Airsoft Canada

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ddtank February 11th, 2017 14:45

Where to buy in Ca?
Sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find the answer in the FAQ or a couple of other areas:
Is there a list somewhere of the best online airsoft retailers? It seems that none I have found from googling carry a particularly extensive range so it would be useful to know which ones to look at.
Had good experience with Upper Canada Tactical but don't know which ones are recommended.

riley_A February 11th, 2017 15:11

Google would be your best friend in this case. Just simply look up "airsoft stores canada" or something similar and that'll get you a ton of results.

Wilkie February 11th, 2017 15:43

We're not allowed to post links to stores outside of the Age Verified section.

KTFlash1 February 11th, 2017 15:44

Ooops sorry


ddtank February 11th, 2017 16:03

Useful, thanks. My googling did not turn up half those listed by riley so good to know.

Dumblins February 11th, 2017 18:17

Sorry ! Removed...

Datawraith February 11th, 2017 20:24

Guys, did you not see what Wilkie posted?

lurkingknight February 11th, 2017 20:26

the ability to read does not make one literate.

ddtank February 12th, 2017 14:34

(Sorry I asked, some strange rules on here...)

pzrwest February 13th, 2017 06:43

The idea of having age verification was so the airsoft community was to govern it's self and help keep the government out of governing our airsoft. Also to make sure that members were 18 and over to comply with rules. When I was verified a verifier stopped into my home address and saw I was who I said I was and verified I was over 18 years of age. Back then when I was verified a retailer wouldn't sell airsoft guns to non verified people, especially the online people, where a person could say they are over 18 but in fact they weren't

lurkingknight February 13th, 2017 09:22

The only reason I still like the AV system is that it ensures people read and understand documents. They take the time to educate themselves and fully understand something and possibly formulate questions that have real substance.

It's like rider contracts for musicians... you ever read the ridiculous shit musicians and performers put in appearance contracts? It's to ensure the reader says 'what the fuck, do you really want only brown m and ms in the candy bowl?" When someone meets these ridiculous requirements or asks about them, you know they have read and understand the entire contract or are willing to ask when shit doesn't make sense to them.

In this day and age you have people asking the most ridiculously plain, unresearched and uneducated questions, that have no effort behind them, when a simple 5 minute google search can yield answers to all if not most of those basic questions, and when you have information, you can formulate better questions that will tell you more than what gun to buy, why it's good, why people like it, why this why that, for example.

It's still also a reasonable method of policing bullshit and potential bullshit for private sales.

RainyEyes February 13th, 2017 12:19

Don't feed the troll guys lol

ddtank February 13th, 2017 19:49

Who's the troll? Me? Is that what you call people who drop by to ask a perfectly reasonable question but are unaware of the bizarre rules and aren't members of your AV clique?

Ricochet February 13th, 2017 20:25

The very reasonable rules are posted clearly for all.

The AV rule started strictly as age verification when a higher level of accountability was needed, especially when Airsoft was in a legal gray area. We've kept it up because not only does it stop youth from obtaining guns anonymously online, but it also makes the community transparent and individually accountable for each person's posts and buying/selling. It has solved hundreds of fraud and trade disputes, made the community safer, stopped other online criminal activities and it's why our forum has not devolved into a bunch of anxty twelve year olds.

Welcome to our house. Please observe the minimum required rules and respects (just like every house) to find a welcoming, albeit imperfect, community... or leave. Your choice.

Sputmilk February 13th, 2017 20:47


Originally Posted by ddtank (Post 1999031)
but are unaware of the bizarre rules and aren't members of your AV clique?

t. 12 year old

Get AV'd or go away.

ddtank February 14th, 2017 09:45

Forums are generally good for 3 things:
1. Exchange of information: I’d rate that experience at about 80-90% on here; most people were helpful but a few had to throw in the snarky remarks. Welcome newbies.
2. Buying and selling: I need to travel and verify my age with someone I have never met who is probably half my age anyway? Really? Other firearms forums allow trading based on trust, honesty and making your own diligence checks, at least for non-RPAL. You know – like the way airsoft games are supposedly played, remember? And just coming back to my original question in this post, you can’t tell me where to buy from yet there is rolling advertising banner at the top right of the page that links to retailers? Is that irony, double standards or just ignorance?
3. Fun: Yes, well… Through other forums I have made a lot of friends, gained range memberships and been invited to ranges by people I chatted with just to try out their handguns I said I was interested in. For some time I was considering dropping by an action airsoft place I know of but I think on balance I will pass, I’m not going to be missing out on anything with this community.

So anyway, thanks to those who were civil and helped answer questions but I will take the option to leave. I will head over to my profile and try and delete it but just in case I can’t figure it out, perhaps one of the mods could ban me anyway and save me the trouble. I shouldn’t worry too much about your AV rules and whatever else helping to uphold things and keep the police at bay. I don’t think they are going to close down your sport, it is clear you will take care of that yourselves.
Good luck.

Sputmilk February 14th, 2017 09:51

"Other forums are so much nicer than here! WAAAA"

If you're gonna go, just go. You don't need to do a mic drop of sorts. Just be a man and go. Plenty kids like you stop by and complain about the system with the "I don't like it so it's dumb" argument. In reality it's a 20 minute conversation. The amount of time it basically takes to have a coffee and have a short chat with someone. Let's be honest, we play airsoft, none of us is too important to take a bit of time out of a day and go through the process so stop pretending like it's the most annoying thing ever.

Good luck to yourself, you're going to need it if you're this arrogant. Now go home and get your fuckin shinebox

Amos February 14th, 2017 10:16


Danke February 14th, 2017 12:07

ddtank had disconnected from the game.

Ricochet February 14th, 2017 12:32

I see you're familiar with being banned for your online conduct, etc.

Thank you for your vapid and inane post. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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