Airsoft Canada

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Lisa May 18th, 2008 02:04

Introduction Thread: Post your hello's here not somewhere else.
All introductions are to be done in this thread. new threads will be trashed, mocked and flamed for inability to see/read.

So..... Hi, who are you? And don't forget to read the rules.

TokyoSeven May 18th, 2008 02:13

Welcome to all the new comers. Before or after you introduce yourself take a moment and just read through what Ive got compiled below here for you. You may find it useful, you may not. If your new to airsoft though I highly recommend you give it a once over. Aside from that welcome to ASC.

If you havent already please take the time to fill in your profile, Where your from, your birthday etc.This forum holds a lot of information. Please keep in mind before starting a new thread, that there maybe an existing one already. Near the upper right hand corner next to the quick links and log out tab is the search tab. With that you can attempt to see if there is a thread on the topic, don’t get discouraged if you don’t find something right away, change up your search words as well, the search system doesn’t just find tittles it looks for word matches in the content as well. If there is an existing thread on the topic and something wasn’t clear, don’t be afraid to necro post, despite what some douche bags say, its perfectly fine.

I’m sure you have a lot of questions, and in time you will find all the answers. There’s a lot to learn and it cant be picked up in a week or two. But I’m time you will learn what you need.

Heres a little reading Id like you to have a look at.
It will shed a little light on airsoft in Canada in general.

Now as for airsoft in Canada, just as a general consensus this website and the majority of its members follow the 18 years of age rule. Meaning that it is recommended that a person be the age of 18 before they acquire their first gun. It is recommended because 18 is the recognized age where a person can be held legally responsible for their actions. Now it may not be illegal in all provinces to own airsoft, but I do believe there is a province out there where there is an actual law stating that one must be 18 to purchase. Which one that is, I cannot remember. Hopefully someone can perk up and jump in on that part. The majority of fields used for airsoft play usually require that a person be 18 years of age as well, although I have heard of fields where there have been players as young as 16, with parental consent.
I would like to take a moment to touch on maturity. I find people of all ages quote maturity, unfortunately stating maturity is irrelevant when it comes to airsoft, for the most part at least. There have been people as old as 40 and up who have acted like they were 12. I have already stated why the age of 18 was chosen. Now from time to time I hear people who are underage say that they have grown up with firearms all their life and they hunt and everything etc. If this applies to you then you should pay attention to this, if not you should read it and take it to heart anyways. So you have hunted for a long time? Been around guns since you were little? Well good you should have a firm grasp of trigger and muzzle control then. Now unfortunately regardless how much experience you have with fire arms you can not use it as a bargaining chip to skirt around what has been set as a rule among this community.
In my personal opinion an airsoft gun is not a fire arm; however that’s my personal opinion. For me, an airsoft gun only looks like a fire arm but that’s where I draw the line in comparisons. They do not function the same, sure relations can be made but they still are not the same. Now although I may not consider an airsoft gun a fire arm, authorities will in most instances. If you get caught doing something stupid with an airsoft gun you will be charged as if you are committing an offence with a real fire arm. If you are under the age of 18, the damage falls onto your legal guardians, so the shit really hits the fan. If you’re 18 and over at least you can be held responsible for being stupid. That’s the jist of it, accept it or don’t.

This website has a process called age verification, where if you are 18 or older you can meet with a volunteer representative of this website who will meet with you in person, there is no way around this, no phone, no webcam, in person only, where they will require to see a legitimate piece of photo identification. After the process is completed, it can take sometime as this is all volunteer work, you will be granted access to this websites buy and sell section, where you can find both new and used guns, for fair and competitive prices. Although its not always the case, it is sort of an open market.

Things to keep in mind when initially getting into airsoft.

-Its usually best to start with an AEG.

-Remember to factor in the costs of gear for your kit, BDU's, footwear, vest or holsters, slings and most of all, eye protection. Money can fix teeth, but I don’t think we can fix a shot out eye yet.

-You don’t always have to have a side arm in the beginning, its something you can pick up along the way.

-In most cases its recommended to play with your gun stock for a while before considering upgrades. Upgrading can be costly and can cause complications in some cases.

-Don’t forget to buy magazines for whatever gun you choose. High caps are ok, but well they rattle. Mid caps and low caps in my personal opinion are best.

This link is a link to a page that has some information in regards to picking your first AEG. I suggest you take sometime and read it.

Gun reviews can be found all over the internet, regardless which search engine you use, a different combination of search words can yield different searches. Let me keep it short and sweet, for the bulk of it, AEGS are simple motors that drive pistons that compress a spring to expel air to propel a BB down a barrel. How you want that set up to look is up to you. There are many brands of companies out there that make airsoft guns, how much you pay maybe relevant to the quality you receive.

Tactics and gear questions, tactics and other movement and communication methods can be learned on the internet or will be picked up overtime as you play. Gear, people build kits that suite their needs, its not just about looking cool. Some people simple use a holster for a side arm and carry a few mags in pockets. Others prefer to carry a full kit. To each his own. Its something you build and develop to your playing style over time.

Finally this website also has a FAQ section that holds some useful info, it may not be entirely up to date, but I suggest you poke around in there as well. You may find something handy.

Midgetkid May 20th, 2008 16:47

New at ASC
Hello, My names Mike and i just registered here. Im only 16 but i have been into airsofting for about a year and iv done som research. I dont really have the cash for a gun right now.. also not the age but airsofting is so addicting :P Hopefully ill be with you guys for a long time

Shrike May 20th, 2008 16:57

Welcome Midgetkid, Read lots, be "mature" when it's important and you will get by fine.

Guess the old "hello" thread was a bit stale.

Hello, I'm Shrike and I like long walks on the beach with T7's avatars... and with Yuxi when he's been drinking.

Brit ter May 20th, 2008 17:00


Armandhammer May 20th, 2008 17:08


Originally Posted by Midgetkid (Post 722050)
Hello, My names Mike and i just registered here. Im only 16 but i have been into airsofting for about a year and iv done som research. I dont really have the cash for a gun right now.. also not the age but airsofting is so addicting :P Hopefully ill be with you guys for a long time

Welcome Midgetkid, nice to see some more under age airsoft enthusiasts joining this forum. Read up on the FAQ's, and show some maturity towards the other ASC members. Get yourself out to an airsoft game to watch and ask some questions, good luck:D


Gigaknight May 20th, 2008 17:12

Great, another kid mature enough to understand the rules of airsoft; I hope you can get something really good when you're 18!

Best of luck and read up on everything, especially gun reviews. If you ask which gun is better, we'll simply tell you it's all based on personal preference.

Midgetkid May 20th, 2008 17:38

I already know i want a G36C or an Mp5 ;P

Zombiefruit May 20th, 2008 17:52


Originally Posted by Midgetkid (Post 722050)
Hello, My names Mike and i just registered here. Im only 16 but i have been into airsofting for about a year and iv done som research. I dont really have the cash for a gun right now.. also not the age but airsofting is so addicting :P Hopefully ill be with you guys for a long time

Hey there! Great to see another minor on the site! Just stay respectful and play by the rules.

Cutlass May 20th, 2008 19:02

hello my name is Preston i live in dryden ont. and i belong to team J.S.O.C. out of Neepewa Manitoba and i go by the same handle on the maa forums

Shrike May 20th, 2008 19:10


Originally Posted by Cutlass (Post 722199)
hello my name is Preston i live in dryden ont. and i belong to team J.S.O.C. out of Neepewa Manitoba and i go by the same handle on the maa forums

This is really what should be posted in here. I set a bad example above.

Hi, I'm Mike, older than some of you and taller than all.

I've been on ASC for years and have seen and laughed and screamed with anger and almost cried and shook with rage and loved (in a manly friendly way) people I've met through this site. I've also seen the bottom of the barrel on here too. It's been an interesting ride.

I play with the Snowdragons, a bunch of cool, tough, nice people that are very different (aren't we all) but share a common love and passion. Good times.

I can age verify but mainly at games or functions I am attending. If you have any questions I suck at the building/fixing of aegs but if I can help with anything else I'll try.

Cutlass May 20th, 2008 19:37

thanks for making me the example

decoy May 26th, 2008 17:51

Hi all,
My name is Meg/callsign - Decoy. Just getting into it...

Cheers :)

MT-86 May 27th, 2008 16:14

hello everyone

I'm Morris 21 years old. i'm newb to airsoft world but i did some research on this sport. so i figured might as well introudce myself and get some airsofting and meet some new people. but im missing some gears (Guns), u guys have any suggestion???

kalnaren May 27th, 2008 16:35


Originally Posted by MT-86 (Post 727675)
hello everyone

I'm Morris 21 years old. i'm newb to airsoft world but i did some research on this sport. so i figured might as well introudce myself and get some airsofting and meet some new people. but im missing some gears (Guns), u guys have any suggestion???

About the best thing you can do is read up on the age verifacation process. Once age verified, you will have access to the two largest airsoft retailers.

PvtSpartykus May 27th, 2008 16:36

Hi PvtSpartykus,

Hi PvtSpartykus,

Real name is Sebåstian (which is just sebastien), I've been a visitor of this forum for two years or so but I never made an account because I hadn't purchased an Airsoft gun yet and all I really wanted was the FAQ for shipping etc.

However, I'm in the process of purchasing a CA G36K with some nice little adjustments and tactical gear from OE tech. I Have yet to decided on my side arm but I reasoned that it was dispensible for the moment, I shall purchase one in a month or so when I get back from Norway. I used to play a lot of paint ball and then I realised everyone that played paint ball needed to lay off the annabolic steroids for a while, take a "chill pill" relax and thinks things through before they jumped in to C.Q.C "fire" (or should I say paint) fights. Not that they're mean people. They justweren't for me. I left them behind along with adolesence I suppose.

I speak English French Norvegian an Japanese (although I can't speak japanes like someone who's lived there all their life but I can understand basic anime, stress on basic..sometimes attack names confuse me and when I watch gundam I loose track when they talk about political ideologies lol) I adore sailing, it's my true love and I teach it alonside of Combine another user of this forum that was the one that got me in to airsoft.



COUCH June 12th, 2008 12:53

Hello Airsoft Canada! My name is Zac I'm 16, I've been airsofting for three years and Im hoping to meet new people and learn new things. If theres anything else you would like to know just ask, I'd be more than happy to answer your questions.


TokyoSeven June 12th, 2008 12:57

Welcome to Airsoft Canada.
Your laws in regards to airsoft are very much diferent from how ours work here in Canada, so please keep that in mind when offering info or making suggestions. None the less its nice to meet you and I hope you find the website helpful, theres lotsa data here in regards to almost everything. There is a search button in the upper right hand corner, by all means feel free to use it. Different word combos will yield different results. As I said before, welcome to ASC.

PrimaryBadKat June 12th, 2008 21:26

Good day all, my name is Carrie but go by Primary Bad Kat. Im registered with the boys(and starating to get more of us females who like to play with guns) on the PDW site via good old Regina. I am as well a newbie, starting from scratch to do something fun and challenging, specially when your a 31 year old married woman with a 10 year old daughter who likes guns so much my dad is teaching her how to re-load her own ammo hehe!! Safty and fun run hand in hand and i cant wait to get out and learn how to do it right! Thank you for the hospitality and friendliness of the site!!

Trayne wr3ck June 14th, 2008 22:55

Hey everyone.

My name is Phil, I'm 18 and live in south Winnipeg. My airsoft experience is limited to a few rounds of cqb but myself and 5 of my freinds are absolutely in love with the sport. I plan on getting age verified ASAP and will be buying an aeg sometime this summer. C ya round the forum!


rexdlu June 14th, 2008 22:58

Welcome to the sport, I was just formerly welcomed today by Colin_S as he handed me my first gun...:D

You'll find this place as helpful to you as it is for me...hopefully

Lizander June 14th, 2008 23:21

Hi, my name is Isaac, But I usually go by Lizander on Forums. I have owned a few crappy clearsoft guns, and they served their purposes, but I am starting to buy better guns. I am 15 so I can't use the Classified section for another 3 years. I hope people will still treat me as they would an 18 year old; with respect (or just being polite) and fairness. I will not tarnish the sport in any way. I just bought a Kraken as a gun to learn to upgrade and for a few private property forest wars, and backyard wars with my friends. I am also looking At a VSr-10 clone as a secondary weapon (for longer range) as well as searching for a decent pistol. I live in winnipeg Manitoba. Still learning about the guns as The Kraken is my first AEG. i have been airsofting for at least 3 years (with clearsoft, so I still have to wait a while (untill I'm 18)for REAL experience.) And I am currently studying *cough cramming cough*for exams (HARD MATH!! :banghead: .

RedblAze June 15th, 2008 11:38

Howdy folks,
My name is Blazej, but people call me either Blaze or Red ;)
I'm (still :P) 23 and I live in Torun, Poland.
I've been into Airsoft for about 5 years now, currently trying to complete my CADPAT set... I'm also waiting for payday so I can finally buy (Chinese >_<) M4 AEG after my old (also Chinese :x) MP5SD6's gearbox went bye bye :/
I'm also planning to move to Edmonton next spring/summer, so maybe, just maybe I'll have a chance to take part in some Canadian Airsoft action ;)

Tech June 15th, 2008 14:20

Hey ASC,
My name is Cody i currently live in williams lake,bc. I own many clearsoft or should i call them crapsoft guns but am about to get a g36c soon hopefully. I will be moving to Burnaby in October so hopefully i'll be able to meet up with whoever plays there.

L473ncy June 15th, 2008 16:12

Sup.... My name is like uhhh.... Jeremy (it actually is)... Some of you may know me as like the... the pwnerer, cause that's kinda like what I do you know, n stuff...

I'm getting verified soon, in less than a week if everything goes according to plan and the verifier is free.

I'm going to Alberta for post secondary so I guess I'll see some of you southern Alberta players some time if I'm free.

Also @ Redblaze: Don't even think of bringing in your gear (by that I mean guns) to Canada, best leave it at home and rent from another player here. Everything else should be fine. Ie. BB's, helmet/facemask, webbing, BDU's. Don't bring guns, fake genades/real BB grenades, and best not to bring in mags to save a lot of explaining at the border.

RedblAze June 15th, 2008 17:01


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 743576)
Don't even think of bringing in your gear (by that I mean guns) to Canada, best leave it at home and rent from another player here. Everything else should be fine. Ie. BB's, helmet/facemask, webbing, BDU's. Don't bring guns, fake genades/real BB grenades, and best not to bring in mags to save a lot of explaining at the border.

hehe yea I know, no worries :) thanks for reminding me though ;)


incrediboy729 June 15th, 2008 19:32

My name is Brett. I'm Italian and love airsoft and skateboarding. I've grown up with real steel guns all my life and am in the process of getting a CA M15a4. Previously owned:
KJW M9 (Plastic) (First GBB)
WE-Tech 1911 Tactical
2 Well m4 springers
Winchester bolt action .22

Nice to meet you all.

Sarky June 16th, 2008 17:57

Hello my name is Steven. I am 13 (i know ima get flammed for this) I read the faqs about never buy a gun in the states because it will get siezed most of the time so its better to buy a retailer like 007 for guns. I own a TSD M14 Spring rifle and hopfully a Kraken AK-47. It's usally used by my brother but i sometimes if im lucky i go in this empty field near my house and shot paper targets and boxes. When i turn 16 im going to go and look at some airsoft games. When i turn 18 im going to get verified and go look in the classifieds for some new guns :D I will try to be mature and respect all the older airsofters in this forum. Me and my brother will use canadian retailers for parts and stuff.

Armandhammer June 16th, 2008 18:00


Originally Posted by Sarky (Post 744499)
Hello my name is Steven. I am 13 (i know ima get flammed for this) I read the faqs about never buy a gun in the states because it will get siezed most of the time depends on your customs person. I own a TSD M14 Spring rifle and hopfully a Kraken AK-47. It's usally used by my brother but i sometimes if im lucky i go in this empty field near my house and shot paper targets and boxes. When i turn 16 im going to go and look at some airsoft games. When i turn 18 im going to get verified and go look in the classifieds for some new guns :D I will try to be mature and respect all the older airsofters in this forum. Me and my brother will use canadian retailers for parts and stuff.

Very well written Sarky, welcome to ASC and I hope you enjoy your stay:cool: Maybe you should tell your brother to make an account aswell?

Huggenator June 18th, 2008 22:04

Hello my name is Eric. I am 16 years old and I have been playing around with air soft a bunch with my friends (in a completely secluded area mind you). I have read the faq's and numerous guides posted all over the internet and i hope to be getting a gun soon. I have been playing with crapsoft for a while and i think i'll start getting more serious about this interesting hobby. HELLO EVERYONE.

Imperator June 19th, 2008 11:50

Hi from Vancouver
Hi guys! Just wanted to say hi, im new to airsoft, while i do play paintball I've found that the community isnt geared towards milsim the way airsoft is, and i find that more luring, plus the 18+ rule doesnt hurt the maturity level at all in this sport, everyone ive talked to have been awesome people. That being said im from Vancouver, BC and look forward to a long future in Airsoft :)

- Imp

stanni6365 June 22nd, 2008 17:09

hello from the uk
hi all im stan im in the uk and im in the army and im comming over to "your neck of the woods" in the next few week and i would like to come and shoot some of you lol:)

so stand by the brits are comin and i got a load of possibly stupid questions

Bowers June 22nd, 2008 17:10


Originally Posted by stanni6365 (Post 749459)
hi all im stan im in the uk and im in the army and im comming over to "your neck of the woods" in the next few week and i would like to come and shoot some of you lol:)

so stand by the brits are comin and i got a load of possibly stupid questions

whatever you do dont bring any of your airsoft guns over or they will get taken by the border security


ntljt0816 June 22nd, 2008 20:06

Hi, my name is Nathan(although that's not my "real" name...i just go by it)
ive never been airsofting before but i'd love to someday, and i already did some research the past few months ^^
oh yeah... and im 14

NoGear June 25th, 2008 02:24

Hay my name is Boone and iam currently 15
Now i would like to tell you about my self and a few things you might wana know

Yes iam not age verified but i do have field experiance and read a few topics on this fourm for 3 months.

The Cool thing about my small little town is the police are so nice and well known that i asked about local airsoft rules. Me and my friends Plink with CrapSoft so you guys call it, springers and CBB guns. We play at my home made CQC field, 200 ft by 250 ft Or the Abandond Ball park MED battles 600ft by 200ft but we do have a Large field that we use to use for paintball.

And our local highschool CQC-Med. Your prob asking Wtf Your gona get yourself shot well. Actualy being the 20% resposible teens under 18 the local police say and i quote "Your allowed 2 play as long as you wear proper eye wear and i don't hear about windows breaking" kool huh. I do host games for my friends that also use Crapsoft so we do get to enjoy this wonderful sport.

My gun is currently a M14 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle by TSD tactical its not my first but wanting to try Sniping it provided the look/feel/role of sniping with my friends without spending money on a clone that could possibly get me in trouble lol.

I hope you guys welcome me with open arms and not the firey ones :P

ItS BoOtS BaBy June 27th, 2008 11:37

Hey whats going on my name is Andrew and I just recently found out about airsoft. Im learning about some of the new rules of airsoft and realize that Canada has strict rules and boundries about this sport. I recently watched an airsoft event at Area 51 and I hope to come out and see some more games.:cool:

Metninja July 6th, 2008 16:12

Hey everyone! I had a cheap springer airsoft gun when I was younger, got into paintball for a couple of years but quit because it was getting too expensive. Since BB's are cheaper than paint, and I'm a total gun/action movie nerd, I've decided to get back into airsoft a little. I'm going to read the forums, see about games, and get access to the bst so I can find a good used pistol to start up with. Glad I found this place.

Xiao July 7th, 2008 14:44

Hi, I am new to airsoft, just purchased my first AEG. I am of age (20 in like 2 days) and I am dieing to play a match with members from Airsoft Canada.

I hope to enjoy my stay.

llotek July 7th, 2008 19:37


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 727696)
About the best thing you can do is read up on the age verifacation process. Once age verified, you will have access to the two largest airsoft retailers.

Hey there. Just curious...I didnt see anything posted as to how you know you are verified. I got in touch with a verifier about 10 days ago and havent heard anything back, I assume you would get and email or something to let you know that it is done, but wasnt sure.....yes im being a bit impatient. sorry

KNIVEZS July 7th, 2008 19:56


Originally Posted by llotek (Post 761251)
Hey there. Just curious...I didnt see anything posted as to how you know you are verified. I got in touch with a verifier about 10 days ago and havent heard anything back, I assume you would get and email or something to let you know that it is done, but wasnt sure.....yes im being a bit impatient. sorry

your age verified, look under your avatar

Savayan July 7th, 2008 21:34

Hey, long time lurker first time poster, after much prodding by my friend. Been prodding around with airsoft for a while now, as it neatly caters to my love of military hardware without the irritating necessity of somehow getting a prohibited license. I'm already on my second gun, having traded my Marui AKS-47 for a Marui AUG, and I'm looking to get my hands on some more AEGs in the future.

I haven't actually gotten out to a game yet, but I mean to get to one before the end of summer.

Denver Keith July 7th, 2008 21:41


Originally Posted by Savayan (Post 761365)
Hey, long time lurker first time poster, after much prodding by my friend. Been prodding around with airsoft for a while now, as it neatly caters to my love of military hardware without the irritating necessity of somehow getting a prohibited license. I'm already on my second gun, having traded my Marui AKS-47 for a Marui AUG, and I'm looking to get my hands on some more AEGs in the future.

I haven't actually gotten out to a game yet, but I mean to get to one before the end of summer.

It'll also do you a lot of favors (and save you a lot of trouble) to get age-verified, ASAP. Fill out your profile (location, age, etc) and get in contact with a local club. Welcome to the sport! :)

theguy July 7th, 2008 22:42

Hey guys,
I'm Ben, Already posted a hello thread, but was told do it here, so here I am
I'm 15, interested in airsoft, Don't want to be a sniper, My uncle is not in the CF, i don't want to spray-paint my jeans and call it camo, I don't call clearsoft airsoft, I don't want to run amok in the neighborhood, and i own a JG G36c...
I would love to get out to some games once i hit 16, and was told the best way to do this was to become known within the community, so here i am...

Matthias July 9th, 2008 13:58

Hello, been lurking here on and off for a while and finally decided to sign up. I hope to get out to some events soon.

rexdlu July 9th, 2008 14:10

First time you'll either LOVE IT or HATE IT. most people love it. get age verified if you can, it's beautiful...the places this site let's you go..the thing's you can enjoy.


fastorange July 13th, 2008 00:57

Hello name is dave, im 34, from winnipeg....... (fastorange)and i am somewhat new, i am in winnipeg looking to get verified and get more into airsoft....thanx

Parafal July 13th, 2008 11:44

Hi, my name is Rodrigo nick name “Parafal”

I discovered airsoft in 2003 and had my first game in 2004 in the USA. Since 2003 I started to contact the Gun department in my country to create a regulation to allow Brazilian to play airsoft (I'm a Lawyer in Brazil). It’s was a hard fight but finally in 2008 (5 years later) the new regulation was released allowing airsoft to be played.

I’m the owner of the unique airsoft website in Brazil (, I write articles about airsoft for a Brazilian Gun magazine and now I’m living in Montréal.

I have some AEGs in the USA and Brazil but I can’t import them to Canada.
I played an airsoft game last weekend near Montréal and it was great. I’m trying to get age verified (I’m 31) but only one from the 5 local representative replied me and, unfortunately, he was not available for the verification.

There’s a story about my “fight” with the Brazilian Gun Dept at Arnie’s, it’s old and it wasn’t updated yet:

That’s it. I hope to be age verified soon to be able to re-start “airsofting” in Canada. ;)

empty_noise_room July 16th, 2008 03:00

Greetings and Salutations,

Name's Anthony.. or you can just call me Tony.. I've just joined after a few days of looking though the forums and reading the FAQs, currently working on getting verified... to which I'll just most likely show up at TTAC3 on sunday, already PM'ed Brian McIlmoyle about that with a few questions..

Not sure if airsoft is for me yet, so I look forward to playing a few games, getting a feel for it, and seeing if I wish to continue after that.

15thKnight July 20th, 2008 18:54

hi, names knight.
im new to airsoft wondering if there are any pointers for a first time player. namely in the toronto area. i know about the age req's for buying on this site but that's not an issue.
i allready own a l96. (i know about the minimun engagment distace). i was wondering if there s a test you need to take to be able to use the rifes in a event.
also what is the best outdoors event in canada to date?

Polar Nova July 20th, 2008 21:49

Hello. I am new. Well, I found this website a while ago and didn't register till now. I'll post pics of my M16 AWS soon.

Jer-Bear July 21st, 2008 11:51

Good thing I saw this before I stupidly started a new post to introduce myself.

Real name's Jerry, I'm originally from Singapore and came over here for school a few years back. Now I'm done and looking for employment. I've been a paintball player since 99 but has always done speedball until recently when I realized I'm getting too old to do the things 18 year olds do. Playing speedball with the 20 yr olds at 30 isn't fun. I've moved on into milsim paintball in the past couple years though.

I've been trolling this forum for years - even before I came over to Canada - and have observed on the threads the increased difficulty of obtaining and organising airsoft. You guys seem to keep it alive and well despite all the difficulty. Now that I'm done school and hopefully will get a stable job, I'm keen to join up. I'm just waiting to get age certified - dropped a PM to Jeroon last night to arrange a day to do so.

All in all, its great to sign up.

Shijima July 21st, 2008 16:43

Hey everyone, Im new to the game, name is Tim, and Im from Calgary AB.
Currently a student in town taking classes at SAIT and working part time for Toyota. Ive been interested in airsoft for a number of years now, but wasent old enough, now that I am, I cant wait to get started, I hope to be here for a long time, and cannot wait to see you all on the battlefield!

Polar Nova July 21st, 2008 17:03

Wow. I have never seen members come in so fast on an airsoft forum.

lexxicon July 22nd, 2008 03:39

Hi , my name is Greg and I am from Hamilton Ontario. I have been chairsofting for maybe 7 years trolling around forums reading and absorbing a lot of information. I turned 18, 2 years ago but I had no money to get into the sport, now I have been supporting myself for just under a year now I would love to get into it. The thing is that I need to get age verified so I would like to do that soon, but I am being somewhat hindered.

I would like to go out to some games that are local but considering that: I don't have a rifle, I don't have any transportation, and I don't know who if anyone can verify me locally I am confused as to what to do. I really don't want to pay for transport and admission to a game that I can't play in and I can't verify myself.

In regards to a uniform though, I am camo junkie, I have a selection of uniforms and some ghillie suits too, not the crappy ones from bushrag and the like, mine are hand made. I use good netting too so that I can actually stuff local veg.

I don't know what else to say other than can I have some help? and nice to meet you all.

I remember reading of a location in Toronto that sells guns AND versify for the forums, but I cant find the post about it. Was there something like that or am I dreaming? If it exists it could kill 2 birds with one pellet, so to speak.

rexdlu July 22nd, 2008 12:19

Hey lexxicon, you can still probably rent a gun and play AND get verified at a Flag Raiders game in Cambridge.


CDN__Player July 24th, 2008 10:21

New member
Hey guys im a new member here at ASC. I dont know if this is the right

section anyways, I am underage, and look forward to learning more about the

game of airsoft. Therefore im reading the FAQ's right now


crushed_rabbit July 24th, 2008 14:02

hi everyone!
just got registered here
finally found somewhere i can find all the info i need from :)
Im a minor but i am getting my Minor's firearms license in a few weeks
thanks for creating the wonderful forum :D

15thKnight July 24th, 2008 18:19


Originally Posted by crushed_rabbit (Post 776194)
hi everyone!
just got registered here
finally found somewhere i can find all the info i need from :)
Im a minor but i am getting my Minor's firearms license in a few weeks
thanks for creating the wonderful forum :D

unfortuatly the FAC wil do you no good here if your underage.
THIS is a 18+ forum and most event's wont take you.

JohnMont July 28th, 2008 14:37

Hey guys ;

I am new to all this ; didn't even know there was such a sport as airsoft; a new online buddy has introduced this to me. He's in the U.K.; so I can't play with him ; Are there any players in the REgina / Moose Jaw area? I'd love to meet some of you guys if you are in my area .

Now to explore this cool website


TokyoSeven July 28th, 2008 14:42

Welcome John.

You are in luck as you live in the one city in Sk that has the most players. Although there are others in MJ,Saskatoon and surrounding rural areas I do believe Regina has the majority, as well as the majority of the games held are in Regina.

Aside from exploring here, Id like to suggest you sign up for an account here:
Its the local website for team in Regina.

Once again welcome to ASC.

dddude55 July 30th, 2008 18:01

My name is matt.

I just moved back to canada from texas. I had lived in Texas for the last 8 - 9 years. I'm 22 and out of London.

I own 4 airsoft guns:
MBO3(vsr 10 clone) sniper rifle
Wells R8(G3 SAS clone)
Wellfire D90(P90 clone) was only $10 just for kicks
CYMA CM.030(Glock) AEP

I need a new battery for my glock If anyone knows a store that doesn't have a minimum spend limit...

woolgiant August 1st, 2008 22:09

Hi my im woolgiant. im new to airsoft. When i found out about airsoft i thought that this would be a great sport to get into. Because i tried paint ball and did not like it. But now that i have read up on Canada's firearm laws and what not. I found going to the forest near my house where people walk through some times made me think this may not be the best place to have shoot outs with my friends. So i am asking can any one help me find airsoft playing fields and or pro shops in or near Brampton. I have also looked over the forums and on website i found. I cant seem to get a 100% answer to where I can find other people that are nearby. Can anyone help me?

deadboltz August 2nd, 2008 14:00

Hello Everyone
My name is Chris and I have been a paintball player for a number of years but its getting boring and I miss the " bushball " . I have read a number of posts and to be honest I have no idea where to begin to underrstand teams, clubs , where to buy a decent gun etc - it seems everyone has an opinion . So .. basically I am looking for a crew to play with and assist me in understanding what I can buy, where I can buy, where I can play and basically not get in crap with the law

Any help is appreciated


delta1ukc August 4th, 2008 08:40

Hi all

Just to say hello, i am a UK based airsofter and decided to register to exchange information with you guys primarily on canadian themed loadouts and weapons. I am part of a team here that play at all the major UK events and also at our local site. We portray a variaty of armed forces including the UK of course, both regular and special forces, including the anti terrorist role, danes, germans, dutch, aussies, swedish. I am currently looking to do a canadian loadout next. For those that want to take a look our website is , looking forward to conversing with you fellas in the near future.

Delta 1 ukc

Sha Do August 4th, 2008 08:56


Originally Posted by dddude55 (Post 782133)
My name is matt.
I need a new battery for my glock If anyone knows a store that doesn't have a minimum spend limit...

Hey ther Matt, welcom to ASC. If you hunt around the Teams section and check out the Location under the Avatar of most of the players you will find that There are a lot of airsofters in and around the London area. PM a couple of the local guys, they should be able to help you out with those batteries.


Originally Posted by woolgiant (Post 784103)
Hi my im woolgiant. .... I cant seem to get a 100% answer to where I can find other people that are nearby. Can anyone help me?

They there, and welcome to Brampton. Send me or SCHWAG a PM and / or you can check out the Team TWAT thread, as they have a local field just out side of Brampton.
I am not a TWAT....


Originally Posted by deadboltz (Post 784478)
Hello Everyone
My name is Chris ...... where I can play and basically not get in crap with the law

Any help is appreciated


Welcome to ASC Chris. First of all it'll help out other members of the community if you can fill out all the information in your profile so we know the general area where you are located. This way, a couple of the locat players can help you out with local fields and events.


Originally Posted by delta1ukc (Post 785622)
Hi all

Just to say hello, i am a UK based airsofter and decided to register to exchange information with you guys primarily on canadian themed loadouts and weapons. I am part of a team here that play at all the major UK events and also at our local site. We portray a variaty of armed forces including the UK of course, both regular and special forces, including the anti terrorist role, danes, germans, dutch, aussies, swedish. I am currently looking to do a canadian loadout next. For those that want to take a look our website is , looking forward to conversing with you fellas in the near future.

Delta 1 ukc

Hello over there from over here. LOL, welcome to ASC. I am by no means a specialist on Canadian kit, but there are a lot of members of the CF that are either on the boards, or are active airsofters who should be able to help you out with any of you questions. Check around the forums and you'll find all kinds of threads regarding the where and what of Canadian load outs including suppliers of Canadian kit (as well as all kinds of CADPAT goodies).

Again, welcome to ASC, and please check the FAQ section and use the search function before you post.....It'll save you time and greif.


Humle August 4th, 2008 14:34

Hello, My name is Niklas and I'm 26 years old.

I'm from sweden and I've been into airsoft for a year now. I'm aiming to play as a US recon marine and the reason why I registered here is to get another source of information on the USMC since my primary AS forum isn't that big.

I don't have that much experience with airsoft as you can imagine, however I have 4 years of army experience. I spent one year with the Royal Guards drilling the role of the urban infantryman into me, then transfered to a recon platoon in the National guards.

Right now I field a G&P m16a3 m203 and a Sig sauer p229 with a Dboys m12mod0 on its way from hong kong.

dino1980 August 4th, 2008 14:51

hey there everyone,
I'm Stijn, and live in Belgium, my dayjob is being an anesthesiology nurse in the operating room and the rest of my time I spend snowboarding and skirming in Belgium.
my armoury is filled with:
-SRC M4A1 spec ops
-Swiss arms black eagle sniper
-WE hi capa 5.1
-KSC Glock 19

everything in my loadout is black and based on SWAT teams, I don't have to say that CQB is my thing.

so if you have questions about the belgian skirmin' fields, just shoot! :) :) :)

Grtz Dino aka Stijn

Black Ops Belgium

cbcsteve August 5th, 2008 02:56

Hey new comers to keep your nose clean and infraction free just make sure you follow the rules and here are the most common mistakes some people may do.

Common Mistakes
- Bad mouth and go crazy on someone you think is not right (Yeah I learned from a ban)
- Do not post any gun sales anywhere else or wanting to buy gun in the wrong place
- Make sure your pictures are appropriate
- No crazy sigs with a whole bunch of pics
- Discussing illegal activities (Smuggling guns and such) (yup I learned from that too)

- Have a friend here where you can ask anything about so you do not get flamed
- Read the rules once in awhile (Just try)
- Have an opinion? Make sure its clean if its a angry hate one just vent to your friend about it

Basically having a good friend on this forum goes a long way, they will look out for you before you do anything that may cause infractions. And if you need to ask any questions you are free to ask me as I made a couple mistakes and learned from it.

Bissa August 5th, 2008 03:21

Hi I'm Aidan I live in Salmon Arm BC, and I currently game with the kelowna crew.

TriChrome August 6th, 2008 21:05

Found this site while researching the Sorbo cylinder head pads and thought I'd join up. I usually visit Canada a couple times a year (Thousand Islands area on the St. Lawrence River), but I live in the United States in New Jersey.

I also think that maybe I'm just bored enough to join another forum where I'll never meet the people in person. Hopefully I can help some out with my posts.

hot_shot under fire August 9th, 2008 13:06

hey guys and gals, my name is jake. im 14, and over the past about 7 months i've been reading up on airsoft. finaly i've decided to make an account on these great forums.

i have some small experience with low-grade AEG's. not liking the roll of putting heavy fire on people, i've been reading up on sniping for about 4 months now. i can hit a looney at 100 feet with my dads VSR-10 marui clone(one of the low grade sniper rifles that arnt clearsoft) and i enjoy laying around on my stomach for about 3-4 hours at a time, whating for black birds to come to my dads cherry trees. once i see one, i dont shoot it, i shoot at the branch below it, just so i dont harm it.

my hobbys and interests are airsoft, researching history and modern events over in iraq and afganistan(don't know if i spelled that right), and adding to my never ending collection of modern warfair equipment. i dont play video games, i only research for school work and when i have spare time, airsoft. i live out in the middle of no were, so airsoft is fine with the police, and my parents.

i look forward to hopefully being at an actual game when im 16 with my dad, and i also hope to make friends along the way.


Mythos August 9th, 2008 14:16

Hi Everyone

I just found your site and I was enjoying what I was reading so I thought I should sign up.

Been a fan of Airsoft style guns for about 2 years now but my arsenal compared to other is puny. I started with BB Pistols and participated in mock battles with with co workers, but the group was broken up.

I have currently 2 stock spring pistols

My 1st is an American import a Hidalgo Walther W99 Replica Steel,
and my newest acquisition is a Crossman Stinger P32 Clear Plastic.

These are probably severely entry level compared to what everyone uses here but I plan to expand my collection as budget permits and try to start a local chapter for gaming but i don't hold much hope if the later we'll see.

Anyway just wanted to say Hi.

TH_Mongoose August 10th, 2008 07:14

Hello everybody. My name is Gerard aka Mongoose. I live in The Netherlands and play airsoft for some years now.
I play in a dutch airsoft team called "The Hunters" and I also run a website dedicated to airsoft videos called

Eh...I already joined in September 2005, but just now started posting. :oops:

Dasboomski August 10th, 2008 12:42

Oh there is an introduction page...
Hey everyone,
I've been on ASC for about a month and a bit now.
I guess I've head my head to wrapped up in the 'Airsoft Guns Discussion' section to notice this :D .

Anyways here I am, hello to all. I'm an aspiring Political Science major for next year, and I work a hardcore job... YMCA prreschool camp haha.

Anyways been interested in airsoft for a while but like a good boy I waited until I was eighteen. For the other kids out there, just wait for airsoft.. it's better then being flamed by airsofters who are much more experienced and generally smarter then you.
Anyways thanks ASC for making such a great Community,

fehrboy August 11th, 2008 01:41

Hey guys
My name is Aidan (different than the guy above) i am 30 and i live in Calgary and work as a carpenter for our family run business. I used to play alot of paintball with my brothers and have been considering airsoft for awhile now. I have two brothers and a brother in law and we are all actively searching for the best avenue into this sport. I am very happy to have found this great site and am waiting to hear back about age verification.

SilentRage August 11th, 2008 23:41

Hey all!
The names is Andrew, i'm a 22yr old no0b from Calgary lookin to get into the sport. Like most others I didn't think much of airsoft at first. Until I had the chance to try it out a few weeks ago, it was a thrill! Now I'm left wanting more.

BudLebowski August 16th, 2008 01:53

Yo sup guys my buddie just got me into airsoft going to get age verified on tuesday with him so i hope to see some of yous on the feilds near Hamilton/ surrounding area

vic_man4 August 21st, 2008 21:48

Hi, My names Vic, Im friends with Midgetkid, Im 16 and have been airsofting for 2 years now if my maths correct, but thats clearsoft :P

I already know my 18th birthday gift and thats to be age verified from Mr. Evolution XD

Sneaky August 21st, 2008 23:25

Hi im andrew, call sign is Sneaky. Ive been playing airsoft for almost 2 years now. Im from the United States and almost 16. Hopefully ill be able to get age verified in a couple years but just interested in the site heard about it from Cablackfire.

kalnaren August 21st, 2008 23:28


Originally Posted by Sneaky (Post 801137)
Hi im andrew, call sign is Sneaky. Ive been playing airsoft for almost 2 years now. Im from the United States and almost 16. Hopefully ill be able to get age verified in a couple years but just interested in the site heard about it from Cablackfire.

If your in the US you don't need to be verified. Age Verifacation is an Airsoft Canada internal policy, used to limit the sale of airsoft guns to adults, and to limit scams in the classifieds.

Flea-ish August 25th, 2008 01:39

Hey everybody,
My name is Sean, I hail from Winnipeg, Mb, and i'm an alcoho- i mean, i like airsoft!.... >.<

ALLGAR August 25th, 2008 02:32

hello brandon from the lower mainland, underaged, but have been playing with mid grade guns for a couple years. Currently out of airsoft as am out of money and plan on seeing what will happen within the next four years of the airsoft community to see if I even need a verification by then, or if the sky is falling and recreation is non-existent. I have read the FAQ and know a bit about the game.

edit: oh yeah I got my 'weapons' from A&A when they were around.
Total bummer when they retired

oracle August 27th, 2008 03:35

Hey, name is Ian I go by the call sign "Oracle" im from Vancouver, USA (right next to Portland, OR), just wanted to say hey from your friends to the south.

Mister Donut August 28th, 2008 17:03

New from Richmond, BC
Hey all, haven't played cops 'n robbers since i was 10 but I remember playing with toy guns was a $hitload of fun.

Well, that's not entirely highschool, me and several friends had some spring action, single-shot airsoft guns and we had a blast. One rich kid had an AEG and we all thought he was cheating. We used to play in the middle of the night at a park, or just around some buildings....I hear you might get shot by police you do that nowadays. Anyways, we didn't have any particular rules (just the honor system - you get shot, you're out), but it was loads of fun.

I think I want to get into airsoft, but I think I need some more stuff and information. I just acquired a TM M4 R.I.S. and a Hi-Capa, no batteries, chargers, extra mags, BBs, mask, goggles, straps or holster. My original intention was just to get them as wall-hangers, but the more I think about it, the more I want to shoot them.

Anyways, hope to find out more information about the sport here and maybe see some of you on the field.

RICKBO September 3rd, 2008 01:00

Me name be Nick, They call me Rick
I came to this forum from the PDW forums, Mostly just to get my hands on an AEG in time for boot next weekend, but I may be around here more often than I thought, so I'll say hey and introduce meself.
A nineteen year old form the middle of the middle of Canada (Saskatoon to be more specific) A co-worker of mine brought up airsoft one day and I took a good long look into. Having finally found that Hobby I fit into so well I decided to get much more involved.
Some of you may know me as RICK BO from some other online shooter(such as TF2) Some of you may recognize me as Tzolot on certain console gaming(that I don't do much anymore) most likely though if you've seen me in the past it was under the name: Hey_dude

My current loadout consists of a TM p90, Crosman C11(NBB) and stinger p9(springer), and a nice multicam combat set from Huang.

brently0725 September 3rd, 2008 02:41

Hey everyone. I'm Brent from Mission BC. I am 29 and work at NAPA Auto Parts in Abbotsford BC. I have full custody of my 2 kids, Calvin aged 6 and Keeya aged 4. I love them to pieces. Airsoft is F^%#ing crazy!!! I never have had so much fun before. I always play at Bigfoot with my club Mission Airsoft and some from FVAA!! Hope to see some of you guys out there soon!!! Awesome field, check it out.

Jimski September 3rd, 2008 08:29

you don't really need to list all the parts in your sig :)

NovemberPapaCharlie September 4th, 2008 11:08

Hello everyone my name is Neil I am from HRM I am brand new to Airsoft and I have been aged verified Im 33 anyways I plan on doing some shopping soon take care and chat soon

3vyl September 6th, 2008 16:44

New to ASC AND Airsoft!
Hi! My name is Cedric(it is a sorta french name). i turned 13 a few months ago and I got a airsoft about a month ago! i know i am underages but my mom would let me have one! the main reason i got one is because my best friend got a airsoft for no absolute reason. I have 1 gun i have no clue what the name is but i can describe i and could someone help me identifie it? the gun is a miniature replica of a AK-47 ( i know my real guns:p ) its see trough plastic no color whatsoever, batteries operated (batteries are a real hassle to get in!) and its fully automatic one thing i hate about it.. the safety! you have to have the safety pulled down manually(its spring operated) all the time!!! but i love it! i have no clue what the FPS is. i am planing of buying a kit of airsoft from wal-mart i can describe the guns but i cant really give a brief description of it because i only looked at it for around 5 minutes while it was in its package there are 2 guns one is a assault rifle (cant tell what kind it is) and a handgun (same thing cant tell) you get like 5 different scopes for it all i can remember is a red dot sight ( it was some time ago) anyways that's my gun and future guns! I never played a game so i have no idea what the thrill is. i did shoot my self in the hand once ( i was wondering if it hurt and i needed to wake up that morning:P) I was planning of having a game over at my friends house with a few friends but his parents dint want him to have it because unofficial games are illegal (true or not? can someone help?)

pnygmr September 6th, 2008 21:24

Joel here, Anothe newbie from Brampton, On. Turning 35 .

Got interested with airsoft when I bought a Daisy Red Ryder BB gun that was supposed to be for my son (bought at Bass Pro Shop). I find myself practice shooting more than him. After watching hours of airsoft vids at youtube, I am eager to learn more about this sport / hobby. I am also into R/C for around 10 years now. Mostly drive 4wd monster trucks (preferred electric than nitro).

I find the site to be very informative and the members knowledgeable. As I can see, you need to read and/or search first rather than post. I hope I can someday partake in some of your gatherings.

Now...time to contact a regional rep to get age verified.

dragon56 September 6th, 2008 21:42


Originally Posted by pnygmr (Post 811772)
Joel here, Anothe newbie from Brampton, On. Turning 35 .

Got interested with airsoft when I bought a Daisy Red Ryder BB gun that was supposed to be for my son (bought at Bass Pro Shop). I find myself practice shooting more than him. After watching hours of airsoft vids at youtube, I am eager to learn more about this sport / hobby. I am also into R/C for around 10 years now. Mostly drive 4wd monster trucks (preferred electric than nitro).

I find the site to be very informative and the members knowledgeable. As I can see, you need to read and/or search first rather than post. I hope I can someday partake in some of your gatherings.

Now...time to contact a regional rep to get age verified.

Welcome ,I found Jeroon at Army Issue in Port Credit /mISSISSAUGA a great guy to get verified you can return favour and pick up a few supplies off him

pnygmr September 6th, 2008 22:02

Thank you for the welcome and tip dragon56. I'll take note of that. Hope to meet you also someday.

share_the_pain September 13th, 2008 21:01

Hello ASC, my name is Jordan and I think it's about time I introduced myself.

I've been into airsoft for about a year now, and I'm patiently waiting to turn 18 on April 29. I've been browsing this site and reading posts ever since I started researching airsoft, however I had only created an account a couple months ago.

Even though the whole 18+ rule for this site (and pretty much any place in Canada) has prevented me from getting a good AEG so far, I highly respect the rule and I understand completely why it is in place. The last thing I would want is some 12 year old ruining the whole sport for everyone, including me. Besides, I can wait 7 more months.

Well anyways, it was nice to say hello and I hope to get to know some of you much better during this spring/summer when I turn 18, get a gun, and go to some games. :)

lemegacool September 16th, 2008 20:26

hi everybody! my name is simon i'm 19, i lives in joliette / quebec , i'm not new to airsofting since i've been playing since i'm 15(with a crosman mini mp5):D now i owned a bunch (5) of airsoft guns and has never fired to someone with them... i hope to see you on the field soon

L473ncy September 21st, 2008 17:18


Originally Posted by share_the_pain (Post 817099)
Hello ASC, my name is Jordan and I think it's about time I introduced myself.

I've been into airsoft for about a year now, and I'm patiently waiting to turn 18 on April 29. I've been browsing this site and reading posts ever since I started researching airsoft, however I had only created an account a couple months ago.

Even though the whole 18+ rule for this site (and pretty much any place in Canada) has prevented me from getting a good AEG so far, I highly respect the rule and I understand completely why it is in place. The last thing I would want is some 12 year old ruining the whole sport for everyone, including me. Besides, I can wait 7 more months.

Well anyways, it was nice to say hello and I hope to get to know some of you much better during this spring/summer when I turn 18, get a gun, and go to some games. :)

Nice man nice. I was in Barrie this summer actually studying at Georgian College (with air cadets.....). Anyways it's cool to have players like you in the forum. (Unlike me, cause I totally made an idiot out of myself the second thread I posted).

If you want you can try contacting another player in your region and asking to go out to a game as a spectator or if your parents want to play, get your parents to play alongside you (only way if you're underage, your parents can't just sign the waiver and go shopping they must physically be present on the field and playing).

Fedor Emelianenko September 21st, 2008 17:58

Hey ASC, I'm Ed and I just registered on these forums after visiting for months.

I'm 17 (I made up a bogus date on my birthday registration thing), and decided to try and take up this sport/hobby, because a few days ago my friend bought a tactical AK-47 and Wal-Mart Shotgun and we played a noob war in my backyard. I know that's frowned upon around here but I'll be honest. I live in Calgary, AB and after my first battle, I find myself walking in the streets and scoping out what would be cool airsoft locations.

I joined to ask more experienced people about airsoft and get opinions on gear and stuff, while participating in some discussions.

Seeya around.

L473ncy September 21st, 2008 18:47

^^^ Dude, everyone does that. There was a thread asking if people when they walk around the city think that everywhere would be a cool airsoft place, and/or get super paranoid about where would be a good place to snipe from.

Also the skyway in Calgary would be a cool place to play....

bodydropper September 21st, 2008 19:09

hey, my name is Jojo from Vaughan, ON. 29 turning 30 this October 1st, still waiting to get my self verified ive met a verifier already its been a week now and still hanging. cant wait!

Phedoiken September 23rd, 2008 13:58

Hey, I'm Trevor, from Barrie, On. One of my old co-workers kinda got me involved with the sport and this site a couple a months back, I used to paintball a lot, but this looks like it's a more team oriented and laidback kinda sport. From what I've read on here it seems that everyones helpful, so hopefully I'll be able to pick it up in no time.


AirgunSource September 24th, 2008 14:19

Hey everyone!

My name is Travis and I currently own and operate
I have been in the airgun industry for over 10 years, we retail everything from low end airguns to European and Korean large caliber firearms and everything in between. We also sell various types of airsoft/clearsoft that is of lower quality.

I was first introduced to airsoft several years ago and I appreciate and understand the need for top quality products everyone respects and enjoys here in this community. I'm in the process of acquiring new lines of airsoft that can possibly have a future in our country and our hands!

I look forward to meeting many of you and if you have any questions regarding myself or my buisness please shoot me PM or email

Also, I would like to be age verified if that is possible and I would be very interested in attending a airsoft match in the future!


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