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MadMax February 27th, 2008 23:08

ICS has come a long way: L85
I've been following ICS products on and off for my entire airsoft history. My first AEG was an ICS MP5. I hadn't initially realized it, but it had a wonky spring from the get go and was shooting a pathetic 200fps. I played about a dozen games before I got to a field with a chrony and figured out why I had to play with so much aggression. Right off the bat the gun was a dud. I bought it in broken condition from the first owner who busted the tappet plate on the first mag. I didn't know what I was getting into, but it had a nice metal body and 8 years ago I was keen on fixer uppers anyways.

ICS is maturing and has been taken some pretty ambitious steps with their latest line of AEGs. Their display was full of aesthetically pleasing (feel and look) and it was hard not to go around and manhandle everything. Instead, I decided to focus on only one new product instead of glossing over everything.

I concentrated on their mechanically most interesting AEG (well I thought so) which was their L85. It offers a very modular design which can be rapidly disassembled.

Remove one screw/pin at the top rear and one vertical screw at the bottom rear and the back plate comes out and allows the lower to pivot down and the mechbox to slide rearwards. Seems to me that easy disassembly is a common theme amongst bullpups: P90, AUG, L85...

To save messing with connectors or stringly wires, the electricals in the upper and lower are connected by one copper and one brass contact.

First off, this is a very clean way to make electrical connections. I do have some reservations about their material selections though. The lower contact seems to have been made out of brass which has an annoying habit of forming a non conductive oxide layer. The sprung contacts on the left don't jam down very hard so I'm somewhat sceptical that they'll make a very low resistance connection. However, without my spectrometer, I couldn't identify their materials. It's hopeful that ICS has made better material selections than I though. Still it's odd that one might opt for gold plated high contact force Deans connectors and gimp out on a 8g engagement force at connectors somewhere else.

The gearbox offers a really neat adjustable preload spring guide. Unclip the crosspin that retains the spring guide and you can move the spring guide to one of three preload positions to adjust the FPS of your setup. Two holes in the side, one perpindicular hole for the crosspin to engage. The spine on the spring guide post lines up in a groove in the shell.

Push on a rectangular button at the front of the forend and it slides off for easy battery access.
flip up the lide and slide off
easily available automotive fuse that fits into slim space
capacious battery compartment fits a 9.6v large pack

Overall a very nice feeling AEG. Not as heavy as the STAR version, but the engineering in the ICS L85 is quite creative. I didn't get to open up the gearbox to see the mechanicals, but from the outset this appears to be a very well considered design apart from the electrical connection issue.

MadMax February 27th, 2008 23:10

And now for some ICS pron... Gorgeous STEEL Galil with milled trades!!

With some scuffs and scratches and a touch of rust it would look perfect!

The Saint February 27th, 2008 23:14

Adjustable preload spring guide? That's pretty clever. I'd love to see that feature in other guns.

Tombstone February 27th, 2008 23:16

Very interesting, I too started off with an ICS Mp5. People make noise about ICS but I personally think that they are very decent guns. metal body cheaper than CA small upgrades reqrd= kick arse gun. I upgraded mine and now it is one of my best preforming guns.

Tombstone February 27th, 2008 23:17

Cool Techs and great pics BTW!

ancorp February 27th, 2008 23:19

Damn ICS is starting to look very attractive again. I love the finish on the Galil. Thank you for the pics!

Tombstone February 27th, 2008 23:24

L85 pics + 28 days later = mmmmmmmmmmmmm I want one now (and go broke again, just got M15.........Must stop buying guns .......Agh F%&K it i want one its worth it)

13Fido13 February 27th, 2008 23:24

Very good ideas for that mechbox setup...

BBS February 27th, 2008 23:56

neat innovations from ICS especially the preload spring guide. I'm drooling over the Gali.

MadMax February 28th, 2008 00:43

Very hefty gun. Steel receiver, wood furniture. The Galil was a gorgous piece of airsoft.

Sergeantmajor February 28th, 2008 00:45

the GALIL is sweet, is it out there? or just some sort of "project" that never made it to the market. i havent seen it anywhere (havent been looking either)

MadMax February 28th, 2008 00:59

Not released yet. Soon though

kalnaren February 28th, 2008 08:35

I love how everyone that makes an L85 has a different mechbox. Hopefully ICS will fix the issued with the other ones.

Red Tiger February 28th, 2008 09:06

the ajustable Spring guide is neat. But as a host , too easy to change your fps in game and change it back, before the end of the game.

This is only incovenient is see.

The the design is very promising.

attack-beaver February 28th, 2008 11:47

both guns look great i wants the galil right know.

Lerch March 11th, 2008 15:27

I wants it...BAD.

beta678 March 14th, 2008 04:04

Is there an ETA for it's release? really interested in that GB

Lerch March 14th, 2008 05:04

Last I heard they were trying for summer 2008. If that's the case, I'm gonna start saving my money! :D

Airmax March 15th, 2008 01:42

Finally!! they got the L85 out. Looking forward to someone owning one and a review

Mud Gunner March 15th, 2008 01:53

I'm wondering whose going to carry the L85 here first and how I can get my hooks on one.

Also kinda like the AFV version of the Star L85, sweetness in a tiny package...

SidVicious March 15th, 2008 10:50


Originally Posted by Airmax (Post 669576)
Finally!! they got the L85 out. Looking forward to someone owning one and a review

The ICS website still list the L85 as "Future Schedule", I also scoured This Thread over at Arnie's and couldn't find any solid info about a release date, where did you read it was out ?

Anyway, it is clear that release is imminent, I really hope that a Canadian retailer (only shootsoft left, right ?) can get its hands on some, I definitely want this gun...

Desmodus March 15th, 2008 14:38

Oh man, Its about time someone made a Galil... it looks spectacular. WANT

Relja March 15th, 2008 14:48

I want it as well, just gotta see what different types they are gonna have. I looked up the ICS site, but i didnt see the galil anywhere.

Lerch March 16th, 2008 02:05

It's hiding, only players with large ***** can see it...

And first one to get me the ICS L85A2 gets my moneys!

scarletsnake October 25th, 2008 07:51

i couldnt find the prices, anyone know how much the L85 goes for?

Lerch October 25th, 2008 09:17's free...

Muffin October 25th, 2008 09:41


Originally Posted by Lerch (Post 847806)'s free...

If you devote your life to loving it.

Dracheous October 25th, 2008 10:04


Originally Posted by Muffin (Post 847816)
If you devote your life to loving it.

That's still pretty cheap for Lerch ;).

I'm still waiting on that Galil, if there is one gun that'd I'd happily add to my collection with out need, its the Galil. Always an odd fascination with such a gun that is so aesthetically unpleasing that I don't get but still love.

Novawarrior1 April 19th, 2010 21:41

Is the build quality different in the galil an l85 or is it just based on preference

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