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Roses.A.T.W. April 26th, 2009 13:00

This is Bullpup Thread.
Post your Bullpup configured rifles. Steyr AUG, FA MAS, L85, Tar 21, show whatever you've got!

First up, I've got my TM Steyr AUG. Internally it's pretty much stock minus, the longer inner barrel. Externally I took the handgrip off, applied a carbine barrel adapter, throw on a carbine outer barrel and a silencer.

Lerch April 26th, 2009 13:42

Had a couple, they remain my favorite rifles to use.


Army R85A1

STAR L85A2 Carbine

STAR L85A2 and UGL

Amos April 26th, 2009 13:49

I love it. Ergonomics are soooo nice.

Lerch April 26th, 2009 13:52

Type 97 right? IIRC there aren't any ergonomics in it ;)

Amos April 26th, 2009 13:53

97B... and I meant to say it's very ergonomic. I've been airsofting/field prepping/shooting all weekend. I'm tired.

Roses.A.T.W. April 26th, 2009 14:26

I wasn't aware they made Type 97's (let alone any of the Types), in airsoft.
Unless it's real steel, but I doubt it.
Regardless that's pretty cool Amos, and you too Lerch, nice loadout.

Lonza April 26th, 2009 14:49

my JG AUG civilian version...

old picture. not anymore the weapon.

RacingManiac April 26th, 2009 14:50


Originally Posted by Roses.A.T.W. (Post 971935)
I wasn't aware they made Type 97's (let alone any of the Types), in airsoft.
Unless it's real steel, but I doubt it.
Regardless that's pretty cool Amos, and you too Lerch, nice loadout.

Real Sword makes it.....

Crunchmeister April 26th, 2009 14:53

This is my Echo 1 P90 with a Bushnell holosight, G&P M3 tac light, and King Arms supressor.

kalnaren April 26th, 2009 17:30

My bullpups, past and present:

Tokyo Marui FA-MAS F1. This was an awesome gun, I never should have sold it.

Army Armament L85A1. Love the L85, hate the AA offering.

Echo1 P90 with EoTech 552 replica and Knight's Armament supressor (King Arms)

FOX_111 April 26th, 2009 17:57

TM P90tr back in 2005.

More current version. Minus the Surefire that I no longer field on this systeme.

pvtcody May 5th, 2009 16:42

Nice simple RS Type 97 with G&P Aimpoint

kalnaren May 5th, 2009 18:46

mmm... do want type 97

MrEvolution May 6th, 2009 00:34

How/Why is the P90 considered a bullpup?

ujiro May 6th, 2009 00:40


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 979784)
mmm... do want type 97

mmm... big time +1


Originally Posted by MrEvolution (Post 980101)
How/Why is the P90 considered a bullpup?

yet another, +1. its not a bullpup, really. its in its own category, i would say

edit: well i stand corrected. wikipedia informs me that it is in fact bullpup.

Bowers May 6th, 2009 00:43


Originally Posted by ujiro (Post 980118)
yet another, +1. its not a bullpup, really. its in its own category, i would say

well the feeding portion of the magazine is located behind the trigger along with the action to an extent so i suppose you could kind of consider that bullpup

hmm that is tricky

FOX_111 May 6th, 2009 00:59

Why would it not be. Bulpud weapons are those that feet bullets behing the trigger with a barel that start behind the trigger. (My own understanding).

The P90 have everything in common with other bulpup, except for the magasine type.

DarkAngel May 13th, 2009 18:17

the only thing thats different is the rounds stored perpendicular to the barrel, it is by definition a Bullpup. No reason why It wouldnt be. I dont really see a debate either since it is fed behind the trigger, therefore a bullpup.

ujiro May 16th, 2009 17:08

Yeah, I wasn't entirely sure on how it worked when I posted that previously. Did a little more research and saw you guys were right. Doesn't really matter that the mag is different, still a bullpup by definition. Thanks for the clarification guys. And keep the pics coming!

Kos-Mos May 16th, 2009 18:16

Back from the dead!

Later to latest:

Tasco 30mm RDS
Custom sling points front and back

Action 2x42mm RDS (Worst RDS EVER!)
Also modded an AUG magasine to use STANAG mags (loosing 6 BBs each time, but still handy when dry)

Usually Fenix P3D modded with remote switch
Gemtech G5 QD silencer/flash hider set
1pt. sling mount ala "Stargate"

Also with a custom barrel extension and DNTC 5.56 compensator

lemegacool May 16th, 2009 18:20

BWWWWHHHAAT!!! your're on asc! lol so... not installed the nitro rails on the p90, and you guy make me want a steyr aug... witch i used to find ugly...

SockMonkey May 16th, 2009 19:40

Goes good with my Aus Kit.

KND May 17th, 2009 23:25

My old toys.


Amos May 17th, 2009 23:39


Originally Posted by SockMonkey (Post 988669)

Nice pants... but this is the bulpup thread...

SockMonkey May 17th, 2009 23:54


ujiro May 18th, 2009 00:10


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 989413)
Nice pants... but this is the bulpup thread...

Its an aug...?

Huron May 18th, 2009 00:21


He was making a joke about the camo being very nice. I agree. Nice paintjob SockMonkey :)

ujiro May 18th, 2009 00:24


Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded (Post 989455)

He was making a joke about the camo being very nice. I agree. Nice paintjob SockMonkey :)

Oops! I read "Nice paint.. but this is bullpup thread" not pants. *facepalm to myself*

Failure by me. Great paint job though, impressive

Mitchell12 May 18th, 2009 23:43

What do lefty's do if they have to use a Bullpup? Looks like they'd take shells to the face from a few of these.

Nice collection you guys have though.

SockMonkey May 18th, 2009 23:47

Dont know about anything else but the Aug is totally Ergo/ambidex. You can change the charging handle/ejection port to the other side.

Mitchell12 May 19th, 2009 00:27


Originally Posted by SockMonkey (Post 990166)
Dont know about anything else but the Aug is totally Ergo/ambidex. You can change the charging handle/ejection port to the other side.

Neat stuff!

Brodie_BHD May 19th, 2009 00:38

RS P90 ejects the rounds straight out the bottom ;) So its also 100% ambi

Sino May 20th, 2009 17:34

My RS type97 with realsteel type95's optical......

pvtcody June 2nd, 2009 15:54

Love the optics,now if only they would release the Type95 conversion.Though it seems to have been pulled from there website.

Brit ter June 21st, 2009 10:43

1 Attachment(s)
My SA80!

infernau June 22nd, 2009 22:08

My TM Aug
1 Attachment(s)
My stock Aug, soon will have a cqb rail kit on it.

T@NK August 31st, 2009 16:29

Jimski August 31st, 2009 18:47

this thread is awesome :)

Amos August 31st, 2009 19:32

Glad to see my old baby is in good hands :)

T@NK August 31st, 2009 22:36

lol, of coz, I am taking good care of it now, I got a brand new gear box set for this baby and changed every possible parts with the best I can find as upgrade. =)

Overkill1369 August 31st, 2009 23:10

TM AUG with Action AUG A3 RAS system:

T@NK September 1st, 2009 11:11

alright, some new pic here

enjoy =)

cbcsteve September 29th, 2009 01:10

The ARES Tar 21

Roses.A.T.W. September 29th, 2009 01:41

Do want.

Shrapnel[Op-For] September 29th, 2009 01:51

Any Famas's floating around here someone wouldn't mind posting? :)

Lerch September 29th, 2009 12:42


Originally Posted by cbcsteve (Post 1074349)
The ARES Tar 21

Have you tried out the optics yet? Everybody that's got one on Arnie's apparently hates it :(

cbcsteve September 29th, 2009 13:29

Yup its not that great

puding October 10th, 2009 17:28

Tankdude November 27th, 2009 21:03

Twin#1[Op-for] November 27th, 2009 21:16


kylem_8 April 6th, 2012 01:32

Holy crap necro!
Hey everyone;

Figured I would just necro this post. Can't believe no one has posted in it in so long.

This is my new Real Sword Type 97.

Upgraded with a PDI 6.01mm 595mm Tightbore Barrel, 5.56mm silencer (barrel is about 3/4 the length of the silencer meaning it still dulls the sound), and the Rail is a Diemaco TRIAD.

I tested it last week. At 170ft, it has a spread of less than 6". It shoots 390-395 FPS at 18 RPS with an 11.1v lipo with deans connectors.

Short Round April 6th, 2012 01:53

Tastey looking

noypi April 7th, 2012 13:15

Type 97B
My latest bullpup: Type 97B... I plan to keep it relatively stock other than a spring downgrade, SCS and side rail.

Also, loving how the gearbox is locked/supported by the integrated screw and body pin. I hope this address the back plate support breaking down... which happened with my previous bullpup (AUG and P90).

ArmorerKen June 13th, 2012 04:22

1 Attachment(s)
My Aug. All mods done by myself, in a tiny apartment. Custom made short mag low cap. Home made foregrip, mounted to lower/rear receiver. Just started refining the foregrip mod, making it better, stronger, faster. Learned to machine metals recently so... The original mods had survived 30-40 hours of actual playing time (woodland, heavy brush) before 2007, then sat around for years. It's a shame it never gets played, but it's pretty hot for most fields, 460+ with a .20. Internals are CA reinforced ver.3 MB with 7mm bearings, mix of various upgrade parts, stock Marui piston though spaced for AOE and teeth shaved of course, o-ring nozzle, 605mm PSG-1 tightbore (ends a few inches from tip of phantom kit) and v.3 bore up cylinder kit with ported piston head. Volume seems right, AEG is very accurate out to 200+ feet with no wind.

I haven't played in years, college, work... argh!

SuperCriollo June 13th, 2012 14:46

Ghostnote June 18th, 2012 03:33

ratnest June 18th, 2012 08:22

lot of type 97s interesting little guns
old pics of my f2000 broke the aimpoint debating new optics on it.

Rotting September 3rd, 2012 06:50

Little bit of a bump. My new project. TM FAMAS SV.

Spike July 23rd, 2013 16:38

Mufukkan thread revival! RIS just came in today :D


Jimski July 23rd, 2013 21:05

Zack The Ripper July 24th, 2013 12:00


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 1818130)

That's a beauty.

Airmax July 24th, 2013 22:08

Woot someone revised this thread!
Carry on:D

CR0M September 2nd, 2013 18:36

mine will be going through ch ch ch changes...

but right now this is what it looks like. I will post back in when my other parts come in...

I cut off the gas block from the front and grounded down the metal part that holds the foregrip, and attached a ris barrel mount instead... eventually Im getting a 6" silencer, and bipod grip

T-Hell September 12th, 2013 23:01

1 Attachment(s)
My Latest creation
KC02 Bullpup

j_march September 12th, 2013 23:03

T-Hell WTF is that? I like it.

JLiang September 12th, 2013 23:06


Originally Posted by T-Hell (Post 1833006)
My Latest creation
KC02 Bullpup

I'll take 5

That is actually the sexiest thing I've seen in awhile, damn.

What is that a medley of?
I see hints of P90, PDR-C, and maybe AUG but holy shit am I impressed O,e

redzaku September 12th, 2013 23:10

nice, red jacket firearms custom stock, i didn't know that it was possible to get one in canada, then again, i don't pay much attention to .22lr rifles

T-Hell September 12th, 2013 23:15

It is indeed the RJF ZK22
but I actually measured out a real steel 10/22 and sadly the airsoft version is thicker and not exactly the same shape as the real steel version.

so I grabbed my dremmel and went hell bent for leather. ...

took many hours of cutting and shaping. the gun and the stock ....

then had to use some putty in the stock to create a properly balanced place for the stock to rest and be supported.

it will fit sort of out of the box BUT you will have to cock it every time you fire it.

with the mods i did it does fire each time I pull the trigger.

nice design but the trigger pull is a bit tough..

all in all I am quite excited to field this

j_march September 13th, 2013 01:33

I see a lot of FN style to it

T-Hell September 13th, 2013 08:08

Kind of a mix of p90 and FN...
feels really good very balanced when shouldered
Trigger pull is a bit stiff but I am guessing that is due to the airsoft trigger being different then the real steel trigger system.

Wilkie September 13th, 2013 19:58

Sick looking rifle, Tim! Looks like a solid mod

Long_Bong September 13th, 2013 20:32

TM Aug with the funny foward RIS removed and micro red dot.

CR0M September 18th, 2013 01:07

silencer + quad rail + grinding = my homemade phantom mod (approx $20)

I grounded off the gas block, and the metal that holds the stock forgrip... so that the front plate is essentially flat, aswell as part of the top rail that dips over the front plate, so that the quad rail sits flush against it.

CDB December 15th, 2013 14:52

4 Attachment(s)
ICS L85 A2 and L86 LSW.

lord_sid January 12th, 2014 16:18

My currently collection of Augs.

Strelok January 14th, 2014 09:50


T-Hell January 14th, 2014 11:56

down right Sexy

Wilkie January 14th, 2014 14:32

I was hopping you would bring that to the Show and Shoot! Very nice build

Brit ter January 14th, 2014 16:07

1 Attachment(s)
Here is my AA SA80

Gato January 16th, 2014 01:47

Figure the Streamlight TLR-1 is about the size of what I want and where I want, I need to find a T1 Micro type sight with riser that'll mount to the rail so I can drop it on right behind where the light is, so I can see over the light and keep everything as far front as possible. The MS3 sling is perfect for this gun, it sits her perfectly where I want an allows me to rapidly bring the gun to bear on target with minimal effort in both 1 and 2 point configuration.

I might look into putting a longer barrel on, but I figure the barrel, as short as it looks, is still pretty long considering how it runs to the mag well roughly.

Had a TM P90 as my first gun, LOVED it but foudn it a bit short for my comfort. This AUG however is pure bliss to weild....

JLiang January 16th, 2014 18:21

I can finally feel Asian again

Hughes January 16th, 2014 21:28

Kac m4qd

Originally Posted by Overkill1369 (Post 1056421)
TM AUG with Action AUG A3 RAS system:

Would any one have an idea of where to get that KAC M4QD? The current catalogue doesnt have a stubby like that and all the retailers I checked dont stock them either.
I was about to PM him but he hasnt been active since 2010
I'm waiting on some parts before I contribute to the thread, but damn I have a lot to contend with. Nice work!

unknownvariable January 17th, 2014 21:37


Originally Posted by Hughes (Post 1860544)
Would any one have an idea of where to get that KAC M4QD? The current catalogue doesnt have a stubby like that and all the retailers I checked dont stock them either.
I was about to PM him but he hasnt been active since 2010
I'm waiting on some parts before I contribute to the thread, but damn I have a lot to contend with. Nice work!

ehobby has it in stock (last page). Made by ICS.

Wilkie January 17th, 2014 23:16

Is that QD snubby, or is the picture distorted? Looks great!

Hughes January 18th, 2014 03:38


Originally Posted by Overkill1369 (Post 1056421)
TM AUG with Action AUG A3 RAS system:

Page 3 in the thread for his contribution, it's really that short
I may have to find a knock off in country or customize my current, my local shop sells a long model in gold/tan so thats always an option.
Edit: that ICS one is perfect. Now I can narrow my search down thanks Unknown!

bareass January 24th, 2014 20:01

A quick pic of my f2000

Hughes February 25th, 2014 08:46

2 Attachment(s)
The mbus will be finding a different set of rails to call home so they will stay tan
Alternatively I have a modified silencer turned into an amplifier, I just need to paint it

Black Patch February 27th, 2014 11:49


Originally Posted by CDB (Post 1854689)
ICS L85 A2 and L86 LSW.

Things of Beauty!
My WE L85A2 is going through similar changes with Mr Meyer. ACOG and Cantilever mount instead of the Spectre though.
A lovely looking rifle CDB.
Good Job

CDB February 27th, 2014 18:14

Where did you find the scope mount...would give my left nut for one.

sarcastro February 28th, 2014 12:32


Originally Posted by CDB (Post 1872133)
Where did you find the scope mount...would give my left nut for one.

Only place I've found so far.

And you can keep the nut..

CDB March 3rd, 2014 16:25


Originally Posted by sarcastro (Post 1872320)
Only place I've found so far.

And you can keep the nut..

Thanks for both.

targetGspot March 3rd, 2014 16:43

3 Attachment(s)
I don't know why bullpups aren't more poular, especially in cqb.

-Aftermath aug, painted, home made silencer covering 650mm 6.03 tightbore (sold to airsoft group member)

-Ares Tavor Tar21, SHS piston(to replace stock 2 games old shattered one), 6.01 tightbore, P90 flashhider 'cause I thought it looked better than stock one. (likely sold to new group member)

-Echo1 p90, shimmed to perfection! 6.03 tightbore runs halfway into silencer (sold to group member)

-Magpul PTS PDR, stock

Wilkie March 3rd, 2014 18:00

Certain bullpups, like the p90 are perfect for cqb, but weapons like the Tavor are much less so due to their long stocks. Less so in airsoft because you don't have to shoulder it I suppose, but having to envelope yourself around that stocks exposes a lot of your body.

How's that MAGpul shooter treating you? Always thought that a neat looking concept

beta678 March 3rd, 2014 18:58


Originally Posted by targetGspot (Post 1873167)
I don't know why bullpups aren't more poular, especially in cqb.

Bullpups might not be comfortable for some people or they might just feel awkward to shoulder.

I love the look of the Type 97B but when I had a chance to hold the longer Type 97 and shoulder the rifle, it just felt weird and out of place the moment I did. I'm sure I could get used to it after a bit more time with it, but my first impression of it wasn't as great as I hoped. That being said, if RS ever came out with a GBBR version Type 97B I'd still pick one up in a heartbeat.

targetGspot March 3rd, 2014 22:29

I actually never liked my p90. I find them awkward to hold and the magazines suck balls,(too big, hicaps don't feed well, midcaps generally can't be fully loaded...). I've never found using the tavor exposes me at all, quite the opposite however I do find it awkward to aim. The PDR is amazing! Shoulders and aims just like an m4,(it should because it was designed to do so). rof weak on 7.4 but decent with 11.1 but it's shooting 415fps out of the box. I'm sure if I played indoors a lighter spring(quick change) would up that quite a bit. I was worried about the whole Ares gearbox thing but she's been solid. Don't let the small battery compartment turn you off, I play all day and although I switch up guns, I've played most of a day, (multiple shorter games over 6hrs) with it and not killed the battery. Besides it's an easy one to change out, you could do it mid game. The PDR is everything I wanted the tavor to be : /

JLiang March 3rd, 2014 22:35


Originally Posted by beta678 (Post 1873219)
That being said, if RS ever came out with a GBBR version Type 97B I'd still pick one up in a heartbeat.

If RS came out with a GBBR Anything they'd make millions.

As for the Type 97, I agree that it's a more proprietary taste; I find it great to shoulder, extremely comfortable, very ergonomic, whereas some of my friends and other people that I know that handled the QBZ found it really weird and oddly shaped.

Also, I don't know if it's a coincidence, but all the Asians I know liked how the QBZ felt. Perhaps there's a connection going on?

beta678 March 3rd, 2014 23:36


Originally Posted by JLiang (Post 1873270)
If RS came out with a GBBR Anything they'd make millions.

As for the Type 97, I agree that it's a more proprietary taste; I find it great to shoulder, extremely comfortable, very ergonomic, whereas some of my friends and other people that I know that handled the QBZ found it really weird and oddly shaped.

Also, I don't know if it's a coincidence, but all the Asians I know liked how the QBZ felt. Perhaps there's a connection going on?

Lol! but I'm Asian! Still, it looks awesome to me. Tbh, the only thing that felt awkward about the Type 97 was how close your support hand grip is to the hand holding the pistol grip. It feels more natural for me to have my support hand out further than closely tucked in towards my body.

JLiang March 3rd, 2014 23:48

Dang it, you had to go and ruin my theory.

Black Patch March 5th, 2014 13:25


Originally Posted by Wilkie (Post 1873204)
Certain bullpups, like the p90 are perfect for cqb, but weapons like the Tavor are much less so due to their long stocks. Less so in airsoft because you don't have to shoulder it I suppose, but having to envelope yourself around that stocks exposes a lot of your body.

How's that MAGpul shooter treating you? Always thought that a neat looking concept

The TAVOR was built for urban operations. It looks to have really weird ergonomics but having seen the correct handling demonstrations on "points of contact" with the rifle, it actually makes sense how the ergonomics then come into play.

Most Bull-pups, in the real world at least, offer an increase in maneuverability in MOUT / FIBUA / CQB / CQC scenarios due to length and weight balance when in the shoulder.
They fail in two major areas IMO.
One changing the mag... your eyes are off target for longer when changing mags than comparable times for a conventional layout rifle.
Two: Reach with a Bayonet fixed... That said I would trade a full length barrel over reach any day.
Unless I was at Rourke's Drift, with 10000 angry Zulu's, deciding I would look better as a pin cushion.. then, and only then, I would take a full length rifle.

Brian McIlmoyle March 5th, 2014 14:12

The last known bayonet charge was British forces in Afganistan, with SA80/L85A2 rifles. which is a bullpup.

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