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ASC - slow?
Right, so we can trash this thread once I get an answer;
Is it just me or has been ASC been slow af the past few days? |
Okay so I wasn't the only one. I've gotten more "you need to wait 5 seconds before searching for new threads" than usual these past few days
I get the same. at random times a page would take maybe 10 seconds to load while normally it's instant
Ya'll got shitty ISPs!
Jokes aside all good in the hood here, just Tapatalk issues on Android. EDIT: this post took fucking forever to upload lol! I spoke too soon! |
Yup, same here on both mobile (not tapatalk) and PC
yes, for more than a few weeks now at random times, page would take forever to respond/load.
Its very intermittent... but if you're in a hurry, it's guaranteed to be slow.
Okay for the most part, once in a while it would die for a few seconds to a minute. Started a few weeks ago for me.
There's probably a node somewhere out there in the US or downtown TO that's giving people trouble:
Tracing route to airsoftcanada.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms 3 7 ms 6 ms 6 ms 4 9 ms 7 ms 6 ms xe-5-2-1-80.cr0-tor1.ip4.gtt.net [] 5 19 ms 19 ms 20 ms xe-3-0-0.cr8-nyc3.ip4.gtt.net [] 6 * * * Request timed out. 7 * * * Request timed out. 8 22 ms 18 ms 20 ms Trace complete. I've been having this problem lately too with not just ASC but google as well. There's a rogers node somewhere that's being overloaded, but I don't know the proper channels nor the right people to contact to ameliorate the problem. Tracing route to google.ca [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms 1 ms <1 ms 2 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms 3 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms 4 7 ms 6 ms 6 ms google.ip4.torontointernetxchange.net [] 5 39 ms 59 ms 6 ms 6 12 ms 6 ms 6 ms 7 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms yyz08s14-in-f3.1e100.net [] Trace complete. It's 12:37 am right now so it's off peak and the problem's not present at the moment... but sometimes hops 5-6 have problems. If anyone else is tech savvy and knows something else that might be happening... please let me know. |
trace just shows the path, it does not explain the slow response from the server.
This usually happens during peak hours when lots of people are "in the same area all watching netflix at the same time" according to a Rogers representative when once asked why they were getting 500 ping between the hours of 6pm to 10 pm. The server seems to be responding fine but the path leading up to the server is jittery. Correct me if I'm wrong, I didn't go to an IT school or anything. |
having issues uploading jpgs, (JPEG - 91 KB, 600/337 pixels)?
might be related? |
I've notified our IT master/site owner to look into it.
We changed server providers a few weeks ago so might be related. |
I've notified our IT master/site owner to look into it.
We changed server providers a few weeks ago so might be related. |
I've had a few hiccups, but usually it ends up with not loading at all due to timeout, but very few altogether. I'm on ASC on my iPhone 99% of the time through Safari (no Tapatalk) and it hasn't been a hugely noticeable issue. Even with 1 bar things still load within a decent amount of time. I do get some odd hang ups where I have to press a link twice when I'm on various Wifi signals though.
Anyways, I'm sure it'll get sorted out. |
Wow! Missed those posts about overloading nodes and peak usage times. Well, I hate to say it but I've had by far, epic landslide, winningest results with Telus almost never going down, bogging down and remaining overall stable. I guess some of you can't get Telus...
For the rest of you, it's the apocalypse. As the internet slowly dissapears, so will your pretend group of friends and pretend social life, and you'll die fat and alone in your mother's basement. Those weapons you bought on eBay and saved up ammo will only repel the first marauding, Mad Max-esque, rape squad, but what about the others? After they've turned your skin into a seat cover for their spikey motor cycle, they'll steal all that food you've stockpiled. I on the other hand will disappear with my family into the BC interior, where I'll eat barbecued deer every night and make alcohol in a stone cistern behind my shack. |
It could be server side, might some some "noisy" neighbors on the same network where the server is hosted therefore causing the slowdown + the new server location will add latency since I'm sure 99% of us visit from inside Canada ;P |
I've been noticing this too, the forum is generally sluggish.
I don't think it's the connection, pinging it gives very reasonable latency. Traceroute isn't the right tool to diagnose this, some nodes along the route may simply not be set up to respond to ping requests (for a variety of reasons), so the request will time out; doesn't mean its overloaded (and if you're getting low latency on the ping the ASC then obviously everything in between is running okay). I'd cast my suspicion on a slow server and/or bloated sql db, probably both. |
I would be on sql issues, the site ground to a halt at off hour times for me several times, so it's not a traffic issue.
I'm also noticing slowdowns more than normal.
Previously the only slow times would be around 1:00 EST in the morning. Now I'll log on and get random slowdowns where a page will take 15 seconds or more to load. |
Photos should be fixed, the image file during the server move did not get set up properly.
For those experiencing slowness, our chief admin is still setting up all the server settings as he can in his free time, should hopefully be all fixed within the week. |
any updates on the fix. its still hella slow and wont load at times for me from home and work computer.
Having the same issue also.
can confirm it's pretty much glacial for me anytime i try to use it with occasional fast page loads
Weird, how often do you guys clear your cache and cookies? It works pretty damned fast for me recently.
My experience seems pretty slow too. I browse pretty much exclusively on my iPhone so don't know if that's the issue...? It's slow if I click go advanced on the quick reply box it seems mostly, and loading searches
Loaded the page on a brand new install of windows 10 today at work and it was very slow. Pinged the page and got back between 600ms and 1800ms response time. Its defiantly whatever host your using.
hmm okay, sending a follow up email. Not sure how much free time he has had to try and fix yet.
It was crawling for me yesterday, but it always does for some reason when I have new PMs. That's how I know I have them cause the site takes so long to load ;)
The slowdown is pretty radical for me...
Slow on my phone, slow on the computer, slow at work, slow at home.. but then I will get one or two moments of lightning fast loading and it's back to a crawl again :( |
I would suggest we are on a "cheaper server / VPS;" thus the current results.
Just use IMGUR for now :\
Any update as to photo upload being repaired?
Not sure what is going on but there appears to be servers down somewhere in the route... Not sure if it's because of the freezing rain or flooding somewhere near the border...
The servers are not down, they are configured to ignore the ICMP requests sent by your traceroute tool.
Also slow for me on a computer. On my cellphone, I had to use Tapatalk otherwise it would take forever to load on Firefox (Android). Plus I cannot seem to be able to put a profile picture even though it's a 100px X 100px 40 kb JPG or PNG...
Envoyé de mon HUAWEI KII-L05 en utilisant Tapatalk |
Seams like this new host is not turning out well.
not sure if you have done some magic or thrown cash at the host but the site has been very fast for me tonight.
The site feels snappy and responsive again. Whoever installed the mosfet onto the site, +1
Logged in from Japan recently and now in Calgary. Seems to be quicker than Facebook to me.
Been having period of slow and fast. Not as stable but it's more consistent than before... ?
Been slower then normal these past few days.
@BS did our host migrate to a cheaper provider? |
Same here in Edmonton
As others have said before, it seems to slow down to a crawl when I have new unread private messages and when I want to read them. This has happened pretty consistently in the last few days.
This can be closed now; site seems to be perfect past few days.
Good job!:) |
Haven't had site issues in the past few days. Before that it felt like the Western front in 1916.
Along with the server move last month, there was a Vbulletin upgrade done and resulted in a ton of broken code, most of which should now be fixed. |
kind of hard to take a screenshot of the forum for just being slow at random times. lol
The DST thing is a pretty common vbulletin bug I've encountered on other forums as well but always found a way to get around it to disable dst on my account, odd that it spontaneously surfaced on people after an update, unless it didn't work previously, someone fixed it and then the update broke it again. |
The recent slow down had nothing to do with dst, it was actually a glitch in the code for the gallery causing a full site issue and at the same time only for some users at certain times of day. That code has all be fixed and the issue should be gone now. |
I think the dst issue only reared its head at the actual changeover, but the slowness just seemed random that affected anything at any time. Though near the end of it, duplicate posting started happening for whatever reason so it seemed to be getting worse. Hard to troubleshoot issues when there is no consistent pattern. Tis fixed now, so we can go back to shitposting. lol.
Hey guys in my case is been months now, every single time I get into the forum, I have to be constantly refreshing, doesn't matter the time I access there is issues loading any site, section, message, etc, etc. Usually what I get is the site is to busy try again later, then i refresh a couple of times and works, but always very VERY slow.
I usually connect from MTL. but also happened at Qc city and toronto, is it possible this issue is database related and no network related? Cheers. (and sorry for bringing this from death, I rly didn't wanted to open a new thread if its not necessary) |
No, I tried at least from 5 different devices. Thats why I think is database related doesnt make any sense, also my home connection is 50mb/sec and at the office is just a fiber pipe, and same. |
(cough you were on someones bad list and ended up on the miserable users list cough) lol |
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