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swatt13 June 25th, 2007 17:26

Lord of war lol... j/j
here is a pic of my airsoft room, not all my guns, just thought it would be a cool pic.

Lakonian June 25th, 2007 17:28

your XM8 makes my G36 look not-so-impressive :(

Nice collection!

Erik2 June 25th, 2007 17:38

Sweet Jesus.

I thought I have spent alot of money. I was wrong.

Very nice.

ancorp June 25th, 2007 17:45

Lord of war? Wheres the AK's ;)

Nice collection there, quite a bit invested I assume. Can't top that... yet.


Amazing KG3 June 25th, 2007 17:47

the CA m15 looks funny with the Rail sleeve on it! get a folding sight fool!

Nice collection though man, didnt know it was so big. The collection that is. Nobody dare say thats what she said.

swatt13 June 25th, 2007 17:58


Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 (Post 491948)
the CA m15 looks funny with the Rail sleeve on it! get a folding sight fool!

Nice collection though man, didnt know it was so big. The collection that is. Nobody dare say thats what she said.

ya i usually have the copped sight behind an acog, but i took itoff as i was lending the rifle out for our op yesterday... didnt want an, oops your acog got busted. lol.

Amazing KG3 June 25th, 2007 18:01

Indeed that would require the removal of gums with a paper clip...

dontask June 25th, 2007 18:03

sweet now all you need are some neon lights and a lava lamp

medhatboy June 25th, 2007 18:04

The silenced M4 under the M4 with the M203 is mine, I shredded my pinion gear so it's sitting at jonas's so he can fix it once I find the total damage other then the pinion gear. I think the ROF on it was too high and it couldn't handle it, I was emptying my 85 round star mags in like 3-4 seconds on auto.

swatt13 June 25th, 2007 18:07

oh btw kyle, i finally moulded a ca36 scope into my xm8 optics houseing, its much better than the rds i got off you (which got shot out the first day i used it lol) and the tm m16 optics i had previously mounted in there. sadly still working on mounting that ag36 tho lol.

MrEvolution June 25th, 2007 19:09

Why Two Famas' ?

Beazer June 25th, 2007 19:16

You guys need to see Repper's room in Canmore.
He's got 2 maybe 3 SAW's, AK's, G3's, several variants of MP5's, and two pistols.
Oh yeah, and his wonderful CAW launcher.
I'll see if I can get a pic.

Moderate June 25th, 2007 19:31

What's in the radioactive case?

Nice collection :)

swatt13 June 25th, 2007 21:02


Originally Posted by MrEvolution (Post 492016)
Why Two Famas' ?

black one is the team rental gun


Originally Posted by moderatesniper (Post 492031)
What's in the radioactive case?

Nice collection :)

tlp 4000 battery charger

Unsung Hero June 25th, 2007 21:10


Originally Posted by MrEvolution (Post 492016)
Why Two Famas' ?

Answer: why not? :D

Koopa June 25th, 2007 21:31 version 3s? what do you use for winter gaming?

vondnik June 25th, 2007 21:38


Originally Posted by Koopa (Post 492103) version 3s? what do you use for winter gaming?

xm8 is built on the frame of the g36 making it a gen 3

Andres June 25th, 2007 23:18

Colorful room :)

Nik12 June 25th, 2007 23:39

Give me time. One day, I'll have my own Airsoft room. Until then, very nice collection. I think I've just been talked into a FAMAS (eventually).

Amazing KG3 June 25th, 2007 23:45

You should have hung up your Crye Gear, thats bragging rights.

Powassan June 26th, 2007 00:21

Maybe if you had a couple AKs and some Uzis, but that is far from LOW. Hell mine is closer just cause they are all real.

philstructo June 26th, 2007 03:02

Holy jesus joseph and doggy style marry that is sweet how you have it all set up like thet I want to do that to my closet to hold my babys

gamz June 26th, 2007 09:45

That's awesome.

Where did you pick up the peg boards and pegs?

Swatt Six-Four June 26th, 2007 11:48

it's called track hook panels, you can get them form any major deparment store supplier. Work great, holds a fair amount of weight, and dosen't look as tacky as peg board

Lakonian June 26th, 2007 12:20


Originally Posted by Powassan (Post 492206)
Maybe if you had a couple AKs and some Uzis, but that is far from LOW. Hell mine is closer just cause they are all real.

Hey, that's one hell of a 1911. But Hi-capacity single-stackers blow asshole.

CDN_Stalker June 26th, 2007 12:51


Originally Posted by MrEvolution (Post 492016)
Why Two Famas' ?

One wasn't enough, so he wanted a double case of F'ugly! Lol

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