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KrisD April 19th, 2015 01:26

Recommend a Mosfet
I currently have various internal parts for my G&P sentry. It's rear wired.
  • Lonex A2 motor
  • SHS 13:1
  • 120 spring
  • 11.1 lipo battery

Im looking into getting a mosfet and Ive have been waiting for BTC spectre but it's been out of stock for a while and I want to put the gun together before summer time. Is there a particular mosfet that would be good in this set up.

wind_comm April 19th, 2015 02:30

extreme-fire cheetah.

lurkingknight April 19th, 2015 08:19

cheetah running triggermaster


btc chimera if you can't get the spectre

AnthonyG June 6th, 2015 20:36

I'm also looking for a mosfet for an M4 style gun.

I can't seem to find any of the above recommendations at my local stores.

Are there any other recommendations for reliable mosfet units people are using?
I'm not really looking for any in particular other than the ability to cutoff lipos when they reach their minimum voltage.

I was looking for a sticky, or other guide on mosfets but I guess there aren't any?

lurkingknight June 6th, 2015 20:58

lipo voltage cutoff is really not that important if you pay attention to your gun... voltage drops off very fast so you go from normal sounding gun in semi and full to a very slow sounding wind.. and it rapidly gets slower or the next few shots.

That's your battery needing to be changed.

Lipo monitoring comes on computerized units moreso than basic units, so you're looking at the gate merf I think, btc products, extreme fire cheetah with triggermaster.

Wrath144 June 6th, 2015 23:03

Any basic 3034 based FET will serve your needs fine, if you don't want any additional features. There are tons available on the market, such as the NukeFET, D6 labs FETs, APEX Python, etc.
Additionally, the GATE NanoASR would work just as well for your needs. I'd avoid their Pico series of mosfets as I've had poor luck installing them in high power setups such as yours.

lurkingknight June 7th, 2015 00:54

pesto makes some 3034 fets that are equivalent in design/specs as the nukefets... that would save you the issue of ordering from nukeduster in the states with our shitty exchange rate.

pestobanana June 7th, 2015 07:53

I personally only run BTC FETs and 3034s. I don't find anything in between worth the amount of money it costs or the amount is space it takes up. I'm not willing to shove a gigantic Gate unit in my buffer tube just to have voltage monitoring, when I can easily just unplug my battery when RoF starts to drop noticeably.

Chiba June 7th, 2015 08:26

BTC fets are good. The Chimera is nice but the way to wire the controller causes issues. Not sure about the internal controller version though.

Hectic June 7th, 2015 09:23

I use the MERF fets, are they the best? Nope, but they work well, have alot of options from mild(the pico under 30bucks) to wild(the 3.2 under 80 bucks rof controll, burst fire, AB etc) and a few options in between. Good warrenty, available locally. Burnt out 1 3.2 after about a 2years (not sure if got wet orbhad a short or what) but my other 3.2 and my AAB are still going strong.
edit, should also note they are easy to install, you wont get all features on the 3.2 but you can just plug it in or wire the red wires from the motor and bat to 1 trigger contact and the signal wire to the other. or direct wire the motor to the fet then run 2 signal wires.

Sequential June 7th, 2015 11:29

btc ftw.

Renegade) June 7th, 2015 17:11

BTC if you can find one. Spectre has been in my gun for 2 years now, and I am very impressed with it!

AnthonyG June 7th, 2015 19:52

Are there any Ontario stores that stock BTC? Or have people been buying direct?

lurkingknight June 7th, 2015 20:01

would check with airsoft store.... pesto might be able to get one... also a few guys I know out east... otherwise yeah, direct.

Get in line for the spectre though... chimera is a bit easier to get but not as sexy an install.

chaz June 7th, 2015 20:59

Good luck getting the Spectre.... Too many people waiting and searching.

Zack The Ripper June 8th, 2015 08:46

Well worth the wait though.

AnthonyG June 20th, 2015 22:42

In stock:

USD though...

zombiesniper June 21st, 2015 08:51

Spectre is in stock as well. Just ordered mine.

zombiesniper June 22nd, 2015 14:53

Hope those that wanted one got it ordered. BTC is all out of stock for V2 gearbox again.

EOD Steve June 22nd, 2015 15:07

Friendships are being tested right now.

lurkingknight June 22nd, 2015 16:11

missed it by like half an hour... fml.

BioRage June 22nd, 2015 16:17

Everyone I knew ordered two each :)

Was debating on ordering a few and re-selling, but let them be for the AEG peepz.


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