5.11 pretty interesting. I'm looking to buy them for myself.


Sorry.. wrong model :P

scottyfox February 24th, 2010 01:17

I am fond of my Scarpa Kailash GTXs. A little narrow fitting and looking but an outstanding boot and fit in with the Sawtooth-esque SOF kindof look.

Ballcancer February 24th, 2010 01:25


Originally Posted by JPCD002 (Post 1171666)
I think you might found this model from 5.11 pretty interesting. I'm looking to buy them for myself.


I wear the 5.11 ATAC boots for work and for airsoft.. for work I am on my feet for at least 8 hour shifts constantly patroling a very large resort and go home every night without sore feet/ankles/knees etc, they also provide very good ankle support.. I've had these boots for almost 6 months and they are holding up strong with no signs of wear externally or internally. I have found that over a period of time the insoles that come with them some what conform to your foot and they become even more comfortable. I highly recommend these for airsoft and hiking alike.. the only suggetion I make is that you find some gortex liners, as they are not entirly waterproof.

JEEPEE February 24th, 2010 01:31

Thanks that nice to know ;) Do you think the leather version might be more waterproof?

Danke February 24th, 2010 01:34


Originally Posted by JPCD002 (Post 1171666)
I think you might found this model from 5.11 pretty interesting. I'm looking to buy them for myself.


Sorry.. wrong model :P

"Bloodborne pathogen resistant", what do you guys get up to out East?

Regardless, for 5.11 in country you can try here.

Ballcancer February 24th, 2010 01:45


Originally Posted by JPCD002 (Post 1171678)
Thanks that nice to know ;) Do you think the leather version might be more waterproof?

it would help, the ones i have and forgot to mention are the side zip ones... so unless they have a connected leather flap behind the zipper they will not be fully waterproof... if you go for the ones that are waterproof rated ... the you will be golden.. but I have not personally tried them.

Ballcancer February 24th, 2010 01:46


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1171679)
"Bloodborne pathogen resistant", what do you guys get up to out East?

Regardless, for 5.11 in country you can try here.

hey man we prepare for the zombie slaughter... imagine if you had a gash on your foot... you kill a zombie up close and personal and before he was infect he had aids .. tada! that gash on your foot is no worry :D

JEEPEE February 24th, 2010 01:51


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1171679)
"Bloodborne pathogen resistant", what do you guys get up to out East?

Regardless, for 5.11 in country you can try here.

Lol you know... some need doctor scholls... maybe this can help :P lol

Ballcancer February 24th, 2010 01:53

haha not only am i protected against blood pathogens i'm gellin!:cool:

CDN_Stalker February 24th, 2010 07:45

I've been wearing Danner Pronghorns (airsoft, work, worn through snow, mud, water, sand, etc) past two years and love them! Very comfortable, like running shoes, Goretex lining to keep all water out (unless it goes over the top), good ankle support. Even the stock insoles are decent, I tend to use the wool felt types though and thick socks. ~$170 but worth considering, work great for airsoft (they are brown so they add to the camo aspect better than black) and can wear them around town too. I'm definitely getting another pair when these finally crap out.

-Skeletor- February 24th, 2010 07:48

I've been wearing Original SWAT boots for awhile now for work, awesome boots.




If you want to wear the same boots year round, get non goretex boots and wear goretex socks in the wet seasons.

I also highly recommend getting Sole Custom Footbeds - insoles

Lerch February 24th, 2010 08:08

I'll second Mike on the insoles. At my unit we've been restricted to only issued boots for garrison, so I've been wearing my MkIII's with the Sole Footbeds and haven't had any problems yet.

Griffen February 24th, 2010 11:42

I just got these and love them!!! Original Swat Classic 9 Coyote 1150COY

Donster February 24th, 2010 11:44

5.11 Sleet Boots. 8"

Waterproof and everything. I wear them everywhere, even to the gym. They rock. No complaints at all.

Point_Man February 24th, 2010 11:45

Danner TFX are great; very durable and don't take long to break in. Comes in Black, Tan and Sage Green...I believe they're even available in Coyote now. The "Temperate" version has gortex.

Conker February 24th, 2010 11:50

I'd definitely go for Merrel, though they do have a civilian look, depending on what you're looking for. But several SF's use them, too :P

That being said... there's a lot of models and variants for any need you could have.

chronic February 24th, 2010 12:32

Does anyone know of any retail stores in the GTA that sell Condor Jungle Boots?

Mitchell12 February 24th, 2010 17:30

I'm really digging Skeletor's choices, That's right up my alley and I'm sure you'd be the guy to know this stuff. Thanks alot guy's ASC pulls through again :P

Blitzed February 24th, 2010 18:29

I wear SWAT brand boots. Very comfortable and allow movement very well. Can take a lot of wear and tear, but they do not actually tear. I picked them up at Surplus Sergeant (i think) in West Ed. Mall.

theguy February 24th, 2010 18:32

I swear by merrels.

Have a pair of these, Awesomely waterproof. Use em for everything I do outdoors, year-round.

Chameleon Thermo 8s

Slono February 24th, 2010 21:32

Do issued military boots have steel toes?

CDN_Stalker February 24th, 2010 21:42


Originally Posted by Slono (Post 1172426)
Do issued military boots have steel toes?

Not usually. Military boots are meant for marching and hard use, aka ankle support, not usually hard work where shit might get dropped on the toes. But also have a pair of the early 90s CF issued 'Garrison boots', have a reinforced toe but am not sure if its a steel toe or other.

Lerch February 24th, 2010 22:04


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1172437)
Not usually. Military boots are meant for marching and hard use, aka ankle support, not usually hard work where shit might get dropped on the toes. But also have a pair of the early 90s CF issued 'Garrison boots', have a reinforced toe but am not sure if its a steel toe or other.

The old ankle boots had steel toes...otherwise you had to get them ordered personally. IIRC vehicle techs and armoured folks are some of the people entitled to the steel toe boots.

CDN_Stalker February 24th, 2010 22:43


Originally Posted by Lerch (Post 1172452)
The old ankle boots had steel toes...otherwise you had to get them ordered personally. IIRC vehicle techs and armoured folks are some of the people entitled to the steel toe boots.

At least I outlined two of the commonly available boots to him. Lol

Armyissue February 24th, 2010 23:06

Ok folks Just wrote and essay on the whole run of CDN boots. Your never gonna see it though as there are two button braceting my cursors on the lap top. Pg Back and Pg fwd. Well I accidentally tapped it and the post is gone. Not the first time either ASC has lost a few great posts to these two buttons. But no more I carved the bastards out and will look forward to succesfully posting info again from my lap top.

Ballcancer February 24th, 2010 23:09

hmm im kinda taking a liking to those.. how much do they retail for??


Originally Posted by theguy (Post 1172269)
I swear by merrels.

Have a pair of these, Awesomely waterproof. Use em for everything I do outdoors, year-round.

Chameleon Thermo 8s

Armyissue February 24th, 2010 23:23

F@#^&*(&^%$#@!@#K !!!!!!!!!!! buttons still work!

MkIV's , for about $50 these are a great all around boot currently issued to the CF.Hardened toe wide foot bed, lace to the toe and speed lace grommets. Pebble finish leather, soft foam mid sole and Vibram out sole.
Cold Wet Weather (CWW) about $90 most features as the MkIV's but these have a goretex liner making them waterproof and breathable.
Org. SWAT about $120 Black or tan. Light weight feel like Hi-Top Runners but lighter and more comfy. Choice of the CF going to the Sandbox, expect them to last 9-12 months of daily wear. Urban enviroment 24- 30 months. (Made in China)
Boulet CF desert about $50 this is a little lighter that the MkIV's same general design great for summer airsoft. These CF issue boots are all made in Canada and last 3-5 years of regular use

CF MKIII out of issue classic "army Boots"

CF Engineers boots Steel toe green Patch "Flat sole"Constrution boots

Gato February 24th, 2010 23:32

Oakley SI Assault boots, I'd reccomend the 8inch

kolumbo69 February 25th, 2010 23:35

DANNER no if's and but's by far the best boots in the bussiness I wear mine for 10+ hrs a day (EMS) and will never buy any other boot ever again. Theres a reason why they got the contract to the US military

Jager627 February 26th, 2010 07:44


Originally Posted by Armyissue (Post 1172559)
MKIV's Mk III Interm Replacement Boots AKA GP Boots , for about $50 these are a great all around boot currently issued to the CF.Hardened toe wide foot bed, lace to the toe and speed lace grommets. Pebble finish leather, soft foam mid sole and Vibram out sole.

Cold Wet Weather (CWW) about $90 most features as the MkIV's but these have a goretex liner making them waterproof and breathable.

Boulet CF desert about $50 this is a little lighter that the MkIV's same general design great for summer airsoft. These CF issue boots are all made in Canada and last 3-5 years of regular use

Sorry, had to edit a part of your post, as it was slightly incorrect, no hard feelings I hope.

I recommend that unless you can get an exact fit for these boots, avoid at all costs. All three are known to damage people feet, from blisters to other assorted issues both permanent and not. Normally the cause of all the problems with above mentioned boots is improper sizing. Your best bet is to find a pair that will fit you, if you must buy a pair. The other thing to be aware of is the CWW’s are crap on ice, and slippery surfaces. I personally recommend, MkIII's or Swats. I personally have used both for a long while now. Started with MKIII's, only started using the Swats after a bad experience with Clothing Stores and the GP Boots, as they don't make 8 1/2 sizes at all, so I was sort of screwed with an incorrect size that ended up damaging my feet. Then they gave me Swats…

Here's a massive thread on the GP Boots on
GP Boots Warning, this thread is over 53 pages...

Here'sa decient place to find reviews/suggestions on a ton of kit. Here's a thread about non-issued boots that contains a bunch of suggestions.

I guess that wearing the proper size of a boot would be important anyways for the health of your feet.

Armyissue February 26th, 2010 11:47

Mk III Interm Replacement Boots AKA GP Boots,
and how long is the Interm ?

Yep Quartermaster Stores are alway full of stuff you want but aren't "entitled" too or stuff thats just not your size. If I ran my business like the Army Runs Stores I'd be on Skid Row. Guys come in for boots they get a good fit. The flip side is that in Airsoft most players never do a 10K at dawn.

These army boots are all under $100 and thats great for most Airsofters. If you are an Infanteer Spend every dollar in your pay to get the best kit for your JOB. Same as a Carpenter, Electrician or Mechanic. But most guys in AS don't need $300 boots for shooting BB's on Weekends.
No offense taken, Elaborating details are great, I had posted huge details in my first two Vanished posts, haha.

Porkchop February 26th, 2010 13:57

A really nice boot. Excellent ankle support and fairly light.

satanic pope February 26th, 2010 15:32

Get 5.11 boots. They are the most comfortable boot you'll ever wear. But if you're only doing backwoods stuff and just need durable and can sacrifice comfort go with original army boots. I know guys that have never worn theirs out and they are now "vets"

BobbyDangerous March 4th, 2010 13:45

I'd only wear desert boots. Anything heavy all leather is just gonna murder your feet..

Lerch March 4th, 2010 14:01


Originally Posted by Armyissue (Post 1173847)
Mk III Interm Replacement Boots AKA GP Boots,
and how long is the Interm ?

Isn't the GP Boot on its own? I was under the impression that there was the MkI-III, an interim boot (I remember seeing two types of "new boots" when I did BMQ), and then the GP Boot...with the eventual MkVI being the CADPAT boots.

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