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i am looking for a great solid sniper
i have been looking for a good sturdy very accurate snipe that i am able to buy in Canada, but they all look the same. what is a good sniper?
I hear Cdn_Stalker is pretty sturdy heheheh
read the faq's about getting age verified, then read the one about getting a sniper rifle as your first gun, then start researching some reviews on the different brands and what it takes to make a good performing one. |
I think, CDN_Stalker is a good sniper. He works for beer and jerky so you should be able to hire to do the job for you. His best skill is killing noob from a distance. You should be aware of him.
Edit, you should put title looking for sniper rifle. That would make more sense. |
CDN_Stalker is what we use up north here. Very reliable, and accurate.
We don't have any CDN_Stalker in manitoba. I dunno, we could've had one at some point generally they're hard to keep track of.
Let's see
First post asking how to get guns - check Underaged - check Wants to buy a "sniper" - check Wants to know how to smuggle a gun past customs - check Let me guess, you also have some private land outside city limits to play with your other kidiot friends right? |
Aaanyway, I figured this would be an appropriate time to whip out the ol' comic pages. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b2...f/Sniperp1.png http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b2...f/Sniperp2.png |
its not my first i have a classic army mp5 full metal
have you read all the FAQ's? are you aware most fields will not allows use of a sniper rifle if you are not certified? sniping is not like video games (i know i bought one then sold it after 1 game) STOP SPAMMING ! |
OK seriously, he was just asking a fking question. You guys don't need to flame every fking noob that comes on this site asking a simple question. If you are sick and tired of answering the same question over and over, then don't post a damn comment.
If you actually want to help these noobs, then do so without making them feel like a complete retard. Its common courtosy that for some reason is becomming extremely hard to find within this community. I dont care if your an Age Verifier, Retailer, ASC Contributor, or a Staff member. You should respect everyone. You guys talk about maturity ammong noobs asking questions that they can find out themselves yet you don't act mature at all. I mean for fk sakes do you have nothing better to do than treat people with such disrespect? Does it make you feel good? Honestly I can't figure it out. I've seen time and time again where someone new to Airsoft Canada comes into the Noob Tank, asks a very common question, and in turn receives nothing but insults. We were all new to this game. Whether it was 1, 3, 5, or 10 years. Then you wonder why Airsoft has a bad reputation. Why? Because when someone comes here looking for help, you flame them to death that they just go and do what they're not supposed to do and mess with the image that we should uphold. Get your fking heads out of your asses and if you have nothing helpful to say, then STFU. |
Whether you do or not, is of no consequence. You shouldn't have any guns period, and just because you already have one does not mean that we will now help you acquire more OR choose a new sniper rifle.
Noobs and sniper rifles don't mix, underaged noobs and guns don't mix period *edit* no one insulted him, he's spamming the board with these silly threads and refuses to take the advice and read the faq's and ignores the fact that airsoft is 18+ no need to be the white knight and protect the innocent noob, I know sometimes newcomers get treated unfairly, but this kid chooses to make himself a target with his spamming. |
there are FAQ's there are countless rule threads these questions have been asked and answered time and time again. we are just tired of kids not knowing how to use a search button. and thinking they can use a sniper rifle right easily |
Experience is the most imporant factor of it all. If you're running around like an idiot in your back yard with your freinds you're prolly shooting willy-nilly at eachother with no care for minimum engagement distance. Airsoft sniper rifles can be very dangerous if used improperly. |
first of all because im asking questions about a gun doesnt mean im gonna buy one now, im looking at ones for when i can start, how do u think i would get one anyways, second i know how to play airsoft ive been to a feild and watched games before and ive played matched at places where u can be 16 and have a 18 yr old supervisor but i guess that doesnt matter to u guys.
did i say i could use a sniper rifle real easy, wow. im asking about sniper rifles doesnt mean ive used one will use one or think i can use one, it was a q u e s t i o n
you're 16 now, you have 2 years to do all the research that you need to find out what gun you need, you've been told about age verification so you know that you can get guns on this site, so asking where to get guns is pointless. you know that we don't condone underaged airsoft, you think we are going to buy that BS about wanting to know for later, you think you are the first kid to feed us that line? if you know where to play games that allow kids to play, why'd you post this? Quote:
*edit* Thread title says "i am looking for a great solid sniper" not "I am just asking what a good sniper rifle is so that when I turn 18 in 2 years I will know which one to buy", try again. |
No it doesn't. :) |
Hand holding time is over! This forum holds tons of information, all you have to do is look for it.
An appropriate amount of infractions have been issued. To everyone who was apart of the problem and not apart of the solution, Really? Like Really? Common you all know better. |
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