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For those that still doubt that Law Enfrocement trolls discussion boards...
Mirrored from CGN:
Indeed. I'm an avid 4 wheeler, and out west in BC 4 wheeling is looked down upon by many. Crossing water that is part of or leads to a fish spawning area is punishable by fines up to $1,000,000. The 4x4 club I belong to had a meeting with some Fisheries officers, and these officers had all sorts of pictures of such water crossings taken from our own website. Licence plates were clearly visible. The officers were great, they weren't out for blood or anything. A couple of them were 4 wheelers themselves. It was pretty educational though.
The powers that be are out there, and if you give them an easy way to nail you they will use it against you. |
Well, its well known that the RCMP keeps a light eye on ASC.
However, I don't agree with the statement that was quoted. Its obviously someone who broke the law and had/has something to hide. Its a bad attitude to have regarding the law. When people view the law as the enemy, they are just asking for it. |
Given the abuse of the law ( or the lack of knowledge that the common person has) by some in enforcement it isn't hard to see how the attitude develops.
Let the RCMP view our discussions. They will see a bunch of responsible adults who try to enforce the law for underage airsofting. I don't think they are blind to our existance, so lets prove that we're not a threat to all the soccer moms. My "toy" guns won't hurt them.
Have a friend in the RCMP, mentioned that sites like ASC and CGN are well known to the RCMP. Thats not in print proof, but works for me.
I dont have a doubt in my mind. With airsoft being as big a problem as it is, ASC isnt hard for the law to find...shit, I hear the RCMP has google now. Lets face it, the police are not stupid, and its well known that many pro-gun groups are monitored. To even think for a second that ASC isnt well observed is crazy. Look at all the issues with airsoft retailers and such. To think that ASC is overlooked is crazy. All that stuff with that terrorist group in toronto over the summer, alot of their actions were watched over the net....and its not like ASC doesnt have guns, odd people, and training facilities, occasional threads about explosives and such....have to be really stupid not to watch ASC from time to time. There has also been atleast one occasion where a member has filed charges against another ASC user for threats on and through this site. |
At the time of this post there were "Currently Active Users: 233 (66 members and 167 guests) More guests than members, it would be stupid for us to think that not just one of the guests couldn't be some sort of watchdog, ie police, CBSA, angry soccer mom, or journalist. Also when building a case the police will use any means at their disposal. When I was 15 I delivered groceries on bike, I made a delivery and on my way back, I was stopped by two detectives, and was asked for details about the appartment. How many people did I see, and did I notice anything strange or different today. Found out later they were raided, turns out the place was a storage depot for coke. So the net or forum is a wealth of info for them. |
Just for the record I have received Toronto Police and OPP referrals to my blog from ASC. I don't know however if they're members of the forums or special "guests".
It's happened 3 times in the last year if I remember correctly. |
Windsor PD, RCMP and CSIS in my experience.
Bomb terrorism Harper Bush Parlament hill soon Alah Akbar lalalallalllala
lets see how long it takes for black choppers and/or pizza van to arrive :P |
*Ding Dong*
Also, if a guy was hired to monitor ASC, would he look at Aqua's Gaijin thread? Also, if he/she did look at the Gaijin thread, is he allowed to laugh? And to discus amongst ASCers, if there were police monitoring this website, would it not make sense that they are verified so that they can monitor the NAR and (airsoft) Gun sales? |
They do, simple as that.
If Airsoft was so black listed as people think it is. This site would simply
just be shut down. Untill that day we should all act like mature 18+ people and show them that Airsoft is not a bad sport nor is it being used in a manner of which they need to be alarmed. Even if they did monitor this site it would most likely be the game section. "Ohhh another address to keep on file!" :lol: |
If you dont think this happens, you are painfully naive. |
You dont need to monitor things 'live' all the time. Welcome to the new reality of the internet. |
I'd want them to read this forum.
Other then some silly flaming that goes on (And it goes on everywhere) and the occasional person who posts complete garbage and is quickly flamed and runs away with his tail between his legs...sort of street stlye justice. This is a good site that illustrates our concerns and input into keeping the sport responsible. I would welcome them reading this. Plus I make phone calls on the side for the tip of the month reward... :p |
Well That would explain the increase in my sales to "***" organizations! All "***'s* remember to ask for you speshul discount. Also I'll get you age verified, since your here already.
Cheers |
Lol, good thing I didn't say he was a "*****", then he'd get mad at me.
I have no doubt that they have read the boards on occasion...big deal. What are the great plans and conspiracies....I would like proof, they exist. All we are doing is continuing the baseless, my friend told me so.....who cares if you were pulled over by the cops when you were 15 really....what does that have to do with anything. Proof Proof Proof.....LOL I want Proof not heresay......these boards provide harbingers of misinformation a great tool, and unfortunately it seems that people bandwagon on half truths and never do the footwork themselves....I agree it is easier and seems cooler to add to a story, but, in the end its bullshit and you feel good that you added bullshit to the pile....WTF is that all about. I am not looking to accuse or point fingers, but, I have been reading these boards for over 7 years and this is an ongoing phenomenom. There is a large portion of people who feel that somehow that if this sport is seen as somewhat in the "illegal" area it makes them that more hardcore. I am fully aware of the laws, but, other than the BC retailers getting greif, I have NEVER heard or seen evidence of a REAL investigation by ANYONE in Ontario, other than a cursory mention about that kid who murdered the students......nothing.
Debbie Join Date: Nov 2006 Posts: 12 Hmm... Im still lost! |
Sure there's plenty of OMG TEH SKY IS FALLING EVERYBODY PANIC!!!1!11!!ONE on this board, but it's pretty simple to pick out the facts from the crap. |
YOU CANT HANDEL THE TRUTH! What the hell do you want? A letter from CSIS saying that they monitor this site? Its not going to happen. |
right? Please someone OTHER than Greylocks give me an answer, I won't go into my reasons. |
Umm its the fact that you didnt register for 7 YEARS.. Like wtf. Why look at something if you cant interact with it! |
Heh, I half expected a lame excuse like "I had to make a new account."
But I doubt they'd want to say that if this is the case... because then we'd be looking into why he/she was banned in the first place. But, a guest? For 7 YEARS?! Nah, don't beleive it worth a damn. However if this is the case. I say you get me PROOF that it is. Someone in your area that has been on long enough to vouche for you to have 7 years here on this site. And I don't want hear-say from you either. Oh, and as far as this going that they monitor this stuff. Guess what, any of you non-believers just gotta watch the news where they point out how authorities are more and more looking into web forums in Canada to spot and stop crimes commited using internet communications and such. |
I'm with the rest, I think you are full of shit. Want to prove me wrong? Get me proof. |
maybe debbies from the future
Debbie, I told you and everyone here the truth.
The Police Officer who watched and read this site is from the Joint Provincial Firearms task force (or whatever acronym they use today). They dont post, but they DO read. Second fact; you can monitor a site and not have someone physically look at it. The new term for this is data-mining; programs that use key words (mostly) and statistical data, matched with excellent IP tracking. If you think the authorities are not equipped or too dumb to do this, you need a reality check. If you think that anything you send out on the internet (or the phone) is safe from scrutiny, wow, how will you handle the truth? Dont want my answers because you dont like me? Too bad. Educate yourself, remove those blinders, and maybe you'll learn something. Oh, if you want proof, you'll have to show me proof of your security clearance first. |
I tried to post this a few hours ago, right after Debbie's last post, but then the site crapped out for me, so here it is now...
Well if you won't go into your reasons why you won't accept multiple accounts of people confirming their knowledge of law enforcement parusing this site, in addition to Greylocks having shown a law enforcement officer the site personally, as well as many of us being military, law enforcement, or legal-whatever in our real lives, then I don't know why we should bother. As Droc said, you're not going to get a letter from CSIS themselves saying they watch the site, so really, it seems that unless you watch an OPP/RCMP/CSIS officer view the site yourself, you're not going buying it? Hardly rational, I would think. I can't see Africa right now, and I've never been there, but I know it exists. I don't need someone to bring me home a pygmy to know for sure. |
No ones mentioned the dickwad that was arrested in Montreal last year, he was on here getting flamed for his stupidity and later on the news report about all his realsteel the news had ASC in the background with comments about how "teh intranet is watched"
I also find it amusing that some law enforcment joined some teams and after about a year left. But I'm a tinfoil hat wearer. |
Nah, saying you've been on as a guest for 7 years and having been reading constantly is horse shit. Proof of this is that he/she doesn't believe that there are people monitoring the forum. There are a few threads about it that have been on before, like the above mentioned Montreal guy ((I forget the name now... something666)) and others. Plus then add in the fact that 7 years of "reading" and "keeping up" he/she would have come across at LEAST one of the many people who are in the law enforcement and so on that are here all the time. I'm pretty sure if someone from the law enforcement end of things saw something highly illegal they'd report it, or recommend the very least what the parties involved should be doing. |
Debbie, you want proof? they show up in the ip logs. I'm not going to post the IPs of the various government agencies that view the site as the last thing we need is for some script kiddy getting it in his head to ddos them. In addition to that there have been members that have been contacted by the police etc about content of their posts.
And it's not just the police watching. Posts have been printed in the toronto star amongst other papers... You have as much privacy on ASC as you do sitting in your car in traffic with your windows rolled down and talking to your friends through a bull horn. Between the people and computers that sift through the site theres systems out there that monitor the data as it travels over the ineternet - unencrypted. Trust me, ASC sets off alot of red flags for LEO agencies. |
I would like to remind you of this paragraph on the SECURITY SCREENING CERTIFICATE AND BRIEFING FORM that you signed when you receive your clearance: If an individual fails to safeguard, releases without appropriate authority or uses information/assets for unauthorized purposes, such action may constitute a contravention of the Security of Information Act, the Access to Information Act, the Privacy Act or other Acts of Parliament, a breach of the Government Security Policy or the Oath of Secrecy. These provisions apply both during and after service to the Government of Canada. I suggest you review the Security of Information Act before perusing any action(s) related to you quoted statement. Specifically Section 4.1.A. |
Lisa, you're not giving her the proof she wants. It wont work. You have to let that poor officer out of your basement...
Digital... I just looked at your profile and job claim. You do realize that I've been working for the Federal Government for longer than you've been alive, right? |
Then one would hope that you would be aware of the associated responsibilities that go along with possessing a security clearance and thus would not be so freely suggesting that you would make information available that apparently requires a security clearance. Regardless of weather or not the receiving individual has a clearance of sufficient level, the still do not meet the "need to know" condition that is attached to designated or classified information.
Who cares if we are being watched?
It think it is excellent and maybe it can track down these retarded kids walking around with GBB pistols knocking up corner stores and bringing them to schools |
But your right, there are many airsofters who doent bother with ASC on a regular basis. Quote:
I wouldnt expect regular municipal police to be investigating airsoft anyways. Just like I wouldnt expect highway police to investigate internation drug rings. |
Daves not here!
Well, there is a lot of them and some of them enjoy it like hobby like most of us do. As example my buddy sold TM G26 to Custom Officer which he didn't know what was his occupation until he asked him lol... But at end, he wanted to try out the sport.
Yeah, im not on asc that much, but i couldnt care less if sone goverment agent was sitting at a desk and noticed that mark plays airsoft, or oh my god, mark owns a replica firearm. I keep it locked away, it doesnt see the light of day unless its being cleaned/repaired at my house, or im at a game. If they were serious about it, how come when we are at a game a swat team doesnt jump outta the bushes an arrest us? Its not like we dont have directions to the feild/exact times were gonna be there?!
Aware? I can say "Hey, today was fun; I traced a criminal's electronic papertrail and the Security Director was right there watching the show. Too bad it only took 5 minutes." I cant tell where, I cant say who I traced, I cant name the director or talk about the exact information I found, and I cant show documented proof. Cant say much of anything even to another security cleared person. All I have said so far is not classified at all. Obscure maybe, but not classified. Should I say where to point Google Earth for one of the monitoring facilities in Ottawa (anyone can see it) our would you get me fired? Should anything classified be blanked out? Good luck. Wont happen. You are what? 25? So you've been gung-ho about the rules for maybe 5 years? Time for you to breathe and refrain from trying to educate others on rules you just learned. This is like you showing up in the Director's office telling him how to do his job and chiding him. Wrong target lad. Go find folks who really break the law IF that is your job. If not, you are impersonating an officer of the law. Hmmm, want to be as professional as you claim? I would change my profile's comment about my job real fast. Government Security pros dont advertise. Telling all the world what you do in that field is not a good move. And learn about sarcasm too, it will help your career. |
Stalker here is an example; we talked. We discussed in very basic ways what we both do. We can say we spent our day fixing a (insert item here) and being frustrated in the middle of a public place and still say nothing that reveals any information. "I fixed a computer filled with viruses today, it was hell." I just told the truth, nothing is classified even if the computer and it's contents are. The computer is not named, nor it's location, access codes or content. Not even the subject of the contents. That's how the secrecy laws work. If I'm STUPID enough to spew out details, then I'm in shit. That's when the other person better have the right clearance, and the right need to know, on paper. That's how it works, for those of you who need practice in the application of the laws. |
Primus; I know where you have worked, you know (just one of the places) where I have worked. We probably have the same clearance.
You know what records were kept there, and their sensitivity. You know what I did and I know what you did. Can we talk about it in details? No. Can we talk about the same thing? Yes. Even then, not in details. That's the point I'm trying to make. |
The point of the post was to illustrate, once again, that nothing you post on the internet should ever be considered private.
Nothing more. |
Yep, and like anything else here it went into a total tangent. I'm guilty there too.
My point is when you said: Quote:
This is probably all mute because you are now claiming it as a "sarcastic statement". But as you pointed out if "you want to be as professional as you claim", you would never have made that statement to begin with. |
Ok, back to the sidelines. :popcorn: |
Digital, you really need to relax. I'm not saying become slack in any security areas, but your exhuberance of youth in your job is a little overwhelming at times. LOTS of folks here have security clearances. One of my duties is repairing crypto gear. I can tell anyone I do that, big deal. You want to see something that'll really burn your ass? Check out http://www.jproc.ca/crypto/kg84.html which contains way more info than I'm allowed to talk about. Also, note the TLD it's hosted on. As for the building Greylocks mentioned, it's been marked on Google Earth before. I don't have the URL handy though.
Debbie, the plain answer is yes, folks in certain departments keep an eye on these boards. Have they done much with anything they've found? Not really. At least we're not living in an Orwellian society like a certain country to the south, where the government carries out illegal wiretaps on a frequent basis. That we know of, anyway. :cool: |
I'm sorry.
Are we all still talking about this?? They can watch if they want. If they don't, who cares. If they do, who cares. You're posting on a public forum. Novel concept here but... "Expect your posts to be public." Wow. |
There are somethings that there is little room for apathy on. Security can be considered on of them. Perhaps I am a little too 'gung-ho', however having seen some of the 'issues' that I have in the course of performing my job, one can not really blame me for having a lower amount of patience for some things. Also, there are some things that you just don't do. Yeah, pointing a unloaded gun at some one will not hurt them, but that really isn't the point is it. Quote:
Where is the "Insulted Other Member(s) - Play nice or shut up."? |
I still say this would all be solved if we came up with a secret ASC handshake.
http://www.idratherbecrawling.ca/pics/handshake.JPG |
Digital, dear god, you need to breathe and relax.
I tried to use a simple example that is prerequisite to getting specific answers. You went nuts because I did not mention the 'need to know' clause? Dear god lad... I can talk about a monitoring station; it's no secret that it's there, it's even on record that it's there IF you do some research. It's not the only one. Heck, you can drive right through it and unless you are blind and clueless it's right in your face. You can drive right by two (obvious) more just in the Ottawa city limits. Same as for the JTF2 barracks; what they do and where they are at any given moment IS Top Secret. Where their barracks are is not. Knowing that reveals nothing. Talking about what a neat looking place it is reveals nothing. Speculating as to where they are currently is just talk, but you can talk about them. It's called freedom of expression, and it's fine as long as it reveals nothing secret to anyone not allowed to know about it. It's amazing what Google can find IF you use it properly. Pictures of these places can be seen clearly. For the rest, I commend you on your attentiveness to the security of Canada but you badly need to refocus on far more important targets than comments made on a forum. Debbie; I can look at anything I please while at work as long as it breaches no laws or internal code of conduct, just like anyone else. If my work requires that I look at anything coming from your IP address, I will, or others will. If in return someone wants to dig into my information, they can, and they will. Welcome to the reality of how open forums, or the internet, works. |
Gotta love that open-p0rn policy... who needs national security when you got the Ron Jeremy all you can download website for 4.95USD... CDN_Stalker, you sick fuck you made my week... |
I mean, I like Mansex. EDIT: HOLY FREAKIN CRAP. Ron Jeremy freaks the SHITE out of me. |
I give up.
Next time I think about posting something informative, I'll skip it. |
Here's a test; google your own name and nicknames. See what comes up just with that, fully available to the public. It can be educational.
http://www.contech-inc.com/images/pr...recrow/box.jpg http://www.scatmat.com/images/spyglass.gifclick here to see larger image ScareCrow® automatic outdoor animal deterrent $89.00 Ships within 24 hours Protect your yard, fruit trees, vegetables, flowers and water features from hungry or destructive animal intruders. The ScareCrow® motion-activated sprinkler automatically detects deer, racoons, heron, dogs and more as they approach, and repels them with a short but startling burst of water. The sudden noise, movement and spray scares animals away, teaching them to avoid the area in future. Keep animals away from your pond or garden with a harmless blast of water ScareCrow
ScareCrow® Mounting Bracket $15.00 Ships within 24 hours For installing the ScareCrow on fences, posts or walls, use the optional ScareCrow mounting bracket. |
Holy shyte, the interweb has me cold. I don't think I like being edumakated. Fuckin' Blue Herons.
... and for a limited time only.... http://www.contech-inc.com/images/pr...recrow/box.jpg http://www.contech-inc.com/images/spyglass.gifclick here to see larger image Mini ScareCrow® automatic pet deterrent$49.00 Ships within 24 hours Mini ScareCrow® Refill Can Uses just 2 to 3 cups per deterrence, one scarecrow covers approximately 1200 sq. ft... man I rock! |
I googled my full name (since googling my first name and asc name would be rather silly)... nothing....
while my last name isn't common as say smith, it is still fairly common and my first name? one of the more common names you'll run into, at work in my department there's 5 Lisa's... It's a popular name. |
Depending on your name, it works well or not. But it is a method used with common tools.
Besides Lisa, you already said that this site was monitored based on the connecting IP addresses. I dont know what more proof people need. |
kindof off topic, but i don't think it matters anymore by this point. |
/offtopic |
yah, if you google "kalnaren", ASC is only the 3rd link listed
I'm pretty good.
Never post anything up on the internet. No MySpace or anything like that. The only thing that comes up for my name is a design studio with a female owner that I share a common name with. Nickname on the other hand... Even putting it into ASC search would get thousands of posts that were unrelated to me.:D |
I know for a fact that the police, cops, hogs, fuzz, (or whatever your preferred name for them is) watch this forum all the time. A cop came up to me in school last year and asked if I'd ever heard of this site and said it was full of lies. On of the mods put it best: "Preferred attire is tin foil hap, bathrobe, and kleenex box slippers" |
Why would a police officer point an underage kid ot this site, and comment on it negatively, in the first place? If true, that's the dumbest thing I've heard an officer do in a long time.
I think PALs (firearm posession & acquisition license) should be required along with the 18+ age to purchase Airsoft guns! That way we know they went through safety training and know muzzle control, proper checking, do's and don'ts, etc.
Seriously though, you were in fact leaving out part (most) of the story. He didn't just approach you out of the blue. |
'Oh I'm gonna get that Glock . . . Looks so badass! . . . Show it off"
Thus the 18+ |
BTW: Kid, Shouldn't you be verified? Or are you an underage kid too? |
I've talked to you before by PM (Or MSN?), haven't I? I believe when you first came here. |
Could be. I don't remember.
Don't me to come off like an ass. |
I don't see why the RCMP should really care as this site and all regular members are 100% legal.
It's the excited 14 year olds that want to run around their suburban neighborhood with AK-47's and Glocks that both the RCMP AND ASC Members BOTH shake their heads at with disappointment. The ones that say "it's ok, my Dad will buy it for me". (well, you can't play with it - what good is it? AND you're a huge risk at the rest of us losing our 'rights') No paranoia needed. My 2 cents. |
Care or not, read what Lisa posted. This is now confirmed, with as much proof as a site admin is willing to give.
It's not paranoia. |
I think we all agree that there are RCMP and Military everywhere here. There are forum members from both.
As long as everything is done legally there's no reason to hide. They have better things (drugs, illegal firearms, etc) to do than spend hours on posts that discuss normal things. Oh, and federal government employees like reading gun pr0n too. |
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THE HORSE IS DEAD!!!! Please stop kicking him!
I suppose its hear say but eh. On Thursday of last week I can say I had a Regional Intelligence Officer with the CBSA sit with me at work while I went over some things, I think it's asinine to think that no government officials look at this site as (doi) we have more then enough military/and local officers actually play.. Only proof I could deliver is a scanned business card, or emails I get from the intelligence officer my company deals with. Ah well. Very naive IMO.
[QUOTE=Debbie;414371]I have no doubt that they have read the boards on occasion...big deal. What are the great plans and conspiracies....I would like proof, they exist. All we are doing is continuing the baseless, my friend told me so.....who cares if you were pulled over by the cops when you were 15 really....what does that have to do with anything. Proof Proof Proof.....LOL I want Proof not heresay...... |
or for that matter neigh *glurp* *thud* *twitchtwitch* (this is what i get for reading only a few posts down then deciding to reply...woot.)
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