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Some Advice for an Airsofters Girfriend Please
No worries, I'm not a noob about to ask a noob question, I have resolved to read everything possible before assuming I have a right to post about airsoft. (Thank you Meat, your thread for newbs rocked.) I have played some airsoft (love it) thanks to my boyfriend. Hence the Thread:
I need Airsoft (or otherwise) gift ideas for x-mas and just, in general. I need a guys opinion. I love gettign my boyfriend little gifts, even without occaisoan, so many ideas (not just the best x-mas gift) are welcome. Thanx In Advance, ~Lady :angel: Sparks~ |
When my wife asked me what I wanted - I said money :) allows me to buy what I want :)
Maybe just get him something cool with cash in it - lame? sure.. but at least he can spend it on what he wants. |
Hmmm, Ottawa eh? Good chance we know your boyfriend? ;) PM me and I'll help suggest stuff.
buy one of the BB hand nades... and stick money in it...money is always good
Heres some relatively easy to find things that would surely lighten up anyones eyes come xmas day.
BDU's - a different pattern than what he has, sure some are nitpicky about there look but they can always be exchanged. BBs, make great stocking stuffers, just keep em in the bag. Gun case, if he doesnt have one Or simply ask him for a wish list, this works real well for the suprise gifts at any time. |
Mags are always a good gift, since they get lost on occasion. |
Its rather brutal... I know. But I tried explaining to everyone that I would rather buy it myself. Chances are I would ask for a ruck sack and get a nice pretty blue back pack with a lunchpail.....
Guess it would be ok if it was a scooby doo one :S |
Oh lord, you guys are great. Yes you do know him, PM me and I'll give you more details on who:D
Part of the thread is him not knowing dudes. So, under the radar nuh? He's military so he's got the CADPAT's he's got tiger stripped, chest rigs (2) and the standard issue tac vest, he's got a 15 mag first line defense, and i believe he was thinkign of putting in an order for bb's. He doesn't like people spending money on him, so giving him money isn't viable. But gift certificates sound liek the best bet:D. Also I thought it quite hilarious and laughed outright at the note to keep the bb's in the bag. I'm thinkign he might like some smoke nades. Keep em comin, n thanx dudes. ur awesome. ~Lady Sparks~ |
If you want to give him bb's, you should make it like a chocolate hunt just use bb's instead. See how quickly he's gets annoyed :lol:
oh yea, for the smoke nades: http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=14705 |
nothing spreads holiday cheer quite as well as a CA M249...haha but seriously all the fore mentioned items are great. you can never have enough bbs/mags or gear.....
im sure tru will have gift certificates available as soon as he finds out there is money to be made... MORGUE |
Hey.. Here's a blurb for you : ''Air Can, flying dead 90, IFR Charlie Yankee Yankee Zulu, Descend at your own discretion....''
That link to the smoke granades was not english to me. I am pretty quick at picking up lingo- (see above, studying pilot things currently) so hit me up with explanations and I'll be fine:). ~Lady Sparks~(Any man wanna take a helpless lady through the process, poor lil' ol me?:D) |
I've done that actually....But it was a good hint:D...... ''Go to heaven with Henry'' eh?
As a side note, I'm not age verified, smoke nade ordering a prob. ~Lady Sparks~ |
*BLAM* "ow, hit. hey $20, alright" |
That could be amusing. I love the sense of humour. So far fav Threadds: Meats Thread for N00bs, and the Off Topic Thread ''You know you're an airsofter when'' (my bf is all of those kooky things.)
~Lady Sparks~ |
Any other suggestions for gifts? I'm working on two ideas at the mo.
Keep em coming,and beign that I don't want himt o know what they are, if you want to know- PM me. ~Lady Sparks~ |
lol, he has a CF issued helmet- I like to call it the ''stupid helmet'' whom ever is being ''stupider'' gets to wear it.
Thanx tho! ~lady Sparks~ |
i think you are on the right track when talking smoke (gre)nades...just don´t get him the kid-toys-small-ball-sucky kind, make sure its somthing that kicks a**.... i´m sure other pyro would be appriciated also.... flares and such are always great fun for night games(all though im not sure about the legality of these in canada??) .... also glowsticks (aka. snap lights) are also a quite a good (allthough somewhat small) and always usefull gift...
How about a diff sort of question- what would be the ULTIMATE gift for you yourself to recieve right now?
~Lady Spark~ *Let's see what blows boys. And how far. :: psychotic grin ::* |
Uh... full-metal FN2000, with G36 rail, tracers, and all sorts of crap attached.
However, that's most likely not possible, so I'd go with a new gun. That always brings out smiles... EDIT: Quote:
So now, I have to figure on what sort of new gun to get him. How about a Berreta? There's one paticular type he labelled the ''Cadillac of Berretas'', Price range, and actual type it would be anyone? ~Lady Sparks~ |
"The Bob"... I like it :-D
Your boyfriend's a lucky guy, with you taking this sort of interest. I'll help any way I can. Anyways, there's lots of Berettas. I'd recommend the HFC M190, it's robust, accurate, efficient, propane-friendly, cheap, and built like a tank (Literally, it's solid steel and aluminum). However, the trademarks may put him off... The 'Cadillac of Berettas' he's referring to may be the Western Arms Berettas, but I don't like them. Despite the looks, feel and functions, they just don't do it for me... I'd still go with the HFC M190 :) However, if that's what he wants. The gas is more expensive for those, and they're at quite a high price... |
What price range am I looking at for the HFC M190 then:)<- sweet innocent smile. ~Lady Sparks Direct to The Bob~ |
Well then… many, MANY people like the WA Berettas, but I found them too high-maintenance, a high liability, and the fact it can’t take propane put me off. The HFC M190s are much cheaper, ranging >300 dollars, and almost completely indestructible (Look it up, I’ll be surprised if you find a single bad comment, apart from stupid trademarks and no de-cocker in the safety). Anyways, he may like the WA Berettas, but I’m sure he’d be pleasantly surprised with the HFC M190… it all depends on personal preference, though.
You can add me to MSN, if you want, I’m sort of one of the ‘new person helpers’ around here, as of late. Cheers, Nate |
If I wear one of those bikini sets the entire ASC website will be requesting pics.
Hm.... He does like to brag about me..... ~Lasy Sparks~ |
Awww! Mike, way to take care of me. It feels good to have a ''big brother'' type looking out for you. *tear*. Way to beat the perverts away from your new friend.
~Lady Sparks~ |
Lol, T'was my signature the past few days, but the Grinch took it away from me because it was too big, and left me a tiny note outlining the rules. So I had to go back to the team forum to get another copy of it.
No problem lass, was fun to get Skru with it! ;) |
''Lass''? Oh giggly. I think this thread is now ''What is your new nickname''
Seriously. Back to buisness. Airsoft or otherwise, Presents for my bf. I'm looking to get this figured out before x-mas happens. ~Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~ |
Ya, I think that you should get an airsoft gun. If there is a particular one that he's been drooling about for a while get him that. If he is a gadget kind of a guy and likes to game then get him like a PSP or something.
Got him Battlefield 2, had him open it early. Other XBox game ideas?
~Lady Sparks~ |
There are lots of good games that i could suggest for xbox. Half-Life 2, Call of Duty 2: Big red One, and Tom Clancy games like Ghost Recon, splinter cell and rainbow six.
If he has a good PC, you could get him the PC versions. |
Those were just shooters, if he likes to race you could get, Burnout 3, Project Gotham 2, Need for speed. There are soooooooooo many games.
half life 2 is an awesome game to play at like 3 in the morning with all the lights out.. damn jumping zombies..
you COULD get him games...but they are games... he will get bored of em soon...i know i have... got hl2 3 days ago and beat it a day ago and now i have nothing to do but studying :( i agree with the "buy him an airsoft gun" get him a nice side arm.. see what tickles his fancy and then buy it for him. WA berettas are said to be very good but the fact that you cant use propane without damaging it sucks or you can get him some gun parts. find out if he has anything that is broken or something that he will need to replace soon and get it for him. once you get him the gift you can put on that army style bikini and give him the present :mrgreen: |
Well, he has 2 pistols, 2 assault rifles, one smg, a sniper rifle... and i think that's all (don't hurt me if i forgot a few!) lol...... He's at the moment very frustrated with BF2 (campaign at least, and how the controls are set up so illogically) So if you anyone has some awesome de-stress when mad at BF2 that could help too:)
~Lady *Lucky**Lass* Sparks~ |
I get stressed with games too, and the controls are easier on the PC. Sometimes I wish I had a game where i could just fool around in, thats where Burnout comes in. You can ram people off the road and stuff, it's so much more than just a racing game and it's a lot of fun.
i don't like this thing but maybe it would help his frustration with the keys in bf2.
http://www.zboard.com/experience/battlefield2/ or a poster of bf2 to plink at would be fun for a week or so. |
He doesn't have bf2 on Pc.
But thx:) ~LLLS~ |
Its odd that someone found that.. its kinda obscure. Personally I dont really see a difference, but it's kind of cool to have the art on it. I wouldn't bother getting it for him... the one thing all airsofters enjoy... is some lovin'... a very simple gift haha |
Penguin its not obscure thanks to battlefield 2. They pushed the z boards like crack. In every game came a discount and such.
Thanks all for the responses :) NuttyHunter, you're awesome. And if you guys hadn't figured it out, I'm the "Lucky Guy". It is great when your siginificant other takes an interest in your hobbies. Even if it's as crazy as airsoft. She's a rarity, that's for sure.
I knew last week Pointman, you ARE a lucky guy! She's a great little woman, a keeper completely. Hopefully we can get you (with her) out more next year. Can't beleive you only made it out once this year to play with us. You bum! No go away, she's trying to get more suggetions for you!
Yeah with work taking up some key weekends it's nearly impossible for me to get out to more games. However I will be as soon as the LZ start hosting more of them. I enjoyed the last game thoroughly, (after sorting out my M4 problems) Apoc, of course, was nice enough to lend me his G36 for a little while. Going away now! :)
Wow. In that Henry had found me out (oh dear!) I avoided asc for a tad. That and my computer crashes constantly- so I only had access here (He's taking a nap... hehehehe). If you have more suggestions send them to my account- which I should be able to get to Friday night.... and for cdn_stalker- I do play airsoft. I don't just support the sport. I play. Yes, you have the picture. I know, I'm one of a kind. Stop selling me now, it makes me blush.
I love you Point_Man ~NuttyHunter writting as Point_Man~ ~LLLS~ |
Counter Strike Source! ... if he doenst have it already- get him it he will love it i dont know any one who doesnt <-------for computer
but how many girl friends like there guys on a game 24/7? |
His computer.. isn't really.. able to hold CS.. At least as far as I know...
Okies- Megan again writting on Henry's account. I LOVE playing Halo live. I play it more then he does when I'm here. I play airsoft with him, I play Halo Live (AND LOVE IT!), I drink beer, and love sex. So, him playign a video game 24/7? As long as he gives me 2 hours of his undivided sexin-time; I'm good.Airsoft+Xbox+beer+His father's cooking= The best lifestyle in the WORLD!
~From the desk of deranged~ BawBag- You know you wish-ted he was yours. Because he is... the best *tear* |
Re- UNIVERSE as opposed to- The best lifestyle in the WORLD!
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.
- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas - You enjoy playing airsoft - You enjoy playing video games - You like to drink beer - You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto? |
well maybe get him some parts or some accessories cause parts can be some what cheap and people are always adding to there guns plus there is so many of them.
Hehehe, :grin: As for what I decided on doing for him= I'm taking care of the xmas shopping for his mom dad and bro so that he can pay for his car repairs and get himself one of those friggin AWESOME L85's..... and I'm getting a carnation for myself (They're so cool- yes I do get girly they're my FAV flowers ever.) and he won't have to buy me anything, and I'll probably get myself a hunting knife cuz gutting deer/moose without a good one gets hard(one that's good for fileting fish too). I'm going to ask for everyone's help on the airsoft gift I need. His M16 doesn't have a motor disk- Is that right Cdn_Stalker? The little disk that goes int he motor thingy (I'm trying so... sorry...) and I REALLY want to fnd him one before his one peice outer barrel gets in and he puts er all together with the intent of never touchign it again (lest it breaks knock on wood). Thanks all. I have two sisters- one can't be anywhere that is more than 3 k from a mall(also a drug addict). The other is in a relationship that's been going on for....2 yrs? and she broke her bf's Halo 2 disk. So... I don't think she qualifies. I can look around for you though :grin: .... ~LLLS~ |
Of course he'd touch it for the airsoft playing**
So NuttyHunter, any clues for us geeks at home dying to find out what you got your bf?:P
A really AWESOME friend.... cough ... cough... helped by suggesting two gifts. Henry's birthday is Jan 14th that worked very well. Hints Hints- His gifts are airsoft/army related.... Think ''Accesories and gear'' ...... Thank you to this friend cough...cough... who helped so much. :salute: As I said previously- I like to get him gifts without having any occasion- little surprises. So if you can think of somethign like a potato(give reason such as-) Because roses die, and that's no way to signify love- potatoes last forever- hell they even grow things off of themselves. Hehe, given the topic is advice, I could also ask for tips as for what men want. Other than sex, halo, beer, food and sleep. If there is anything. The secret to what women want... (you have to ask nicely:D) ~LLLS~ |
wait a minute.... a potato... WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT!... that is so what i want for x-mas... a big sack of potatos! hehe... well you can get him a rice bag of BBs... they sell em here for about 500 bucks.... enough BBs to last you a really really long time!
I'd love to get a rice bag full of BBs. It could last like 5 years and you would probably save a lot of money in the long run. and who ever you are giving it to would be so suprised, they would be like WTF, lol
Hehehe airsoft was the first thing I asked about...
Hence the beign on ASC. Silly Silly Iggy! He would stare at me endlessly. I can see it now. Bag of BB's. I'll throw a coleman lantern and stove at him. I for some reason have those two things. He'll like that. Then we can go camping. And I can feed that healthy obsession with sex. And Fishing. and stabbign things with knives. And Hiking. Oh I smell a camping trip coming on. I should not be typing what I'm thinking! Wow. 2 AM. F*** I HAVE SCHOOL! ~LLLS~ |
On second thought... you can buy him a George Forman Grill... "Lean Mean Fat Reducing Machine"....
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