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Shirley January 10th, 2009 20:06

The Amazing Race Gun Thread
Post you competition race pistols!
Unbelievable!! :p

Mine's somewhere in the thread. :)

RacingManiac January 10th, 2009 20:15

wow, now you got an open gun too....

hopefull I can get my Open Limcat together soon...for now just the standard Infinity....

Styrak January 10th, 2009 20:27 don't really....wear those ear cups do you?

Conscript January 10th, 2009 20:29

Those aren't ear cups, those are individual testicle protectors. Yes, Hitman's balls are that enormous.

Shirley January 10th, 2009 20:29


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 895471) don't really....wear those ear cups do you?

lol Nope. Just for show, they're Peltors.

Kimbo January 10th, 2009 22:52 don't really....use those bullets in your gun do you?

Cassius January 10th, 2009 23:00

Nice avatar hitman.

Shirley January 10th, 2009 23:47


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 895566)
Nice avatar hitman.

Yeah she's hot. As hot as my gun.
Breasts the size of my balls, right Conscript? ;)

RacingManiac January 11th, 2009 00:02


Originally Posted by pivot (Post 895558) don't really....use those bullets in your gun do you?

no....or else it wouldn't be airsoft...

dummy rounds sold by Scarecrow of the BB Bastard, makes for great prop when shooting pics.....

Shrapnel[Op-For] January 11th, 2009 00:06


Originally Posted by RacingManiac (Post 895613)
no....or else it wouldn't be airsoft...

dummy rounds sold by Scarecrow of the BB Bastard, makes for great prop when shooting pics.....

I think you missed the pun...

Shirley January 11th, 2009 00:13


Originally Posted by Shrapnel[Op-For] (Post 895618)
I think you missed the pun...

Damn, so serious!

RacingManiac January 11th, 2009 00:51


KNIVEZS January 11th, 2009 00:53

edit...nice loookin guns

Shrapnel[Op-For] January 11th, 2009 03:19


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 895471) don't really....wear those ear cups do you?


Originally Posted by pivot (Post 895558) don't really....use those bullets in your gun do you?



Andres January 11th, 2009 04:01

Ohhhhhh... hahaha.

Wait what?

(great guns by the way)

Shirley January 11th, 2009 04:19

Wait till Illusion comes in and blows up the whole thread with his collections.. :(

Shirley January 20th, 2009 21:37

New parts.
and new ugly custom holes in the comp.

Thanks to iLLusion Airsoft for high quality parts.

the4thpower3 January 25th, 2009 13:29

Looks good HitMan...
you know what I like the best about it?
That you USE it!

BTW why do you 4.3 mags?
I've found that I really prefer the length of 5.1 mags for reloading.

Shirley January 25th, 2009 19:02


Originally Posted by the4thpower3 (Post 904809)
Looks good HitMan...
you know what I like the best about it?
That you USE it!

BTW why do you 4.3 mags?
I've found that I really prefer the length of 5.1 mags for reloading.

Well I got the gun with 4.3 mags. Ugh, but since in Canada, we're limited to 10 rds, so high capacity doesn't matter. Also I so want 5.1 mags, but I got the gun with 4 4.3 mags. lol

Amos January 25th, 2009 20:10


Please tell me you didn't you a hand-drill for that!!

At the very least you should have used a drillpress and lubrication :(

Nice gun though... That comp still can be saved... You just need some one with a mill :)

Shirley January 25th, 2009 20:23


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 905032)

Please tell me you didn't you a hand-drill for that!!

At the very least you should have used a drillpress and lubrication :(

Nice gun though... That comp still can be saved... You just need some one with a mill :)

LOL Yeah, I did know someone who had one, but bleh. It's fine.

RacingManiac January 31st, 2009 00:03

ILLusion January 31st, 2009 03:18

That Limcat looks REALLY nice, Andrew

Shirley January 31st, 2009 13:57

LOL I knew I saw that coming. :(

pusangani February 4th, 2009 15:46

Well, she's not as blingtastic as you guys' Capas, but here is my WE M92L purchased from Caliber Research (Conscript), please pardon the crappy quality:

ILLusion February 4th, 2009 16:19

Can't wait to see her perform at CAPS.

I'd suggest finding a way of direct mounting the optics to the mount... see if you can remove the rail mounts and directly bolt the optics in to the optics base. If you can shave down the rail to get closer, that would be even better.

You'd get a solid 10mm closer to the bore. Acquiring a sight picture would feel much more natural and your shot accuracy won't vary as much between short and long distance shooting.

pusangani February 4th, 2009 16:22

I know, I cannot wait! the sight isn't mine it's on loan from Ancorp so I can practice using a rds, I plan on getting one of those small, low profile RDS one's that you guys use ;)

Daiviet February 4th, 2009 17:17

DUDE! you know what you gotta do? keep the long barrel, but switch back to the standard length slide, and put a comp on it, to make this:

Conscript February 4th, 2009 17:18


Originally Posted by Daiviet (Post 911977)
DUDE! you know what you gotta do? keep the long barrel, but switch back to the standard length slide, and put a comp on it, to make this:

That's a Taurus PT-99, different gun.

Shirley February 4th, 2009 17:23


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 911937)
I know, I cannot wait! the sight isn't mine it's on loan from Ancorp so I can practice using a rds, I plan on getting one of those small, low profile RDS one's that you guys use ;)

What's your budget?
It takes time to get used to shooting with optics.

I don't know if you have a rig yet or not? Maybe you can spend money on a rig and then an optic.

But, the high end ones are C-mores and Doctor sights which are 300$ and over.

Mine was some China crap that costed 40$ because I wanted a special Circle lens.. It's fine, but it busted and springs went everywhere.. I managed to fix it, and made it a fixed sight with no adjustments. I zero'd and fix. Glue gun did the job, little screws and crap kept getting loose..

ILLusion February 4th, 2009 17:33

Doctersights are damn near impossible to get nowadays. Something about Germany restricting export to the US now. I've seen some floating around, but they were selling for well over $550CAD.

You definitely do need a proper holster to carry any pistol with optics. You won't be allowed to use the pistol in a CAPS or Action Air event without a locking holster.

Shirley February 4th, 2009 17:37


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 911996)
Doctersights are damn near impossible to get nowadays. Something about Germany restricting export to the US now. I've seen some floating around, but they were selling for well over $550CAD.

You definitely do need a proper holster to carry any pistol with optics. You won't be allowed to use the pistol in a CAPS or Action Air event without a locking holster.

Holy smokes!
Hmm you have one don't you? *Profit..Cha ching..*

RacingManiac February 4th, 2009 18:03

C-more is not that bad...~$250 can get you one probably....the adjustment from using ironsight to optic for me wasn't that bad, it definitely helps more when you are transitioning from target to target....

Shirley February 4th, 2009 18:14


Originally Posted by RacingManiac (Post 912041)
C-more is not that bad...~$250 can get you one probably....the adjustment from using ironsight to optic for me wasn't that bad, it definitely helps more when you are transitioning from target to target....

Hmm, more practice for me than.
The last practice at ttac, I couldn't find my dot. LOL

White_knight February 4th, 2009 18:35


Originally Posted by Conscript (Post 911981)
That's a Taurus PT-99, different gun.

so? the taurus is a beretta clone. the gun an still be turned into that

RacingManiac February 4th, 2009 19:02


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 912049)
Hmm, more practice for me than.
The last practice at ttac, I couldn't find my dot. LOL

Might be the sight height difference....

Shirley February 4th, 2009 19:53


Originally Posted by RacingManiac (Post 912084)
Might be the sight height difference....


Lakonian February 4th, 2009 20:37


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 911996)
Doctersights are damn near impossible to get nowadays. Something about Germany restricting export to the US now. I've seen some floating around, but they were selling for well over $550CAD.

You definitely do need a proper holster to carry any pistol with optics. You won't be allowed to use the pistol in a CAPS or Action Air event without a locking holster.

Has anyone thought of using the Aimpoint Micro? I think it'd be quite good for a CAPS setup.

Still fucking pricey though.

pusangani February 4th, 2009 21:29


Originally Posted by Daiviet (Post 911977)
DUDE! you know what you gotta do? keep the long barrel, but switch back to the standard length slide, and put a comp on it, to make this:

that was what I was thinking when I first found her, I actually have a regular lengthe upper, but for some reason I CANNOT get the outer barrel out of it!

I am probably gonna get the same rig you have Lanny, the one from Huang I think it is, I know she won't fit in a regular holster, I have a M92f serpa on the way that I will use with the regular barrel/slide for the stats match if I don't get one by then.

I actually like the rds I have on it right now, I don't have to hold the gun so high as she's quite heavy lol ironic I know :D

Shirley February 4th, 2009 21:58


Originally Posted by kos (Post 912158)
Has anyone thought of using the Aimpoint Micro? I think it'd be quite good for a CAPS setup.

Still fucking pricey though.

It's not bad, it looks small in pictures, but when you see it in person, you'd be like, what the hell? That's huge!

I was thinking of that to place on my gun, but I still don't know.

RacingManiac February 4th, 2009 22:05

I think if you use one of those you need to fit a really low fitting optic rail mount...though I've never tried a tube type optic on a pistol, they seem they sit much higher than C-more and the like....

ILLusion February 4th, 2009 22:56

How low do you want to go?

*evil grin*

Shirley February 4th, 2009 23:00

WTF? That's like some custom ring mounted onto the slide itself?
If that's airsoft, I don't think it would blow back as much. lol

ILLusion February 4th, 2009 23:10

It's real steel. The slide has a rail machined in to the top.

If you want an airsoft replica.... it can be done. lol

RacingManiac February 4th, 2009 23:20

I'd bet an airsoft version would have great difficulty

Seems kinda odd though, have a big piece of glass shuffling back and forth like that....

Though a slide and barrel set with the short hybrid port minus the optic mount would look pretty hot...hmmm...

pusangani February 5th, 2009 01:52

but how does it stay zeroed in with all that movement?

ILLusion February 5th, 2009 02:05

If you have a solid mount and NOT some cheap China replica RDS, then it's not much of an issue. I have slide mounted optics as well.

Shirley February 5th, 2009 02:12


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 912399)
but how does it stay zeroed in with all that movement?

Zero'd all the time and quality if you buy the real one. ;) lol

pusangani February 5th, 2009 02:20

hmmm good to know, time to save up!

the4thpower3 February 5th, 2009 19:56

Slide mounted RDS do loose their zero on real guns - very much...that why not many people do that. I think if you wanted a low slide mount, a step up like the one Illusion posted would be best. Though as Illusion said. Docters are expensive and difficult to find. But you could always use a few other similar designs.

I still like the looks of the tube style RDSs.
There is a Replica AimPoint Micro btw

Sauk Kirsch (a top class GM IPSC shooter) uses a AP Micro.

Shirley February 5th, 2009 20:19


Originally Posted by the4thpower3 (Post 913017)
Slide mounted RDS do loose their zero on real guns - very much...that why not many people do that. I think if you wanted a low slide mount, a step up like the one Illusion posted would be best. Though as Illusion said. Docters are expensive and difficult to find. But you could always use a few other similar designs.

I still like the looks of the tube style RDSs.
There is a Replica AimPoint Micro btw

Sauk Kirsch (a top class GM IPSC shooter) uses a AP Micro.

Doesn't look bad at all.

pusangani February 5th, 2009 20:41

damn you hicapa owners, you guys get all the kool accessories!

Shirley February 5th, 2009 21:17


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 913065)
damn you hicapa owners, you guys get all the kool accessories!

You can be like Norrie and have your Beretta stock. I think his is stock. lol

ILLusion February 6th, 2009 12:19


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 913088)
You can be like Norrie and have your Beretta stock. I think his is stock. lol

Not anymore... he's been bugging me to get a rear sight located RDS mount... LOL.

RacingManiac February 7th, 2009 15:22

Shirley February 16th, 2009 22:22

Here's mine again, BUT I made some custom marks on my frame. ;)

ILLusion February 16th, 2009 23:39

What in the world did you do to it?

Shirley February 16th, 2009 23:52


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 920927)
What in the world did you do to it?

Well the dremel went out of control and did some weird things, and I used this pink stone thingy. LOLLLLLLLL
It's okay, it's 1 of a kind.

wildcard February 17th, 2009 00:09


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 920940)
Well the dremel went out of control and did some weird things, and I used this pink stone thingy. LOLLLLLLLL
It's okay, it's 1 of a kind.

I have a polishing stone that can probably restore the smoothness of your frame

Shirley February 17th, 2009 00:11


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 920956)
I have a polishing stone that can probably restore the smoothness of your frame

lol thanks, but it's okay.
Stock TM frame is made of shit metal. :p
I'd have to keep polishing it everytime or else it would turn yellow.

m102404 February 17th, 2009 09:16

HAHAHA...Lanny, you're going to wear that frame out....not by shooting it but by messing with it continually...

ILLusion February 17th, 2009 10:44

And then he'll have to come to me to buy a new one... pwuahahaha

Shirley February 17th, 2009 12:29

I raped her up good. :D

safx February 18th, 2009 11:38

ohhhh boy... that's a hack job.

Rather than a random scuff job,
why don't you try adding a texture
pattern like on STI/SV grips that
have been burned with worm

You could use your dremmel to
make stipple dents...

Or simply sand and repaint the
frame and pretend this botchery
never happened :)

Styrak February 18th, 2009 12:26


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 920940)
Well the dremel went out of control and did some weird things, and I used this pink stone thingy. LOLLLLLLLL
It's okay, it's 1 of a kind.

Eeeeeek that looks bad.

ichimaru gin March 6th, 2009 03:23

Here is my wife's gun, It was mine but she fell in love with it so I have to build another one. (Inspired by Illusion's hi-capa)

Ronan March 6th, 2009 04:46

Glad to see Mr.Hitman is still at it with his unique guns;)

Shirley March 6th, 2009 07:33


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 933927)
Glad to see Mr.Hitman is still at it with his unique guns;)

But they perform excellent. ;)

Daiviet March 6th, 2009 07:59


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 933941)
But they perform excellent. ;)

your mags certainly don't

ILLusion March 6th, 2009 08:36


Originally Posted by Daiviet (Post 933947)
your mags certainly don't

oooooooo SNAP!

Shirley March 6th, 2009 12:27


Originally Posted by Daiviet (Post 933947)
your mags certainly don't

It's mainly the gun that performs good, but one of my mags are fags. LOL

But I fixed the problem ever since I got the dremel.

Watch for the next match and steel challenge. :D

I beat most the people on my hitlist.. MadMax is next, he's fast. :(

I dished hout hundreds just to bring down these people in CAPS. LOL

But hey, this is just talks, we'll see when we shoot. :D Muahahhaha! (Devil Emoticon Insert Here)

Shirley March 6th, 2009 12:28


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 933954)
oooooooo SNAP!

.... And you call me lil jon.. Pfff

Daiviet March 6th, 2009 13:23


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 934075)
It's mainly the gun that performs good, but one of my mags are fags. LOL

But I fixed the problem ever since I got the dremel.

Watch for the next match and steel challenge. :D

I beat most the people on my hitlist.. MadMax is next, he's fast. :(

I dished hout hundreds just to bring down these people in CAPS. LOL

But hey, this is just talks, we'll see when we shoot. :D Muahahhaha! (Devil Emoticon Insert Here)


Steel challenge is a bit overrated, especially since we shouldn't be doing it every time (in my opinion). Sure it focuses on speed and accuracy, but there isn't any other technique involved with it like different shooting stances, target placement etc.

It's said that a course of fire should only be done once so that the shooter can't study the course itself. We've done steel challenge so many times, even though we change the positioning of the targets, its still the same thing.

You can have your steel challenge hitman, but so far i've still placed higher than you in each scored match, so I guess i should be on your hitlist too.

I'm gonna end this here, since this thread should be about Photo's, not performance.


Originally Posted by ichimaru gin (Post 933913)
Here is my wife's gun, It was mine but she fell in love with it so I have to build another one. (Inspired by Illusion's hi-capa)

Thats a mighty fine pistol man, was this the one you were having problems with before? and what are your plans for the next one?

RacingManiac March 6th, 2009 13:28

wow the trash talk....heh...

That Infinity looks interesting, is the whole top side of the slide milled down?

edit: nevermind, I think its the

cbcsteve March 6th, 2009 15:51

Gold Member
I couldn't stop thinking about modding my next Hicapa for CAPS but I am sad that this one is hard to find, says on the Freedom Art site only 50 were made, garggh its all gone everywhere.... its definitely different than most designs. Unless someone knows a good metallic gold paint I can use :P

Dirty Harry
This one is always goddamn sold out too. I really like the front end its not too boxy, yum yum

Daiviet March 7th, 2009 00:09


Originally Posted by cbcsteve (Post 934203)
Gold Member
I couldn't stop thinking about modding my next Hicapa for CAPS but I am sad that this one is hard to find, says on the Freedom Art site only 50 were made, garggh its all gone everywhere.... its definitely different than most designs. Unless someone knows a good metallic gold paint I can use :P

Dirty Harry
This one is always goddamn sold out too. I really like the front end its not too boxy, yum yum

Dude, the second one is what I use on my capa. I think i got the last one that WGC had lol
And the first one, Alan has that one in silver i believe.

Shirley March 7th, 2009 00:12

Damn, some rare Freedom Art frames huh..

Ronan March 7th, 2009 00:15


Originally Posted by Daiviet (Post 933947)
your mags certainly don't

LOL! The moment is still fresh in my mind, i got a couple convo's on MSN with all the same link to his 'mag test' lol....:D

RacingManiac March 7th, 2009 00:36


Originally Posted by Daiviet (Post 934491)
Dude, the second one is what I use on my capa. I think i got the last one that WGC had lol
And the first one, Alan has that one in silver i believe.

I thought yours was the 4.3 version?

cbcsteve March 7th, 2009 02:18


That gold one is no longer manufactured :(

I am guessing Freedom Art is probably coming out with some new stuff I hope

Daiviet March 7th, 2009 10:33


Originally Posted by RacingManiac (Post 934500)
I thought yours was the 4.3 version?

Nope, Alan has the 4.3, I've got full length 5.1


Originally Posted by cbcsteve (Post 934561)

That gold one is no longer manufactured :(

I am guessing Freedom Art is probably coming out with some new stuff I hope

They slowly come out with stuff, i know they made some new monstrosity when the Xtreme came out.

RacingManiac March 7th, 2009 11:45

How much are the FA's frame in country anyway? I am wondering if it might be better just get ProG4 to make one.....;)

Daiviet March 7th, 2009 12:06

its about 300 landed, but not much selection to it. I wish mine didnt have the bevel cut at the bottom, just straight and blockly.

the4thpower3 March 7th, 2009 18:15

ichimaru gin - very nice, clean pistol you have there.
Did you polish the frame yourself?

I think most of the Freedom Art kits look a little wacky.
I think they are confused. They are different breed maybe. "Raceticool".
But they are cool considerering, they are the cheapest way to get a long frame, comp set up.
And the fact that they have inner barrel holders in the comp makes it that much better.
I just can't stand the rails. Does anyone need a racegun with a torch or a laser?
Or an extended length tactical gun with a compensator?

ILLusion March 8th, 2009 07:48


Originally Posted by the4thpower3 (Post 934870)
I just can't stand the rails. Does anyone need a racegun with a torch or a laser?
Or an extended length tactical gun with a compensator?

Hmm..... yes?


It's why I stopped using them as well. Prior to ProG4 and even Shooters Design releasing their frames, I had strictly used Freedom Arts frames for a couple of years.

ichimaru gin March 8th, 2009 11:25


Originally Posted by the4thpower3 (Post 934870)
ichimaru gin - very nice, clean pistol you have there.
Did you polish the frame yourself?

Thanks Sir the4thpower3 and Yes, I polished it myself. I didnt mean to do that though. It was an accident that happened to my frame that made me polished it. I wanted to paint the gun black and did some powder coating. The result was one hell of a wack off, so I ended up polishing it and the result was quite satisfying for me.

cbcsteve March 8th, 2009 13:46

Just got into the race gun world but I was wondering I noticed quite a lot of you guys have a longer chasis does that improve on anything?

RacingManiac March 8th, 2009 14:44

Might make the gun's balance shift further toward the nozzle, which helps on stablizing the gun on blowback. And it looks cool....:D

Actually I don't have any LDC gun....though I do have longer comp and serves the same purpose and hides the innerbarrel...

Daiviet March 8th, 2009 14:58

Like RM said, more balance on the gun to stabalize blowback, compensator hides longer inner barrel. The freedom art compensators also secure the inner barrel in place, allowing for better accuracy.

wildcard March 8th, 2009 15:38


Originally Posted by cbcsteve (Post 935285)
Just got into the race gun world but I was wondering I noticed quite a lot of you guys have a longer chasis does that improve on anything?

longer inner barrel, better accuracy and distance, counter the blowback, personally it makes the gun a bit more balanced during rapid shots

ILLusion March 8th, 2009 17:07

Personally, I find the differences to be minimal, at best, especially if the chassis is made of aluminum. You'll gain at most... what... 25grams at the muzzle? Although, when combined with other parts, it will help with balancing the weight over the trigger for better muzzle control. The stock Marui Hi-Capa has all the weight in the grip, because of the magazine which makes the muzzle really easy to point and move quickly due to the lack of weight up there, but it will also experience higher muzzle flip.

Steel bull barrels and a longer chassis will balance it up towards the front, which is better for practical shooting.

But like I said, the performance difference is minimal. The real reason for doing it? Because it looks bad ass.

'nuff said.

On the flip side, the reason why you don't really see that style for tactical / combat pistols is because they are harder to holster due to the large muzzle face. It's not a problem with race holsters, but if you're dealing with any type of wrap around duty holster, it may be an issue when trying to squeeze that block cut slide/frame in to many duty holsters.

m102404 April 10th, 2009 22:55

Here's what I'm competing with for the CAPS Match on April 17th...

I need help with taking good pictures...(cough, cough...Illusion!)

cbcsteve April 10th, 2009 22:58

Did you use that M4 before at FTF?

I remember hearing your voice asking if I was dead yet then another shot on my middle finger, hurt like a bitch.

RacingManiac April 10th, 2009 23:04

I know there are no optics for the rifles for the next match, but are we allowing open guns for pistol?

The 4.3 looks sweet, needs that tape for the grip though...:D

m102404 April 10th, 2009 23:05

Nope...that was a different rifle...aside from the FAL, I build a new rifle for each game...or at least it's turning out that way unintentionally. :rolleyes:

Shirley April 10th, 2009 23:14

Hey! Tys and I now have pointy muzzle brakes. Show it at CAPS match.

m102404 April 10th, 2009 23:21

Grip tape migrated it's way to my field gun...:( I wish I had more.

ILLusion April 11th, 2009 03:22

I just got another pack of those grip tapes.... 5 tapes. Let me know if you're interested in a set. I think I only needed one or two from the set.

Shirley April 30th, 2009 11:52

Daiviet April 30th, 2009 13:29

it looks exactly the same as your first post... what did you change on it?

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