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Lunarwolf July 10th, 2016 09:58

New to airsoft
Hello everyone,

I am from Mississauga. Noob at airsoft.
My friend got me into airsoft about 3-4 months ago in a CQC at siege airsoft. I just bought my first rifle a month ago, Elite force TAR 21 and my friend gave me his WE TECH G18c as my secondary weapon.
I bought the Tar21 because I love the design of the bullpup and I used that a lot during the COD MW2 days.

My question, where can I get my TAR-21 painted? I want the blue tiger look.
Also, best upgrades for it aside for a new flash hider and a red dot?

Where can I find out if there will be new Airsoft outdoor events here in the GTA area or Hamilton area?


Lunarwolf July 10th, 2016 10:12

Also, if there are any chat/facebook groups for Hamilton/Brantford and Mississauga who do outdoor skirmishes or indoor ones. Let me know! I really want to get into the sport!!

devbro July 10th, 2016 10:15

first of all welcome to ASC :) I hope you enjoy the sport as much as we all do.

For painting, there are a lot of tutorial on youtube on how to paint your gun. all you need is a spray paint. I suggest that you first practice on a piece of wood before trying on your gun.

for upgrades head to either airsoftdepot or torontoairsoft. they will both have the parts you need and you can see how they are.

If you get age verified(highly recommended) you get access to classified on the site. that way you may be able to score some quality parts for cheap ass prices.

Lunarwolf July 10th, 2016 10:55

I messaged the Hamilton and Mississauga master AV. I just tell them my age no?

devbro July 10th, 2016 11:26


Originally Posted by Lunarwolf (Post 1984503)
I messaged the Hamilton and Mississauga master AV. I just tell them my age no?

you have to physically meet with them. they need to see you in person while holding your ID to verify you. It is an annoying process but worth it in the long run. I know Mach1 store does age verification. Just message/call them before you go.

Ricochet July 10th, 2016 11:34

To get AV'd you must be 18 years of age or older and provide government issued photo ID to the verifier, while meeting with them in person. All that info is posted in the rules section.

RainyEyes July 10th, 2016 13:35

Oh man I really hope you're 18+ because these kinds of threads are always amusing to follow.

Most painting if your hobby airsoft gone is done diy unless you find someone who does it through business contact or classifieds on these forums or others.

volteco July 10th, 2016 13:50

Go to Army Issue at Port Credit. They have a great airsoft store and they do AV on the spot.

WildBill357 July 10th, 2016 23:06


Originally Posted by volteco (Post 1984517)
Go to Army Issue at Port Credit. They have a great airsoft store and they do AV on the spot.

consider yourself very fortunate if its that easy for you to get AVd...and if its that close to you then i would do it before buying anything, you might find sweet deals

Lunarwolf July 10th, 2016 23:22

I am 27years old. hahaha. Will do. I just saw one of the threads post something about

I cant wait to try the 18 hours of hell!!!! It's emulating a real life war zone! I'll definitely check them out!!! I think Badlands Paintball do it. I'll swing by for sure!!

I can't wait to buy upgrades for my TAR. This gun deserves it!!

Red Dot July 11th, 2016 02:01

Not sure about Badlands Paintball doing AV, the stores have already been mentioned.

I will link this thread from earlier this year regarding painting your gun, looks like it might be worthwhile if you want/need a specific pattern:

Hectic July 11th, 2016 03:32


Originally Posted by volteco (Post 1984517)
Go to Army Issue at Port Credit. They have a great airsoft store and they do AV on the spot.

And check out finch field airsoft on facebook!
As for paint I'd say buy the colors you want and have at it. Painting a gun isn't so much about painting it "correctly" basic spray can skills are fine. You'll have fun, learn and be able to adjust it exactly how you like.
Same for repairs.
Also I think Google can he'll you out with finding a gun, until you are AV'ed.
Welcome to ASC, hope to see you on the field soon!

Datawraith July 11th, 2016 08:25

I'm about 99% sure that if you walk into Badlands and ask to be AV'd for this board, all you'll get is a blank stare in reply. Take a peek into the AV'er list and PM them instead (or conversely, as others have suggested, Army Issue should be pretty close to you and they AV).

IMO, the TAR looks kind of funny if you paint a pattern on it. But if you're set on doing it, for a pattern as intricate as Blue Tiger, you might want to look into hydrodipping.

Upgrades; the TAR runs a V2 gearbox, so most standard V2 upgrade parts will work. If you want faster trigger response, get a mosfet, 11.1v lipo battery, and maybe a better motor. If you still want better response and higher ROF, upgrade the gearbox itself with lower ratio gears and other components (you may want to get a tech to do this part). For better range and accuracy, get an r-hopped barrel.

Ricochet July 11th, 2016 09:13

Pick up the propper spray paint type and colors, practice on wood (as stated above) and strip your gun down to the parts you want painted. Carefully tape anything you can't/don't want to remove and do it in layers, starting with a triple base-coat of whatever background color you're using. Spray evenly and from a distance as to avoid drips. Blue and black wont hide your gun well though, I'd recommend green tiger or even a mix of green and tan colors.

Blue tiger:

- 3 base-coats of black, sprayed evenly 15 min apart, then let it dry.
- Get 5 large pieces of grass (slightly different sizes) and arrange them in your hand mildly spaced apart.
- Spray through them onto the gun in non randomized places, alternating blue then black, then blue, etc, every 10 - 15 min, until you have the desired look.

Lunarwolf July 13th, 2016 01:15

Thanks for the responses guys!

Datawrath, I willl look into that gearbox upgrade you mentioned! I'll be playing around Ultimate airsoft this coming tuesday. I just bought my face gear, camo pants, and other goodies! There goes my bank account.

Desmodus July 13th, 2016 09:06


Originally Posted by Lunarwolf (Post 1984495)
Hello everyone,
My question, where can I get my TAR-21 painted? I want the blue tiger look.

Lunarwolf July 13th, 2016 14:54

Hey man,
I'm from meadowvale too! Do you know any CQC nearby our area aside from ultimate?

geon July 13th, 2016 15:38


Originally Posted by Lunarwolf (Post 1984763)
Hey man,
I'm from meadowvale too! Do you know any CQC nearby our area aside from ultimate?

No CQC around here that I know off but there is Action Air on Cawthra and Dundas for target shooting. Pretty cool place to just practice shooting.

Desmodus July 13th, 2016 17:15


Originally Posted by geon (Post 1984765)
No CQC around here that I know off but there is Action Air on Cawthra and Dundas for target shooting. Pretty cool place to just practice shooting.

This. Thats basically the closest thing to us besides Ultimate, TTAC3 or Siege.

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