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Identity July 1st, 2006 19:26

Kuramae Hobby Shop
Wow the owner at Kuramae Hobby Shop, is fucking retarted. :rrr:

I went over there to Pacific Mall to look around and I saw a Tokyo Marui 4.3 Hi-CAPA ad.

So I went in the store and I saw these guys crowding around watching porn and looking at their airsoft guns at the counter.

I waited untill they were done checking out a broken ICS AK74. I asked him how much was the 4.3 HI-CAPA. And the guy asked "How old are you?"

I said don't worry I'm not new to airsoft and Vince at 6mm Imports can vouch for me. All I'm asking is how much are you selling the Airsoft gun for. And he said O yeah your breaking the rules of airsoft... And all this other crap.

I told him once again all I wanted to know was the god damn price... And he kept blabering on, talking shit, how I was not old enough to play airsoft.
He kept saying O yeah since your such a minor why dont you talk to Vince to sell you airsoft. I didn't even want to buy the damn 4.3 since I already have one. All I wanted to know was the price.

I was about to fucking go bezerk on his fat ass. The rules of airsoft is 16 to play and 18 to buy.

So basicly I just ended up saying "Maybe I'll see you guys at a game at FR."
And left. Then those guys laughed like baboons.

Im 17 in about 5 days. I know the rules of airsoft and as you can see under my sig I have a GBB and an AEG. My father plays airsoft, not as in a skirmish but pinking in the basement with his GBBs.

The one thing that pissed me off is that the guy there was so ANAL that he wouldn't even tell me the price of the god damn GBB. All i wanted to know was the fucking price of the GBB. And no! He made a big fuss and laughed like baboons.
It wasn't my first time going there too! I asked them how much was a TM M4A1 and they said $800.00.

Pisses me off. All the guys in there were fat shits crouding around and impressed over a damn ICS Ak74 as if they have never seen a airsoft gun before.

I swear, that guy must be some 40 year old virgin, who the hell buys those god damn Gundam figures and nude anime dolls from him anyways?

Well thats just my rant. If anyone has had any bad experience with Kuramae post them here.

What a nerve racking experience... :mad:

the end July 1st, 2006 19:38

was it good to get that off your chest

Identity July 1st, 2006 19:46

Yeah it was.
I was just asking for a god damn price....
And he doesn't have to be a jerk about. He basicly said, your under 18 screw off.
If he said it nicely I wouldn't be so mad.

Redneck July 1st, 2006 19:50


Originally Posted by Identity

I said don't worry I'm not new to airsoft and Vince at 6mm Imports can vouch for me.

That probably wasn't the best answer.

An honest answer rather than dodging the question might have gotten you somewhere.


Originally Posted by Identity
I was about to fucking go bezerk on his fat ass. The rules of airsoft is 16 to play and 18 to buy.

Im 17 in about 5 days. I know the rules of airsoft and as you can see under my sig I have a GBB and an AEG.

Those are the rules that are generally agreed upon in *this* community. The folks here abide by them because they're fairly well organized and emphasize safety and responsibility above all else.

The airsoft community is in no way limited to the people on this website. The guys at Kuramae aren't ASC members and probably jack their guns up to above what would be considered safe playing limits. Not being a part of this community allows them to set their own rules. Rules that you could potentially be breaking.

You know our rules, but you don't know theirs.

The easy fix is to not go back and wait another 370 days.
From the sounds of things, you'd have a better time here anyway.

G_unit July 1st, 2006 19:57

Who fucking cares, what a pointless thread, at least this guy had brains to ask how old you were.

Redneck July 1st, 2006 20:00


Originally Posted by G_unit
Who fucking cares, what a pointless thread, at least this guy had brains to ask how old you were.

That's what I really wanted to say.

Identity July 1st, 2006 20:07


Originally Posted by Redneck

Originally Posted by Identity

I said don't worry I'm not new to airsoft and Vince at 6mm Imports can vouch for me.

That probably wasn't the best answer.

An honest answer rather than dodging the question might have gotten you somewhere.


Originally Posted by Identity
I was about to fucking go bezerk on his fat ass. The rules of airsoft is 16 to play and 18 to buy.

Im 17 in about 5 days. I know the rules of airsoft and as you can see under my sig I have a GBB and an AEG.

Those are the rules that are generally agreed upon in *this* community. The folks here abide by them because they're fairly well organized and emphasize safety and responsibility above all else.

The airsoft community is in no way limited to the people on this website. The guys at Kuramae aren't ASC members and probably jack their guns up to above what would be considered safe playing limits. Not being a part of this community allows them to set their own rules. Rules that you could potentially be breaking.

You know our rules, but you don't know theirs.

The easy fix is to not go back and wait another 370 days.
From the sounds of things, you'd have a better time here anyway.

Hey, Redneck. Thanks for clearing everything up for me. Feel much better now, and not as mad.

And I guess your right about it all. The rules that are set down are rules that I know from this forum and not the rules the guys at Kuramea might know.

yanhchan July 1st, 2006 20:50

WHats odd was I walked into him almost making a deal with a couple of 16 year olds about a month ago, they were trying to buy springers or something....Yeah stay away from Kuramae they rip people off a lot and aren't responsiable about their work and repairs...

LOL they were watching porn?

TheHandicapper July 1st, 2006 20:53


Originally Posted by yanhchan
LOL they were watching porn?

Who doesnt...

yanhchan July 1st, 2006 21:01


Originally Posted by TheHandicapper

Originally Posted by yanhchan
LOL they were watching porn?

Who doesnt...

LOL At work? In front of customers?

skewed July 1st, 2006 21:03


Originally Posted by yanhchan

Originally Posted by TheHandicapper

Originally Posted by yanhchan
LOL they were watching porn?

Who doesnt...

LOL At work? In front of customers?

...yes. I don't think we understand the question...?


yanhchan July 1st, 2006 21:15

Note how this threads always lead to porn???

-=]MH[=-RaiDen July 1st, 2006 21:17

Identity are you Azn? no? well there you go + your 17. and if you are, your not FOB enough :p

Plus ya they were dicks long time ago... about time you found out...

Chinese accent: " M4A1 for 800 dolla~~, I give you spe~sho $799.50 verrey good pri~lice, Be a man do~~ da right thing."

Mr Jon July 1st, 2006 22:03


Originally Posted by -=]MH[=-RaiDen
Identity are you Azn? no? well there you go + your 17. and if you are, your not FOB enough :p

Plus ya they were dicks long time ago... about time you found out...

Chinese accent: " M4A1 for 800 dolla~~, I give you spe~sho $799.50 verrey good pri~lice, Be a man do~~ da right thing."

Maaaaaybe you save 50 cents here, and 50 cents there... then you have one dollar... theeeeeen you go to doooollar store and you buy something else...

//Russell Peters pwnz
///contributed nothing to this thread

skewed July 1st, 2006 22:06

So to bring everyone up to date: Russell Peters = Yes. Kuramae = Doom. Obviously.

Aquamarine July 1st, 2006 22:46

I'll take his side here.

Wow, it does sound like they were a bunch of cunty retards. C'mon folks, the guy was asking a price and the chump behind the counter was treating him like a third-class citizen.

Phalanix July 1st, 2006 23:26


Originally Posted by Mr Jon

Originally Posted by -=]MH[=-RaiDen
Identity are you Azn? no? well there you go + your 17. and if you are, your not FOB enough :p

Plus ya they were dicks long time ago... about time you found out...

Chinese accent: " M4A1 for 800 dolla~~, I give you spe~sho $799.50 verrey good pri~lice, Be a man do~~ da right thing."

Maaaaaybe you save 50 cents here, and 50 cents there... then you have one dollar... theeeeeen you go to doooollar store and you buy something else...

//Russell Peters pwnz
///contributed nothing to this thread

*lol* Amen to that...


Originally Posted by Aquamarine
I'll take his side here.

Wow, it does sound like they were a bunch of cunty retards. C'mon folks, the guy was asking a price and the chump behind the counter was treating him like a third-class citizen.

Yes, typically if you go to that store and is not a Cantonese speaking fob, they treat you like dirt. I normally just ignore that store all together.

LUTNIT July 2nd, 2006 00:14


Originally Posted by Identity
who the hell buys those god damn Gundam figures and nude anime dolls from him anyways?

Their not dolls, their fine detail resin models...yes I have a couple as well as a dozen or so gundam models. All mine are from Japan though when I was there 2 years ago though, never been to pacific mall and from what I've heard on this forum and from my asian friends I'm never going to go there.

I may be half Japanese and half Finish but I'm 100% Canadian, so is my fist that they would see comming towards them at high velocity if they gave me shit, I hate arrogant Chinese.

Doc.Lavoie July 2nd, 2006 00:52

okay... well i agree with Identity. Some dude just think they know more than you cause you're minor and they're not. This kind of thing pisses me off everytime I hear about it. You've done well by leaving the store... seems like a "Wannabe Airsoft store" to me

EN SABAH NUR July 2nd, 2006 02:45


Originally Posted by -=]MH[=-RaiDen
Identity are you Azn? no? well there you go + your 17. and if you are, your not FOB enough :p

Plus ya they were dicks long time ago... about time you found out...

Chinese accent: " M4A1 for 800 dolla~~, I give you spe~sho $799.50 verrey good pri~lice, Be a man do~~ da right thing."

Indian accent: "Someone's going to get a hurt rrreeal bad"

Stealth July 2nd, 2006 03:13

Had no problems when I went in there. The dude was looking at something on his computer again. Convo went something like this in cantonese:

Me: Hey. I heard you have guns for sale.
Dude: Yea. What are you looking for?
Me: Wondering if you had a TM P226 for sale.
Dude: Yep. 300 bucks.
Me: When can you get it for me?
Dude: In a few hours if the warehouse has it. Its a pretty new model, so most likely I'll have it in stock. If not, then 2 weeks.
Me: Thanks. I'll think about it.

To be honest, I was pretty shocked. 300 bucks for a P226 isn't a rip off at all, and if I actually wanted it and could have it in a few hours, then it was completely worth it. The guy wasn't rude to me, and I don't exactly look old either. Were you wearing a Barney T-shirt or something when you walked in? Sounds like you were giving him shit to begin with with that 6mm comment.

14K July 2nd, 2006 03:19


Originally Posted by Stealth
Had no problems when I went in there. The dude was looking at something on his computer again. Convo went something like this in cantonese:

Me: Hey. I heard you have guns for sale.
Dude: Yea. What are you looking for?
Me: Wondering if you had a TM P226 for sale.
Dude: Yep. 300 bucks.
Me: When can you get it for me?
Dude: In a few hours if the warehouse has it. Its a pretty new model, so most likely I'll have it in stock. If not, then 2 weeks.
Me: Thanks. I'll think about it.

To be honest, I was pretty shocked. 300 bucks for a P226 isn't a rip off at all, and if I actually wanted it and could have it in a few hours, then it was completely worth it. The guy wasn't rude to me, and I don't exactly look old either. Were you wearing a Barney T-shirt or something when you walked in? Sounds like you were giving him shit to begin with with that 6mm comment.


yanhchan July 2nd, 2006 05:39


Originally Posted by 14K

Originally Posted by Stealth
Had no problems when I went in there. The dude was looking at something on his computer again. Convo went something like this in cantonese:

Me: Hey. I heard you have guns for sale.
Dude: Yea. What are you looking for?
Me: Wondering if you had a TM P226 for sale.
Dude: Yep. 300 bucks.
Me: When can you get it for me?
Dude: In a few hours if the warehouse has it. Its a pretty new model, so most likely I'll have it in stock. If not, then 2 weeks.
Me: Thanks. I'll think about it.

To be honest, I was pretty shocked. 300 bucks for a P226 isn't a rip off at all, and if I actually wanted it and could have it in a few hours, then it was completely worth it. The guy wasn't rude to me, and I don't exactly look old either. Were you wearing a Barney T-shirt or something when you walked in? Sounds like you were giving him shit to begin with with that 6mm comment.


LOL warehouse at Pmall usually means "the trunk of my car" or they might keep stuff in the underground storage locker, one never knows. I remember he just kept shit behind the counter.

Hades July 2nd, 2006 09:40

I bought tonnes of stuff from there with absolutly no problem and reasonable prices and I'm a flaky white boy. Got my 4.3 for $270 and my M-14 from there for $600

skewed July 2nd, 2006 10:12


Originally Posted by Stealth
Had no problems when I went in there. The dude was looking at something on his computer again. Convo went something like this in cantonese:

Me: Hey. I heard you have guns for sale.
Dude: Yea. What are you looking for?
Me: Wondering if you had a TM P226 for sale.
Dude: Yep. 300 bucks.
Me: When can you get it for me?
Dude: In a few hours if the warehouse has it. Its a pretty new model, so most likely I'll have it in stock. If not, then 2 weeks.
Me: Thanks. I'll think about it.

To be honest, I was pretty shocked. 300 bucks for a P226 isn't a rip off at all, and if I actually wanted it and could have it in a few hours, then it was completely worth it. The guy wasn't rude to me, and I don't exactly look old either. Were you wearing a Barney T-shirt or something when you walked in? Sounds like you were giving him shit to begin with with that 6mm comment.

So if I want something from there, can I call you up to do the talking for me? ~_^ They don't gots ta know!

Renegade) July 2nd, 2006 10:43

Ok guys, ive really been holding myself back from posting here, but really this has got to be one of the most stupidest things ive ever heard. There has to be so much more to this story then what your telling us, because unless this guy was on his worse day ever, or you have a history there, or made some comment before asking, asking for a price would not result in that kind of answer. You either have to tell us the whole story here, or just stop complaining.

Shinjin_MC July 2nd, 2006 11:03


Originally Posted by 14K


kuramae means "warehouse front" I believe
literal name perhaps?

Stealth July 2nd, 2006 11:23

Now that I look back at it though, my first airsoft gun was purchased at AMC at Pac Mall (shut down many years ago for the n00bs here) when I was 15. My bro did all the talking, and when I asked whether I could test fire it, they wouldn't let me touch the gun either.

Their First Markham Place location was cool though. After my bro bought the gun, the mag kept leaking, so we exchanged it at FMP for another one. They let me fire it in the store no probs. :p

Manvil July 2nd, 2006 11:51


Originally Posted by Renegade)
Ok guys, ive really been holding myself back from posting here, but really this has got to be one of the most stupidest things ive ever heard. There has to be so much more to this story then what your telling us, because unless this guy was on his worse day ever, or you have a history there, or made some comment before asking, asking for a price would not result in that kind of answer. You either have to tell us the whole story here, or just stop complaining.

I've also had pretty bad experience with Kurame. I don't think he is holding back they were assholes to me aswell and I look my age....21, and was with a friend that looks much older. I was looking for a m16 mag the day before a game and they were my last option. They tried to sell it to me for a very high price then I told them howmuch they were being sold for everywhere else. They laughed and said "You can't compare retail stores to online stores." I told them that the prices I was talking about was retail. They wouldn't budge on the price so i just left. They had a very bad attitude from the second I walked in.

BTW I'm white which might explain their behaviour.

-=]MH[=-RaiDen July 2nd, 2006 13:23

psst psst I heard if you buy them Curry fish balls they give you better price at airsoft, if not at least make fat jokes "hey hey your mooother is soo fat, that when she jump for joy~~~~ she got stuck"

Hey you never know :P

Hades your probly an egg thats why they like you :P hehehe

jackman July 2nd, 2006 14:49

Thats great rasism and ignorance...all at the same time, those guy at kuramae r mah friends, and r great guys. Being responsible about selling airsoft guns in Canada is good for all of us.

Identity July 2nd, 2006 14:58

Yeah, I walked in with my white friend, and that guy went ape shit on me and my friend just from asking the price.

Are you telling me my first post isn't long enough? Thats the whole story. I'm telling you, those guys are fucking ANAL.

O well, thank god I'm never going back there. Theres always "true" airsoft retailers such as 6mm Imports and the new ASC Armoury!

Well thanks for all your support guys. Just needed to get that off my chest.

14K July 2nd, 2006 14:59

Russell Peter jokes are too over used lmfao

longshot July 2nd, 2006 16:58

Folks, the responses on this thread are getting totally out of hands. I have waited for the longest time to post a reply…finally. This reply also applies to another thread call Airsoft in Markham -

I am friends to both Kuramae Shop and Vince at 6MM Import; these two retail outlets are competitors to each other. Going into Kuramae Shop to tell those people about how Vince ran his business will NOT get you a positive reply from who ever run the floor on that day. Don’t forget …airsoft is not the main line of business for Kuramae; you will probably get a much different response if you are to ask them about the latest release from Tamiya. One thing Vince at 6MM and Kelvin at Kuramae have in common is that they show serious concern with regards to selling an airsoft replica to the ‘wrong’ hand, than who’s responsible? We are not talking about a person’s age here, but selling it to a total stranger. The same kind of feeling like somebody knocking at your door in the middle of the night and ask to use your phone. Really don’t want to get Miles and Carl involve on this one but our friends at ASC Armory probably have the same concern, but they are most definitely are more ‘crafty’ in dealing with potential clients. So it all boils down to people skills…but than 6MM and Kuramae have their own client base and who’s to judge them.
Another thing about negative feed back about both Vince and Kuramae is that both merchants have not post any replies here in ASC to defend them self. I asked Vince a while back about not defending himself on any negative feed back against him and his reply was that he wishes not to escalate the issue and avoid confrontations. But he would always make an effort to correct the problem.
A number of Airsoft Canada members here have regular dealings with both 6MM and Kuramae but have not come forward to speak their minds… simply see no reason to get into a confrontational situation with anyone and I understanding where they are coming from so to speak.
Business merchants at the Pacific Mall are color blind, if they can increase their so call non- Asian clientele by say 10 to 20 % that means increase on income. These people are paying big time rent for their little space at the mall. Trust me you don’t have to speak Chinese to become a happy customer. Some of you found the merchants ‘unfriendly’ at the mall, and my observation are that most of them have a poor command with the English language does resulted in some awkward situations.

Sorry for such a long reply, I can go on for even a bite longer…but I think this is quite enough for now.

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