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enigmahack January 15th, 2008 23:12

The Official "Gear Porn" Thread: (56k Beware!)
As a musician in some threads, I LOVE to include pics of my collection, my babies, mods, etc...

I think it'd be great to do this here! Post some pics of your gear, and model numbers. The idea I think does a couple of things:

Noobies - get to see REAL airsoft guns/suits/mods, but also get to see some of the models and such that might LOOK appealing to them, so they know what to look for... and it helps reduce some of the questions. *maybe not a LOT but every little bit helps.*

The Rest - get to show off a little bit. I'm honestly noticing that there are threads all over the place, but I've been trying to look for pics of guns, just to see them... There's no 1 central location to see everyone's weapons.

I'd start, but I'm not at home - I'll get some pics and post them for sure though definitely! is a site that can be used for free picture hosting if you don't know where or how.

So Friends, Airsofters, Country-persons... - SHOW ME YOUR GUNS!!

AngelusNex January 15th, 2008 23:19

you want gear porn, how bout this?

diamond_SEA January 15th, 2008 23:27


Originally Posted by Sepulcrum (Post 616438)

oh baby that makes me so hot. Do it to me again. but this time turn it around and bend over...

Danny Cyanide January 15th, 2008 23:27

Or, just look in the media section of the forum...

enigmahack January 15th, 2008 23:37


Premature E-post-ulation.

Sorry about that :)


Greenwolf January 15th, 2008 23:38


Originally Posted by diamond_SEA (Post 616440)
oh baby that makes me so hot. Do it to me again. but this time turn it around and bend over...

you could do better...

diamond_SEA January 15th, 2008 23:47


Originally Posted by Talraga (Post 616450)
you could do better...

Oh baby. now stand between ronan and aquamarine, balance on one foot, and juggle.

TokyoSeven January 15th, 2008 23:49

Screw that, get some barbed wire, a whisk, 2 litres of mustard, a shotgun with shells and a banana cream pie and I'll promise you a night you will never forget, ever.

Hades January 15th, 2008 23:53

I'll have to take pics of my full cadpat kit but here is a little taste to get you wet. This will be my marksman loadout:

Basically my loadout for 2008 at least in CADPAT TW will be as follows:

- Dropzone Ops Pants & Shirt
- Dropzone Recce Smock
- CP Gear Cadpat Shirt (When released)
- Issue Boonie & Aftermarket Boonies
- Custom Tiger Tactical Vest
- ICE Tactical Battlebelt & Suspenders
- CF Issue Wet Weather Boots
- CF Deerskin Gloves & Sage Green Flight Gloves
- Various CP Gear & Other Pouches
- Custom CADPAT Ghillie & Rifle Wrap (poncho and pants)
- Replica Bowman Headset
- CADPAT Balaclava
- CP Gear Holster

And a few other things yet to be ordered or not mentioned as of yet.

As for weapons King Arms M-14 EBR which is still waiting on a few minor parts and for sniping will be using above ghillie with my APS/2

Time to work on Multicam....shit

Shirley January 15th, 2008 23:57

Here is I, before gun was painted.

Here is I now with new Digital Desert (No patches yet)

Aside from this,

This girl is hot!

ShaWdowS January 16th, 2008 00:02


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 616464)
Here is I, before gun was painted.

Here is I now with new Digital Desert (No patches yet)

You are a SEXy 2 toned BEAST lol.... (at that risk of it sounding homo)

This thread makes me 'whoo-hoo!' twich in my pants.....


philstructo January 16th, 2008 00:05

My Desert Kit

My old Colt Commando
-Bushmaster Metal Body
-Star Cranestock
-ICS Vertical Grip
-TM Stub Silencer
-410 FPS

My old MP7

Old Sniper Rifle

Sha Do January 16th, 2008 00:13


Originally Posted by Hades (Post 616463)
I'll have to take pics of my full cadpat kit but here is a little taste to get you wet. This will be my marksman loadout:
.......And a few other things yet to be ordered or not mentioned as of yet.

Time to work on Multicam....shit

EXCELLENT work bro. It looks nice and light, and looks like it'll break up your outline nicely....but I think the guy in the picture is a little younger than you....
BTW; multicam will function much better as a base for a ghillie and you'll find it more practical on more fields. It'll also work with more of the seasons than the CADPAT, simply because of the lighter, natural colours.


skalnok January 16th, 2008 00:17


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 616464)
Here is I, before gun was painted.

Here is I now with new Digital Desert (No patches yet)

Aside from this,

This girl is hot!

trigger safety finger off the trigger

Beazer January 16th, 2008 00:21

Is this a replica gear thread where it's whatever airsoft styles?, or can you put on real looking crap that is a good imitation with real stuff?

Shirley January 16th, 2008 00:21


Originally Posted by skalnok (Post 616488)
trigger safety finger off the trigger

I did for the first one, but the second picture, I changed the mode to full auto and make it look like I was shooting. No ammo. :)

AngelusNex January 16th, 2008 00:40


Originally Posted by Yuxi (Post 616502)
So what was the point of this section of the forums again?

clearly this is because organization is a very bad thing and can only lead to chaos and not being able to find things...... wait....

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