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T@NK September 9th, 2008 22:53

my X-47
Here is my newly built Multi-brand X-47


More pics will b update after the drum mag and my custom-build foregrip arrived

alright, finally, its finished, the pic is kinda rough, I'll update more pics later.

Shirley September 9th, 2008 23:01

Drum mag? I don't think it suits it. lol
but I think that's cool.

oOMuDOo September 9th, 2008 23:03

Very nice,

I find that aim point red dots look kinda large on these setups.

Can't wait to see final pictures.


Ktown Militia September 9th, 2008 23:08

I like the tactical grip. whered you get it?

T@NK September 9th, 2008 23:08

from uncompany, thats long time ago

Beazer September 10th, 2008 01:45

Mine's already had to be taken apart.
You still need an offset foregrip, a proper folding stock, a PVS NVG)real or replica, PEQ, vortex flashider, 74 upper reciever, extended mag release, and if you bother the 74 front site post, which I still need.
Oh yeah, and lots of waffles.

Most of the weird stuff you can get at ebaybanned, like the flashider, and offset grip which is a saviour for mag changes.
I stuck with the original ejection port handle thingy, whatever it's called just because I didn't want a shitload of dirt in my gearbox.

Here's the real thing.

spartan117 September 10th, 2008 03:50

That looks awesome! Sweet build!

westbon September 10th, 2008 04:02

wow, it's "cooL"

T@NK September 10th, 2008 08:43


Originally Posted by Beazer (Post 814427)
Mine's already had to be taken apart.
You still need an offset foregrip, a proper folding stock, a PVS NVG)real or replica, PEQ, vortex flashider, 74 upper reciever, extended mag release, and if you bother the 74 front site post, which I still need.
Oh yeah, and lots of waffles.

Most of the weird stuff you can get at ebaybanned, like the flashider, and offset grip which is a saviour for mag changes.
I stuck with the original ejection port handle thingy, whatever it's called just because I didn't want a shitload of dirt in my gearbox.

Here's the real thing.

Ya, u r abs right. but i m gonna keep the stock like that though, I hate folding stock so much.

byblos September 10th, 2008 09:10

where do you get that stock? is it available to buy separately? and do you need a new body?

Beazer September 10th, 2008 16:23

u can use a 47 or 74 body really, i think the bhi mod allows either in RS.
The stock is hard to come by, G & G had some, and I think another company makes one as well. Check RSOV or similar. The only adapter you will need is the KA m4 stock adapter cut down. Thats it. I think I spent over $1200 finishing mine up, but now I'm redoing the whole gearbox...

T@NK September 13th, 2008 00:17

i am very happy with it right now, don't really wanna change anything else on it, also i 'll keep the 47 stock for large battery.

Dusti69 September 13th, 2008 00:31

i think 74 stocks may have a little bit more room in them. the plastic stock ak47 stocks i have layin around both have the stuff in them for the wire to go through. my brothers ca 74 stock is sturdy and has tons of room in it

but then at the same time ive just recently noticed that not all large type batteries are the same size. like my sanyo and the one the came with my 416 are the same size but the set of tenergy larges i just bought are slightly longer and the wires are also longer which takes up a little more space in the stocks
yet his ca 74 stock has plenty room for the tenergy large while mines wood stock doesnt

twisted concept September 14th, 2008 22:26

nice and clean....looking good so pics when you get the rest of it together...

Conscript September 14th, 2008 22:26

Nice ! I love the charging handle on that thing, reminds me of the Galil.

attack-beaver September 15th, 2008 02:37

you could try a M4 club foot stock with the adapter still gives u the full stock-ish look and goes with the sopmodie look.

super_six_four September 15th, 2008 03:03

not being a jerk or anything but this is just my opinion, YUCK i belive that an AK should be metal and wood, dirty and scratched lol

Dusti69 September 15th, 2008 03:05

i have to admit......
i do like aks with rails on them sometimes.. but not when theres a bunch of crap on the rails

T@NK September 23rd, 2008 19:59

new picture is here

Donster September 23rd, 2008 20:02

reminds me of an AK-gangster-style tommy gun. while i dont care for it personally, i understand and appreciate the uniqueness of the look you were going for.

BORDENSNIPER September 23rd, 2008 20:08

wow, thats hot.

Disco_Dante September 23rd, 2008 20:08

How well does the drum mag feed?

FOX_111 September 23rd, 2008 20:10

Now you need a heavyer barel for it!

Tech September 23rd, 2008 20:14

looks cool man

Dusti69 September 23rd, 2008 20:47


Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 (Post 825350)
reminds me of an AK-gangster-style tommy gun. while i dont care for it personally, i understand and appreciate the uniqueness of the look you were going for.

yea. tommy ak

Conscript September 23rd, 2008 20:49

Get a Noveske flash hider for that and you are set. Oh and some waffle mags would be even better :D

Beazer September 23rd, 2008 21:27

Screw Noveske.
Go with a vortex like it's supposed to. Everyone has a Noveske, and because of that it's lame.

T@NK September 24th, 2008 10:14


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 825361)
How well does the drum mag feed?

the drum mag feeds pretty well, its brand new from ebaybanned though.

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