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adam_c April 19th, 2006 20:55

To snipe or not to snipe
I am thinking of getting a cheap sniper rifle (HFC VSR-11) and using my existing guns as a side arm, or just getting a Maruzen MP5 KAY Kurz. Should I get the sniper rifle or the MP5? I am equally split between the two.

Droc April 19th, 2006 21:02

this has been discussed a million times here

short answer, get an AEG. sniping to start can be very dissapointing.

Drake April 19th, 2006 23:30

They'll both be equally useless in a toe to toe fight with full size rifles.

As for sniping, if you have to ask, don't do it.

GraveTech April 19th, 2006 23:47

I'll be doing a review of the HFC USR-11 when I get it this weekend. Hopefully I'll have the initial stuff posted early next week.

BuSaPuNk April 20th, 2006 00:03

i'm looking forward to your review GraveTech, just wondering how much did it cost you?

GraveTech April 20th, 2006 00:11

$210 w/tax and shipping through Raygis' group order from WGC.

Greylocks April 20th, 2006 06:16

Get an AEG, period.

Hades April 20th, 2006 06:56

If you want to snipe but also want somthing for normal gameplay get a good AEG that can also double as a sniper rifle. I got a Mauri M-14 and find it an excellant all around aeg for sniping as well as somewhat close combat. With the proper upgrades I think it would be an excellant sniper rifle, hell it is one even right out of the box.

Arch April 20th, 2006 22:49

if you plan on sniping make sure you have the etra kit to boot. it's one thing to be a good shot. but to make your self the shot from no where is what makes sniping key. without the ability to look like your suroundings, the use of a well placed shot from a bolt action will lose it's value real quick. you need to know how to hide in a pinch or have a good guillie suit or else you might end up being the one person aiming instead of moving like you should. remember,stationary targets are easy to hit.

in short. sniping is fun. but on a different level then ordinary airsoft. it's the fun of patience, thinking and wit. if this is you, i wish you all the best. but if you want to call your self a sniper by getting a gun that snipers might use. the fun might be taken out of the sport for you. and that sucks

just my two c's

Combine April 22nd, 2006 23:29

Well he could just take a rifle that has range (IE m14 or SR-25) and that is semi automatic and be a self proclamed "scout" or something. Basically instead of rushing into trouble with the aeg riflemen he could stay behind and try to take cover and shoot from far.

Its sniping but I think it would be more fun than staying in a field far away watching people only to get a thud on their vest for satisfaction (personal opinion no need for flames)

SohxBlitz May 13th, 2006 15:51

just use the rifle you have now get a good scope and away yea go i snipe with my g36k

Drake May 13th, 2006 16:30

j00r 1337

Janus May 13th, 2006 16:58

li3k w0w

Hudabon May 13th, 2006 20:49

I too own the usr 11 rifle and it is pretty nice. Nevertheless, I agree with the other members in saying that while sniping has a very cool and honorable look in games and movies, it can get quite old quite fast unless your very up to the challenge.

Greylocks May 14th, 2006 08:32

Got to love thread resurrections... and expert advice from teenagers.

-=]MH[=-RaiDen May 14th, 2006 11:51


Originally Posted by Greylocks
Got to love thread resurrections... and expert advice from teenagers.

Ya dude serisouly, I for a sec there I thought a new n00b posting about the same dam question... for fks sake lock the dam thing >.< plllllllllzzzzzzzzz let the horror END!!! may this dam thread rest in peace.

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