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-   -   Thoughts on converting a (c02)GBBR into firing .177 steel BB's? (

Activist December 24th, 2015 14:54

Thoughts on converting a (c02)GBBR into firing .177 steel BB's?
I'm a chairsofter so I only participate in range/target shooting with the occasional use of magpie pest control.. So other than shooting targets on my acreage I don't ever participate in airsoft events or ever use them to shoot at people.. So please don't get the wrong idea about this topic as it's not about making a more deadlier and unsafe airsoft weapon..

I'm wondering if it's at all possible or if anyone has ever attempted such a thing before? I realize the biggest issue would likely be the magazine, the gas valves/pressure regulators, and fitting in a small calibre barrel where the 6mm barrel previously fit.

If anyone has tried anything like this before then please post and let me hear about it! I think it would be great if I could convert a WE open-bolt GBBR to fire metal BB's with it's c02 charged magazine system. I currently own an automatic BB gun made by Umarex called the "Steel Force" 'AR-styled' BB gun that fires semi auto and a 6-shot burst as fast as you can pull the trigger (which essentially makes it fully automatic - however I've seen youtube video's on how to take out a gear within the main housing of the internals which removes the limited 6-round burst).

My Steel Force recently broke down due to an internal trigger mechanism failure from use... So I've not got a .177 barrel that is long enough to work inside of a short-barreled/commando styled AR weapon so I'm wondering if it's possible to fit it in and line it up with the feeding path of the 6mm bb's; except I would of course have figured out by then how to situate the modified magazine to the feeding path leading to the chamber/barrel.

cetane December 24th, 2015 16:33

Why not just use the 0.88g steel bbs? 15/64" steel ball bearings

Activist December 24th, 2015 16:37


Originally Posted by cetane (Post 1967275)
Why not just use the 0.88g steel bbs? 15/64" steel ball bearings

Would those weight more or less than standard .177 BB's? 0.88g would be more right? And are they steel all the way through or are they metal-coated plastic BB's?

Ricochet December 24th, 2015 17:25

Could be done, but you'd likely need to modify the mags, the Hop-up wouldn't work worth a damn, you'd have to increase pressure and change out barrel types. You'd be far better off buying a gun already equipt to do that. They do sell some nice ones out there.

Activist December 24th, 2015 17:29

What about converting a c02 powered GBBP?

Drake December 24th, 2015 17:33

Why not just buy a .177 GBB, theyre actually cheaper than airsoft.

Ricochet December 24th, 2015 17:36


Originally Posted by Activist (Post 1967280)
What about converting a c02 powered GBBP?

Same problems. CO2 Metal BB guns exist in quantity and variety...

pestobanana December 24th, 2015 22:40

With the work of the conversion, you'd be better off buying a pellet gun.

You would need to modify the mags with
-narrower springs
-narrower follower
-different feed lip
-narrower BB guide

On the gun you would need
-new barrel
-new hop up unit
-new hop up rubber
-new nozzle
-new loading ramp

Not worth the effort.

Kos-Mos December 24th, 2015 22:48

Short answer:

If you need to ask, you don't have the knowledge, tools or means to do the conversion.

Activist December 24th, 2015 22:51

I ask because there are no gbbr's in existence that fire 177 bbs. Certainly none with blow back.

As for the gbb 177 bb guns - there is no realistic gbb replica of a s&w m&p.

If the guns I want to convert already existed in 177 then obviously I'd buy that then.. Come on guys

Activist December 24th, 2015 22:54


Originally Posted by pestobanana (Post 1967297)
With the work of the conversion, you'd be better off buying a pellet gun.

You would need to modify the mags with
-narrower springs
-narrower follower
-different feed lip
-narrower BB guide

On the gun you would need
-new barrel
-new hop up unit
-new hop up rubber
-new nozzle
-new loading ramp

Not worth the effort.

I'm not concerned with the hop up. And are you sure about a new loading ramp? It seems smaller bbs shouldn't have too much issue loading on a ramp that's slightly bigger..if it were too small then I suppose a new loading ramp would be necessary..

Also - for the record as for not being worth the time or effort - this is no issue. Let me worry about that

Kos-Mos December 24th, 2015 22:57


Originally Posted by Activist (Post 1967300)
I'm not concerned with the hop up. And are you sure about a new loading ramp? It seems smaller bbs shouldn't have too much issue loading on a ramp that's slightly bigger..if it were too small then I suppose a new loading ramp would be necessary..

It will jam, 100% of the time.
The feeding notch on the nozzle will jam the BB on the ramps because it's allowed to slide/roll over it.

There is a reason why there are no pellet/BB gun that replicate real weapons accurately: They are weapons, and the companies would be liable to be sued by the real weapon manufacturer.

Check the ASG line of .177 pistols.
Almost all of them are blowback and CO2.

Activist December 24th, 2015 22:58


Originally Posted by Kos-Mos (Post 1967301)
It will jam, 100% of the time.
The feeding notch on the nozzle will jam the BB on the ramps because it's allowed to slide/roll over it.

There is a reason why there are no pellet/BB gun that replicate real weapons accurately: They are weapons, and the companies would be liable to be sued by the real weapon manufacturer.

Check the ASG line of .177 pistols.
Almost all of them are blowback and CO2.

Thanks for the input! Appreciated

pestobanana December 24th, 2015 23:54


Originally Posted by Activist (Post 1967300)
I'm not concerned with the hop up. And are you sure about a new loading ramp? It seems smaller bbs shouldn't have too much issue loading on a ramp that's slightly bigger..if it were too small then I suppose a new loading ramp would be necessary..

Also - for the record as for not being worth the time or effort - this is no issue. Let me worry about that

Do you want to get jams and broken nozzles? Because that's how you get jams and broken nozzles.

Gato December 25th, 2015 11:40

Just from reading this, and the amount of questions you have, you're not even remotley read, equipped or even capable of pulling this project off.

-=ArchAngel=- December 26th, 2015 05:02

Just an idea, but consider the WE closed bolt system. I suspect it may make conversion to a different calibre much easier, though still possibly quite complex.....getting it to feed right may get very messy. I've seen paintball guns scaled down to feed and shoot 6mm bbs, but it was a simply a straight tube that fell directly into the chamber. Converting a GBBR may have the problem of extracting the round from the magazine, up the ramp, and into the chamber (not sure if this is the case for WE closed bolts).

pestobanana December 26th, 2015 10:19

Don't think closed bolt g36s exist.

Skeletor December 26th, 2015 13:04

Just do as suggested earlier and use steel or aluminum airsoft bbs. Get an NPAS valve for your GBBR and open up the window most of the way to increase velocity. Way cheaper and far simpler than converting from 6mm to .177.

I see Army Issue has the steel .88g bbs in stock. Amazon has the .29g aluminum bbs available. I believe a .177 bb is somewhere around .33g or so, so the aluminum ones will be closer in weight if that's important to you.

localfreerider December 26th, 2015 13:17

If you want it to look real just find one that suits your ascetic taste... AND shoots .177bb to begin with.

You might have more success asking a BB gun forum to help as it is their specialty.

On a side note... Can I convert a Mitsubishi Lancer ES to an Evo that runs on diesel and floats?

Would a 50 cal mounted though the sunroof be awesome or overkill?

Would I need a LSD or could I get away with a live rear axle?

So far for this project I've got two hammers and some rum...

Activist December 26th, 2015 15:17


Originally Posted by Skeletor (Post 1967383)
Just do as suggested earlier and use steel or aluminum airsoft bbs. Get an NPAS valve for your GBBR and open up the window most of the way to increase velocity. Way cheaper and far simpler than converting from 6mm to .177.

I see Army Issue has the steel .88g bbs in stock. Amazon has the .29g aluminum bbs available. I believe a .177 bb is somewhere around .33g or so, so the aluminum ones will be closer in weight if that's important to you.

Thanks for the response! I truly do appreciate it.

I never knew this forum was full of so many useless troll's that shit all over people's idea's just because they want to feel like they're above everyone else.. But responses like yours' are exactly what i was hoping for...again; thanks!

-=ArchAngel=- December 26th, 2015 17:19


Originally Posted by pestobanana (Post 1967378)
Don't think closed bolt g36s exist.

I dont think it has to be a g36

AirsoftRepairman December 26th, 2015 19:35

Personally, I think you are going to have more headaches than joy pursuing this project. You might be better off upping your FPS and firing heavier BB's as some of the other members here have said.

Kos-Mos December 26th, 2015 20:25


Originally Posted by Activist (Post 1967389)
Thanks for the response! I truly do appreciate it.

I never knew this forum was full of so many useless troll's that shit all over people's idea's just because they want to feel like they're above everyone else.. But responses like yours' are exactly what i was hoping for...again; thanks!

You got the wrong forum.
10 years ago was flaming.
Now this is just knowledgeable people telling you that it can't be done easily, and if you need to ask, it means you didn't think it through and do not have the tools or skills to do this conversion.

But if you want to know:

You need at the very least a metal mill, lathe, 3d printer.
And know how to work them.

localfreerider December 26th, 2015 22:26


Originally Posted by Activist (Post 1967389)
I never knew this forum was full of so many useless troll's that shit all over people's idea's just because they want to feel like they're above everyone else.. But responses like yours' are exactly what i was hoping for...again; thanks!

Who said anything about being above anyone else?

Where do I begin?

#1 Welcome to the internet... where people will have opinions that differ from yours, if you are sensitive to having those opinions challenged you are in the wrong place my friend.


Originally Posted by Activist (Post 1967299)
If the guns I want to convert already existed in 177 then obviously I'd buy that then.. Come on guys

#2 If you want it for pest control get a gun that is suited for that use, if your purpose is to get it because it looks taticool 1337 operator just buy a airsoft gun. Why do you NEED a .177 that looks real, you are asking us for something you yourself said does not exist.


Originally Posted by Activist (Post 1967300)
Also - for the record as for not being worth the time or effort - this is no issue. Let me worry about that

#3 There have been many helpful and constructive comments but you keep kicking a dead dog. Everyone till now has been consistent in saying its more time and effort than it is worth but you keep pushing the point so the ball is in your court, I look forward to seeing your progress on this build.

Good luck and godspeed

Cliffradical December 26th, 2015 22:28

Telling you that something you want to do is a bad idea (even in a mean way) isn't trolling.

Trolling would be;

A) Giving you false information and presenting it as legitimate in order to lul at your folly

B) Coming out against something you believe in/ want to do even though the Troll believes in/ has done that thing, because you phrased your argument/ plan poorly and they want to bait you into embarrassing yourself

C) Malicious boredom

You just walked into a home appliance forum and asked whether a toaster oven can be turned into a microwave. The theoretical answer is "Yes", but the real answer is "No, why?". Some people have been nicer to you than others, but no one has actually been mean, and you haven't been trolled at all.

For that matter, don't shoot animals with an aisoft gun; kill them dead or don't at all. Use a .22 or a purpose-built pellet gun. If you bust a small animal's limb, hip, or ribcage and just let it struggle, slip into shock and bleed out on your lawn, you are an asshole, and that's the most likely scenario with less than a purpose- built gun.

RainyEyes December 26th, 2015 22:34


Originally Posted by Activist (Post 1967270)
I'm a chairsofter so I only participate in range/target shooting with the occasional use of magpie pest control..

I don't know who you are.

I don't know what you want.

If you are looking for advice, I can tell you I don't have any. But what I do have, is are a very particular set of skills. Skills i've acquired over a very long career. Skills that will make it a nightmare for you.

If you stop posting now, and that will be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you.

But if you don't, I will find you, and I will sprinkle bird seed all over your property.

Cliffradical December 26th, 2015 22:40

And bits of tinfoil for the magpies in particular.

localfreerider December 26th, 2015 22:42


Originally Posted by RainyEyes (Post 1967424)
I don't know who you are.

I don't know what you want.

If you are looking for advice, I can tell you I don't have any. But what I do have, is are a very particular set of skills. Skills i've acquired over a very long career. Skills that will make it a nightmare for you.

If you stop posting now, and that will be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you.

But if you don't, I will find you, and I will sprinkle bird seed all over your property.

DUDE that was F*¢k!n AWSOME! thanks for the LOLZ

Inb4 thread ends up in the trash disposal.

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