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siggypoo November 13th, 2014 16:16

What pooch did you screw?
Okay, in the GunDoc Woes topic, you all are starting to sound like Dell techs, lol.
Arbitrarily THE authority. But, c'mon. Being human, you can screw up occasionally, can't you? You learned over time?
Personally, because I don't have a fragile ego to bruise, I'd find it more entertaining to hear how you guys screwed up!
Non-airsoft example?
When I was at Dell, a fellow tech helped a family Dr. D/F/F/R his work PC. Turns out the doc didn't follow the prior tech's advice that he BACK UP all his stuff so he'd not lose it.
Mistake my bud made was not making sure the doc did that when he called back for the wipe.
I'd love to hear about your learning experiences.
I've done one airsoft mod for someone. And while he seems pleased with the results, I'm not in the least happy with the quality of work I gave him, or the numerous mistakes I made while trying to perform the service.
It'll be a while before I have the nerve to charge someone again for editing a Scar rail to fit.
What do you have to say?

Location: YYZ VOR 062 radial, 17.5 DME

Wilkie November 13th, 2014 19:51

I rarely do any heavy teching on my own guns, let alone others. For good reason lol

The only instance I can think of, one that isn't really spectacular, was during the summer when I was doing some work on my SAW's hopup. I was working on my deck, trying to get the bucking sitting right, when the little plastic nub that pushes up on the bucking fell out, through the cracks in the boards, and off to hopup heaven.

Ended up buying a whole new hopup and using the old one for parts, even though I likely could have fabricated the bit

hattrick November 13th, 2014 20:39

I did a homemade hop up on a pre-scw western arms 1911. The nub grew thin, so I just turned it up as much as I could. End result, completely mangled an inner barrel & chipped the tip of the nozzle.

I'll try to dig up the pics (4+ years ago)

MaybeStopCalling November 13th, 2014 22:39

Installed a reinforced pin into my TM Glock's front rail block. Got cocky with how strong it was and started running the APS CO2 magazines in the gun while testing. Hit 415 FPS and had the gun firing loud enough it could be heard through a cinder block wall and steel door. Second magazine... the reinforced "super hard" nozzle exploded.

Yeah, don't think I'll be repeating that one again.

Ricochet November 13th, 2014 22:52


In response to the title.

Zack The Ripper November 13th, 2014 23:01

I hammered the piss out of what I thought was a retention pin for an ambidextrous magazine release.

Turned out to be a screw..

ARC-74 November 13th, 2014 23:21

Within five minutes of getting a parcel that took two weeks to arrive......I broke the connection between the two parts of a rather nice(& pricey) Nova 1911 ambi safety while test fitting on a slightly off spec frame. :(
Actually it was more like two minutes :D

Gato November 14th, 2014 00:14


Originally Posted by MaybeStopCalling (Post 1919853)
Installed a reinforced pin into my TM Glock's front rail block. Got cocky with how strong it was and started running the APS CO2 magazines in the gun while testing. Hit 415 FPS and had the gun firing loud enough it could be heard through a cinder block wall and steel door. Second magazine... the reinforced "super hard" nozzle exploded.

Yeah, don't think I'll be repeating that one again.

Man...... that was a sweet sounding gun though, and I'm pretty sure it killed it when you showed me :P

MaybeStopCalling November 14th, 2014 00:21


Originally Posted by Gato (Post 1919889)
Man...... that was a sweet sounding gun though, and I'm pretty sure it killed it when you showed me :P

On the plus side the replacement nozzle and o-ring set work better than that nozzle ever did.

Oh, and another one. I loctited my ABS Glock sights. Day later, fired the gun, and was promptly rewarded with plastic shrapnel to the face.

lurkingknight November 14th, 2014 08:34

bent the armature on a brand new lonex motor trying to swap a pinion gear. That's the biggest goof I've done on an airsoft gun.

Not that big of a deal, I replaced it with a good armature from another motor with a similar TPA and wire thickness and essentially had the same motor in the end.

freshblake November 18th, 2014 16:53

Everyone remember their first time taking a V2 apart?

nstahl.19 November 18th, 2014 17:08


Originally Posted by freshblake (Post 1920658)
Everyone remember their first time taking a V2 apart?

Lol ya, shit went flying. Was quite simple to reassemble tho

audi_bhoy November 18th, 2014 17:55

Yep, epic 1st V2 opening happened here too !! Lost the anti-reversal latch's spring, had to custom one out of some metal wire.

FirestormX November 18th, 2014 18:14

My first v2 take down was on an ICS split gearbox (the upper). Spring went flying, but it was pretty minimal.

I took apart an MP5 once, and had to sheepishly give it to a gun doc in pieces to reassemble, saying "I think it's all here".

Styrak November 19th, 2014 00:58


Originally Posted by FirestormX (Post 1920673)
I took apart an MP5 once, and had to sheepishly give it to a gun doc in pieces to reassemble, saying "I think it's all here".

We love when people give us things like that!


pestobanana November 19th, 2014 03:11

I took apart my first gearbox when I was in grade 8. I tried to change the spring in a WELL R-6 but I fucked up and didn't put in the ARL spring or trigger spring. Thing still cycled, but at 200 fps with a messed up trigger and gears that kept reversing.

I decided not to touch gearboxes for a few years, but the next time I did I got everything together properly.

ManateeMatt November 19th, 2014 08:33

Well, lets see...

In failures:
1. The nozzle of a V3 gearbox that i just DSG'd flew off during testing.
2. caused a Tinley motor to loose magnetic power because it was grip melting hot. (note: AB breaking on the Chimera has ZERO current limiting capabilities, soo if you are using say a 5000mAh HUE HUE HUE C 11.1 battery, it will dump ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the amps on the endbell causing heat, lots and lots of heat.)

In hilarity:
Desided the 16AWG wire that came with above Chimera was to bitchy. so I made 14AWG fit (it involved destroying the screw terminals...)

Ummm im sure there is a bunch others but I cant think of them. Im a tech that only works on his OWN guns because well I like bleeding edge stuff and generally that causes them to fail, explode, catch fire, or shoot like 2 feet

Deejay2401 December 19th, 2014 20:04

About a week ago, was stripping my OB WE M4A1 to clean it for a potential buyer, decided to relube the buffer system. Was tired after a week of 12 hour shifts and not paying attention. Ended up having the buffer spring shoot over my shoulder, taking my glasses with it. My cat had a field day with that one.

Most of my fuck ups have ended with my cat chasing springs, screws, or pins around the room.

L473ncy December 19th, 2014 20:26

Have you ever found random BB's in your cats poop when cleaning the litterbox? Or BB's in a room when nothing airsoft related has ever been in it? I once found a BB in the back corner of an up high cupboard where I keep my plates and cups.

The only thing that ever comes to mind for me is when I screwed up the charging handle spring disassembling my upper to get to the hop up and barrel so I could change out the bucking.

R.I.T.Z December 19th, 2014 20:31

Didn't hold down the spring guide while disassembling a gearbox.
flew out cracked a window, lost the bearings on it.

lurkingknight December 19th, 2014 21:07

here's a good one.

Reassembling my 5-7, I was trying to hold the recoil spring and ring back on the outer barrel while I put the o-ring stopper on (that prevents the recoil ring and spring from shooting off the end of the barrel, and out the front of the gun). My hand slipped, the o-ring slipped off and the spring shot the recoil ring off the outer barrel.

My work bench is in an unfinished basement. So I heard:

that stupid sound a coin makes when it's settling onto a face.


Quickly count pieces ... see that the recoil spring is there, the irreplaceable o-ring is there, the barrel is there, along with the hop up unit and barrel base. Nothing is broken...

recoil ring missing.

game the next day morning... current time.. 11pm.


initiate search.

2 hour search, can't find it.

searching on the furnace, on top of the ductwork where I thought I heard it go... on the I beam ledges. no dice.

Search frantically online for a replacement. WGC sells a plastic replacement... it's like 2 bucks... now I have to ship it... buy a shitload of other stuff to justify a 20$ shipping fee... fml.

went to bed closer to 2:30 am.

went to the field to drop off guns I finished teching for people, but discouraged and convinced the airsoft gods did not want me to play.

Went home, got on a chair with a flash light and looked on top of the ducting again. Still couldn't find it.

So reconstructing by sound... I had to come up with this narrative:


fucking spring shoots the ring off the end of the barrel at an upward angle.


The barrel assembly shooting the opposite way into the work bench as I held the spring in place but let go of the barrel, releasing the other half of the stored spring energy as I had pinched it too slow to stop it from shooting the ring off.


The ring bouncing in BETWEEN 2 runs of ducts in the ceiling, up back and forth onto the top of the ducts.


Hitting the I beam


rolling/bouncing to the other side of the beam.. this is now going downwards following a U in the duct runs.


bouncing as it rolls, off the far side of the U, up off the far side of the I beam, back on top of the duct on the other side of the beam now.



that stupid sound a coin makes when it's settling onto a face.

and that sound as it wobbles and settled on the face, on the duct, but under the I-beam.

The only way I found it was taking my camera and taking a shitload of photos with the flash, and even then I found it only because the paint had worn off one part and the bare metal was reflecting.

WGC order arrives friday the week after. lol. 60 bucks I ended up not having to spend. fml.

EchoFourTwelve December 20th, 2014 01:06

Biggest pooch screw ever:
Bought an Asia Electric Gun M4 as my first gun. End Story.

Deejay2401 December 20th, 2014 18:15

I've never found BBs in the litterbox, thankfully. Little bastard likes to eat everything though, so I'm honestly surprised. He likes to chase little parts around when I've got my guns disassembled and spread out on my desk on a cloth.

There's been the odd time I've shot off a spring or something like it and had him bring it back to me, though, so there's that.
He's a cute little fucker, though.

Cliffradical December 20th, 2014 18:54

Gun build for a customer. Nice aftermarket parts, nice base gun.
Gut gearbox completely, perfect clean and dry. Polish everything.
Perfect compression. Best (personal) shimming job ever. Makes lead tech go "Ooooh, fuckin' nice bro".
Feeling pretty good, everything goes back together perfectly.
So confident, I don't even throw on the test motor. Straight to full build, wipe down externals to clean it up and rack it.

Connect battery, pull trigger: "VTrrrrrrr. VTrrrrrr."


Choke back rage tears, we clock out in 2 minutes.

I've done that like, 20 times.

lurkingknight December 20th, 2014 19:25

trigger springs not staying put is my pet peeve. ARL is trivial once you start using a neo magnet to hold that fucker in.

Cliffradical December 20th, 2014 19:37

For sure. I just have a blind spot centered in my field of view shaped exactly like an ARL.

AlexGPS December 20th, 2014 22:29

I had a g&g combat machine m4 about a year ago and something went wrong with it. Me thinking it was a gearbox i tryed opening it. I took all the screws from the motor, took out the motor, removed the upper receiver and then i was ready to take the stock off. I tryed twisting the buffer lock off but nothing. So i took a hammer and a flat screwdriver and was pounding on the buffer lock to twist but nothing. So after i completely mangled the buffer lock i checked on youtube for a dissasemble video of the gr15 cqb version and found out the buffer lock was just for show. And thats why ladies and gents you refer first then start hitting things with a hammer.

FOX_111 December 20th, 2014 23:13

I tried to fix my old graphic card that was over-heating. I simply had to change the CPU fan... Ended up removing the CPU. No worry, I had some CPU heat paste handy. The problem was, it never came back together the way it was supposed to. And I neved found a fan to fit.

550$ later, a new graphic card was bought.

jordan7831 December 21st, 2014 15:09

I once traded for a KJW hi capa with probably what feels like a 160% recoil spring and short stroked.
The gun had a single piece recoil rod and not the nice two piece ones. Upon removing the spring guide and recoil pug for the first time resulted in a $150 mistake as the recoil guide plug launched with enough velocity into the upper left hand side of my new laptop screen.

One inch left or up would have missed the screen completely, but oh no. It just had to hit the screen.

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